The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2982: Sediment river

Chapter 2982: Sediment River

"you wanna die!"

The man was invigorated by the spiritual power, and the madness of the head of the pulse was the formation of stormy waves.

His cultivation is the cultivation of the three peaks of the realm of cultivation, and he wants to wander around the inner edge of the flame battlefield.

Moreover, if they are still a group of people, they are relatively safe.

People in the inner area rarely come out of the outer area.

After all, there are many opportunities in the internal area.

Who is coming to the outside area?

Xu Feng did not think of the other side, just the three peaks of the creation of the realm, and dare to fight with themselves, is simply looking for a dead end.

In his eyes, there was a spurt of killing, and the golden light of his body broke out.

His body of creation has also recovered almost, and now a boxing bombardment has formed a horrible wave.

"Be careful!"

A middle-aged man behind the man, his eyes sparkled with fear and face.


With the bombardment of Xu Feng's fist, the fist and the man, the palm of the attack, collided with each other.

What is formed is the turmoil that destroys the heavens and the earth, and the madness is filled in all directions, bringing with them all shock waves.

Strong volatility is extremely horrible.

the most important is.

The man who came from the attack, his whole person was like a broken kite, so he was shaken out by Xu Feng.

His body fell heavily on the ground, and his face was unbelievable.

"This kid is very evil, together!"

The man who was behind the scenes in the middle of the four seasons, when he screamed, several people attacked Xu Feng at the same time.

Xu Feng looked at a few people together, his strong spiritual power instantly stirred up, and the fifty-six spirits on his head emerged.

The gravity of the body also broke out instantly.

"God, he actually realized the gravity of the righteousness, let's hurry!"

Several people have the desire to fight now.

They were all bombarded by Xu Feng’s fist and fell to the ground.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “Who gave you the courage to shoot me?”

Several people looked at Xu Feng and they were all fearful. "Who are you, we are all people who look at the villas, and I hope that you will be able to show your mercy!"

They did not expect it at all.

Xu Feng’s strength is so powerful.

However, Xu Feng looked at a few people and said: "You want me not to kill you, please give me a reason."

Several people have revealed a distressed look in their eyes. "I have a third-order spiritual material..."

Xu Feng looked at a few people and smiled: "It's better than this. You all hurry up. As long as you can come up with something that makes me happy, I will spare you not to die. After all, killing you has no meaning to me."

"Ah? Is this true?"

Several of them are a little excited.

After all, Xu Feng killed them.

Everything in them belongs to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said: "If it is fake, do you have other choices?"

"Maybe not!"

A man shook his head and said.

"I have a third-order spiritual material here, it is a fruit fruit, look at it..."

"I have a Chinese spirit crystal here."

"I have a soul crystal here..."

It can be said that several people are trying their best to take out the valuable things on their own and hand them over to Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng was very satisfied with the various spiritual materials and various treasures he had obtained.

However, what he showed on his face was still a cold killing.

"The things that you brought out are still not satisfactory. Do you want to force me to do it?"

Xu Feng looked at a few people and shook his head very dissatisfied.

His words made several people's mood fall to the bottom.

They looked at the opposite youth and they all understood it.

This guy just wants to rip off.

The man who made the four-folded man, he looked at Xu Feng and said: "This little brother, I have a broken map here. It is the most precious thing I have ever acquired in my life. I dare to swear..."

The man took out the broken map and handed it to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

Just because the broken map looks old, but the above is shining with the fascinating light.

The other few people are wide-eyed, and the big guys have known them for decades. They really don’t know, this guy has such treasures.

"The world is full of fire, frost and fire!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed. As an alchemy teacher, he is extremely hopeful for the world.

The most important thing is that this frosty demon fire is actually a medium-sized fire, more powerful than his violet secluded.

"Yes, yes, this picture is enough to buy your life!" Xu Feng took the picture.

The man had some meat pain, but he also knew.

This residual picture is not worth much in his hand.

With his cultivation and strength, the world of the frost and the fire, he could not think.

"It’s done well, so if that’s the case, then I will leave.” Xu Feng said with satisfaction: “I haven’t searched this valley. I’m here to heal, so you can look for treasures...”


Xu Feng quickly left.

Several people were stunned and watched the back of Xu Feng's departure to cry.

"It's all you, but you have to let him hand over the storage ring, and I have lost my wife and lost my soldiers."

"You still blame me, you are screaming more cheerful than anyone else, but also hurt my current meridians, and I have broken a lot."

"It’s awkward..."

The eyes of several people are bitter.

This is really a loss of the wife and the soldiers.


After Xu Feng left the valley, his face was satisfied, and the remnants of the frosty demon fire were precious.

As for many other spiritual materials, they are also good, at least falling into his hands, are valuable.

"It is said that the inner and outer areas of the flame battlefield are separated by a rolling river."

Xu Feng looked at the sky in the distance. He knew that he had to go to the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield as soon as possible.

Only then can avoid the pursuit of Kaiqiu invincible.

The inner area is really a high bird.


The bursting sounds of the bursts came out constantly.

Xu Feng looked at the distance there, as if it were a tens of meters of river, where the boulder rolled and the sand piled up like a mountain.

In this way, the flow of the sea is flowing.

Xu Feng is still a few minutes away from the river, and he hears a deafening sound.

"A terrible river, I don't know how this flamefield is formed."

Xu Feng looked far away at the river, and his eyes sparkled with surprise.

It is worthy of the territory of the spiritual gods. The muddy river of this flame battlefield, if it is in the southern continent, is probably the existence of the Jedi.

Such a spectacular river is really rare.

(End of this chapter)

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