The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2996: Zhongxing Soul Crystal

Chapter 2996

They looked at Xu Feng's eyes and they all changed completely.

Each one's eyes have become dignified.

They simply can't imagine.

The young people who are ignorant of the seven worlds can stifle the fivefold creations.

Sun Zhong stood not far away.

His eyes are a little dignified, and his heart said: "I don't think this kid's strength is so powerful. It seems that the chance he got before is definitely not small."

"It's just that the strength of this kid is not simple. I have to find the right time and shoot him."

Sun Zhongqiang suppressed the inner killing.

He was only trying to shoot Xu Feng.

Seeing Xu Feng killing Zhou Wei.

His inner killings were also suppressed.

It is imperative that it is more important to compete for other cultivation resources.

On both sides of the square, there are secret rooms everywhere.

Everyone is standing in the same place, there is not much movement.

After Xu Feng killed Zhou Wei, he took down Zhou Wei’s storage ring and his eyes fell on the opposite woman.

The woman was full of fear, she thought Xu Feng wanted to kill him, but Xu Feng did not care.

Especially the step stone, his eyes are desperate.

He felt that he must die.

Xu Feng looked at the step stone and said: "Can you not find your own way? You are such a jumping clown, I really don't want to kill!"

"For me, killing such waste is simply making me feel dirty and awkward!"

In Xu Feng’s voice, all that was revealed was disdain and disdain.

"Don't kill me... beg you..."

Step stone facing Xu Feng both knees on the ground.

He looked at Xu Feng's eyes as if he were looking at the devil.

He is really completely scared.

Xu Feng did not look at the stone, but walked to the side, said: "Don't come to me again, this is the last time to spare your life!"

After that, Xu Feng went to the square not far away.

Many people just thought that Xu Feng would die.

At this moment, they looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and they were shocked and surprised.

The seven sects of the sinful world are condensed into fifty-five spirits, and they can also kill the five powerful warriors.

This kind of martial arts talent is really too bad.

"Ah? He won't kill me?"

Step stone himself did not expect that Xu Feng actually let him go.

Moreover, Xu Feng did not pay any attention to him.

Some people next to them secretly said: "This guy is very proud. People like Step Stone are just a worm in his eyes. He is too lazy to take care of it."

"This is also true. If I have the talent like him, I can ignore the waste like step stone."

Many people looked at the embarrassing appearance of the stone wolf, and could not help but shake their heads, all of them were full of disdain.

Xu Feng looked at the secret rooms around him, and his eyes sparkled with light.

With more and more people on the square.

The loud noise sounded.


Seeing the barrier of the square, disappeared instantly, and a secret room between the two was attacked by the warriors.

Xu Feng looked at his eyes and he walked toward the left hand side, and the passage room of the passage quickly went.

When Xu Feng entered the passage, a burst of shouting sounds suddenly came out.

The first few figures are fighting in madness.


The moment Xu Feng went out for a few steps, a cold cold wind, suddenly hit him behind his back.

A sharp sword, swiftly attacked him in the past.

Xu Feng's body, the golden light impact.

His hands turned into fists and violently erupted.

Above the fists are the powerful forces, all of which are squeaky, forming a rolling wave.

The original man felt that his own sneak attack would be successful.

Think of it.

Xu Feng’s reaction was so rapid.

A punch and a long sword crashed together.

The long swords are bent in an instant, and all the sounds are squeaky.

On Xu Feng’s body, the golden light is filled, and all the horrible waves are brought.

"you wanna die!"

Xu Feng is on the sidelines, and it is another punch.


The man’s long sword waved and wanted to resist the fist that Xu Feng had hit.

As the fist and the long sword collide, they are all violent hurricane fluctuations.


The fist collided with the long sword, and the man continued to retreat. He bit his teeth and fled to the rest of the place.

Xu Feng looked at the man who fled, but he did not go after the killing, but looked at the secret room on the left hand side.

He walked toward the secret room. His eyes were all condensed, not far away, with a lot of soul crystals.

"Kid, leave the soul crystal, you can leave alive!"

A cold voice sounded.

Xu Feng did not care. He put all the soul crystals into the storage ring and said: "I can't leave these soul crystals, but you don't want to kill the road. I don't want to kill you like this!"

"Kid, I know you, you are killing the five-week Zhou Wei, do you think you are invincible?"

The strong spiritual impact of the man, his palms toward Xu Feng's chest, suddenly grabbed.

Above his palm, the pulse is floating.

Xu Feng’s eyes were calm.

The golden light on his body surged and he punched out with a punch.

The collision of the fist and the palm of the hand, the pulse of the pulse is also a crazy collision.

The pulse of Xu Feng’s head completely prevailed.

The man who made the five-folded environment, his eyes are all condensed, and the whole person continually quits.

His eyes narrowed and he felt the power of the majestic, coming from the impact of his arm.

His arm bones are squeaky, and the impact of the violent impact is constantly changing.

"What a damn!"

The man who made the five-folded environment, his heart was full of anger, he did not expect, Xu Feng is so powerful.

He did not even think that it was just a sacred retreat, but it was able to condense so many threads.

This powerful eruption broke out.

Xu Feng’s body, strong waves and fluctuations, continue to impact.

"You want to fight, I will fight with you, fight in the end!"

The voice of Xu Feng is all overbearing.

His fists continued to bombard.

The man continued to retreat and quit from the secret room and appeared in the passage.

Inside the passage, many people looked at Xu Feng and the fighting man, but they only stayed for a while.

"Hand over the middle of the soul crystal, spare you not to die!"

Just at this time.

In front of the passage, a cold voice came suddenly.

Among the sounds, there is hegemony.

However, Xu Feng and the man's eyes are all condensed, they are very clear about the value of the middle of the soul crystal and the next product soul crystal.

Fang Cai Xu Feng got the next product soul crystal, just a few dozen.

However, a Chinese soul crystal is enough to exchange thousands of soul crystals.

"Hey, kid, count you good luck!"

The man who made the five-fold situation, he did not want to continue to entangle with Xu Feng.

Now, in the place where the sound came, quickly rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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