The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2995: Killing and cultivating the five

Chapter 2995 kills the five continents

"Burn the wind!"

Xu Feng’s seven-fold impulsive situation broke out, and his eyes sparkled with strong fluctuations.

The formation is a burst of hot wind, overbearing fists, falling down.

The second-order supernatural spirits are displayed, and the strong momentum fluctuations make the whole void empty.

"you wanna die!"

The man who made the four-folded situation, his eyes are all cold and incomparable.

Along with his attack, and the collision of Xu Feng's fists, the strong air waves permeated the surroundings.

Xu Feng’s body of creation erupted with the power of terror, and seemed to destroy everything and suppress everything.

A bang!

The man who made the four-folded situation was so punched by Xu Feng, and the blood flew out and the blood spewed out of his mouth.

The moment when Xu Feng was on the body, it was another punch, and he went out to his chest.

"No... I don't want to die..."

The man who made the four-folded situation, he made a screaming scream, and his eyes were not reconciled.

He finally understood why Xu Feng said he died of an idiot!

If the step stone does not dare to shoot, how can he shoot?

Isn't the shot a dead end?

This punch directly splits his chest and shackles, and his whole person becomes dying.

Many people look at this scene, they are all taking a breath, and they are all scared.

"The strength of this kid is so powerful, two fists will kill the four realities?" Some people could not help but swear.

Especially the step stone, his eyes are suddenly shrinking.

He felt that he was okay to find Zhou Hao’s shot.

Otherwise, with his strength, it is impossible to be Xu Feng’s opponent.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Wei’s eyes are all condensed.

"Kid, you have two brushes, no wonder dare to be so arrogant?" Zhou Wei, the five-fold momentum of the creation of the environment broke out.

His cultivation is the fifth mid-term peak of the creation of the realm, with fifty spells on his head.

His eyes sparkled with the killing of Sen Ran, saying: "Then I have to look at it, how many pounds do you have in the end!"


On Zhou Wei’s body, the spiritual power continued to flow, and his eyes were all condensed and slammed.

Suddenly, his hands became imposing, and the unstoppable toward Xu Feng, the bombardment came.

"Does this kid dare to shoot?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and felt that Xu Feng did not dare to do it.

after all.

There is a big gap between the five creations and the four creations.

Moreover, people like Zhou Wei, in the flame battlefield for so many years, his combat experience, and the Holy Spirit skills, the power is absolutely strong.

"He really dare to do it, I really don't know who is not afraid!"

They all think that Xu Feng is definitely not an opponent of Zhou Wei.

"Not self-reliant!"

Zhou Wei’s mouth floated, and his voice was full of disdain and ridicule.

Xu Feng, who is a vain affair, is completely out of his eyes.

His palm turned into a boulder.

The palm prints are constantly intersecting.

As the bombardment of Xu Fengyu came, all the violent waves were formed, making the voids vibrate.


Xu Feng's body of creation, emitting golden light, powerful force, also moved toward his arm and squatting.

Above his head, the veins emerged, and the spirit of the fifty-five articles was so horrible.

Every punch hits and forms a fierce wave of waves, and the golden light is constantly emerging.


Zhou Hao's palm, constantly colliding with Xu Feng's fist, formed a fierce spiritual fluctuation, and constantly surging in all directions.

It seems to be a wave of waves, and then the layer spreads one layer after another.


Zhou Wei and Xu Feng quit at the same time, when the two figures are separated.

Many people are blinking.

"The strength of this kid is so terrible, his boxing power is so terrible!"

"He really is evenly matched with Zhou Wei, and Zhou Wei seems to be unable to kill him."

"It’s a bit strange. Where did this kid come out? How could it be so powerful?"

"The talented genius of such a good talent, we have not heard of it in the flamefield!"

They all felt that they didn't know Xu Feng and felt a little surprised.

"Hey, don't tell me, I heard a few days ago that the little flame list is like the number one Ge Hai, and was defeated by a young man."

"And the young man is still only imaginary, isn't he the young man who defeated Gehai?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and all the faces were shocking.

"I want to come to that young man, otherwise how could it be so abnormal."

Seeing the difficulty of Xu Feng and Zhou Wei fighting.

Some people are surprised at the heart.

"Kid, have to say, your strength is really good, it is worthy of my full efforts to deal with you!"

The power of Zhou Wei’s spiritual power was fierce, and the inside of his arm formed the impact of the storm.

Among his eyes, there is a strong sense of war, as if it can break through the sky.

"Why are you so much nonsense?"

Xu Feng looked at Zhou Wei.

Some impatient words.

The spiritual power in his body, the fifty-five veins above his head, seemed to be provoking Zhou.

Zhou Wei’s biting lips, he did not expect.

Xu Feng is only a revival of the seven worlds, but it has gathered fifty-five spirits.

"you wanna die!"

On Zhou Wei’s body, a strong spiritual impact, above his palm, is obviously a more powerful espionage of the Holy Spirit.

His holy spirit skills seem to be able to tear the void, sweeping the waves, and bringing the violent impact.

"Dry Tianzheng: Red Lotus Pai!"

Seeing that Zhou Wei Shi exhibited a greater Holy Spirit.

Xu Feng is not behind people.

He displayed the third-order Holy Spirit, and the double fists became red lotus, all of which contained the energy to destroy everything.

The fist crashed like this, and all the eruptions were rumbling waves, which caused the void to tremble.

The gravity of Xu Feng’s body is also condensed, and the whole void seems to be frozen.

Strong gravity, suppressed down.

The people around Xu Feng are all stunned.

They only feel that their bodies are very heavy.

"Gravity is righteous, this kid actually understands the righteousness in the virtual world?"

Many people open their mouths and make incredible sounds one by one.

Zhou Wei’s eyes are all condensed.

With the outburst of gravity, the red lotus fist was suppressed.

His eyes were frightened.

"Do not kill me……"

Unfortunately, his word has not been said yet, and the whole person has been suppressed.

Red Lotus crushed him.

Above the square, there was a huge pit.

The vitality inside the pit has been cut off.


The scene became silent!

(End of this chapter)

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