The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3374: Clues of the fierce god

Chapter 3374 Clues of the Culprit

Zhou Yusheng did not know himself, after he took Zhenyan Dan.

Say everything you know.

Zhou Wei's face became gloomy.

The corner of the mouth rises: "Does Tianxinmen? Looks like I really thought that my family would not bully?"

Everyone did not expect that Zhou Yusheng turned out to be so selfish and self-serving for his own position.

Even if I choose to cooperate with Tianxinmen and want to frame the Zhou family ancestors, this is tantal to death.

As the power of Man Yan Dan gradually dissipated, Zhou Yusheng was full of faces, and both of them were complaining.

He looked down at Zhou and pointed to Xu Feng, saying: "Once, don't believe it!"

"This Xu Feng, what kind of magic he applied, actually made me unable to control myself."

"Everything just happened, he designed it in advance, just to frame me."

Zhou Yusheng was full of anger, and there was resentment between the eyebrows.

He couldn't imagine how the real word Dan Xufeng was made.

This kind of mantra is the fifth-order Shangpin.

Before the Xu Yan refining the true words Dan.

If the military is taking it, the soul will collapse.

However, this fifth-order top product is true.

After taking it, as long as it is awake, there are no side effects.

Zhou Yan smiled and said: "If you can control your own words, will you tell the truth?"

Zhou Yu’s tone became cold. If Zhou Yusheng was really a fascinated person and wanted to frame himself, he felt that it was justifiable.

But now that Zhou Yusheng has united with Tianxinmen, wanting to kill him is the same as destroying the entire Zhou family.

Such sin is really blameless.

"Zhou Qian, grabbed Zhou Yusheng and put him in the back of the mountain!"

Zhou Yu’s words rang and everyone was shocked.

You must know that Zhou Jia Houshan died.

Once inside, it means that in the rest of your life, you will spend it in the dead day.

"No... no ancestors... I am wrong, beg you, spare me..." Zhou Yusheng's face is full of fear.

"The rest of the same parties have also arrested them, let them and Zhou Yusheng, spend the rest of their lives in Houshan death prison!"

Zhou Wei knows very well that Zhou Jia’s death in the mountains has been dead for decades and he has not been sent in.

"no no……"

Zhou Quan was full of face, he looked at the guards and said: "Old ancestors, ancestors... I have something to say, beg you, make a life around me... I don't want to be dead."

Zhou Yusheng's old face is full of fear. He doesn't know what to say.

"Weekly, you have become a second elder by slap in the past few years, and you don't think hard to contribute to Zhou."

"But I want to crowd out others and suppress others. What do you have, but I will listen to them."

Zhou Yu’s words rang, and many Zhou’s people were a glimpse.

They understand that it seems everything about Zhou.

The ancestors are all in control.

It just didn't endanger Zhou.

The ancestors are also lazy to say anything.

Zhou Quan said: "Old ancestor, Zhou Yusheng, he is not a person, he is a pervert!"

"In these years, the seven women who disappeared in our family were tortured to death by Zhou Yusheng!"

"At the same time, Zhou Yusheng is very lascivious. He has a manor in the east of Dalang City. You are holding dozens of women who have been arrested."

The words of the whole week sounded, and the people of the whole Zhou family were shocked.

In the past few years, Zhou’s family has disappeared.

Moreover, all the women who lost their ages were twenty or so.

Even a woman is only thirteen years old.

Having said that, Zhou Quan simply said it all at once.

"Before Zhou Yusheng also looked for me, saying that the woman around Xu Feng is very beautiful, I have to find a way to get him a hand!"

When Zhou Quan looked at Xu Feng, his eyes were a little dodging.

Ling Qing’s face was angry and said: “It’s an old metamorphosis!”

It is no wonder that I looked at Ling Qing’s eyes before, so wretched.

"Complete, you scold me... you..."

Zhou Yusheng’s words have not been finished yet.

Zhou Yi slaps and fanns his face.

Even with his head, he swayed the fan.

A blood spurted from Zhou Yusheng's mouth.

"Zhou Yusheng, I really didn't think that you are such a vicious person!"

"The most wrong thing that the old man has done in his life is to let you be the master of the week!"

Zhou Yan’s eyes are deep and angry.

Zhou Yusheng bit his teeth, knowing that he is completely finished.

"Complete, do you think that if you sell me, can you survive?"

Zhou Yusheng immediately laughed at himself.

Zhou Quan’s face was panic, saying: “My ancestors, I was forced by Zhou Yusheng!”

"I beg you, spare me a life, I really don't want to die, I don't want to go to the mountain to die."

Zhou Yan no expression, said: "Zhou Qian, in addition to Zhou Yusheng, other people, all locked into the Houshan death!"

"No one can visit them. In the back of the mountain, they are dead or alive, and they have nothing to do with the Zhou family!"

Zhou Qian’s eyes are full of anger.

These people helped Zhou Yusheng to help him.

I think that Zhou Yusheng killed so many women.

How poor are the girls in Zhou’s family.

Zhou Qian’s inner anger naturally emerged.

"Ha ha ha... thoughtful, you are being held in death row, you will not be born to die..."

Zhou Yusheng made a big laugh.

Zhou Quan went down to Zhou, and said: "Old ancestors... ancestors, I also know that Zhou Yusheng has a secret. As long as you promised to spare me, I will tell you... This secret is about the prosperity of Zhou Family!"

Before Zhou Wei and others spoke, Zhou Yusheng took the lead and sneered: "We are all talking about the clues of the fierce gods!"

"Hahaha... Yes, I know the clues of the fierce gods. But what about it? Since I am a dead person, I will leave the clues of the fierce gods!"

Zhou Yusheng made a maddening laughter, his spiritual power, crazy surge, this guy actually wanted to commit suicide.

Just when Zhou Yusheng was preparing to commit suicide, he suddenly felt that a powerful momentum had suppressed him.

Everyone looked at the white-haired old man next to Xu Feng. They did not expect that this old man was so horrible.

With the momentum, Zhou Yusheng, who can be oppressed, can't move, let alone run the power.

"Zhou, don't you mind if I take Zhou Zhensheng to take a Mantra Dan?" Xu Feng looked at Zhou Wei.

For the fierce god, Xu Feng’s heart is expected.

If you can get this kind of heaven and earth fire.

He continued to integrate the fierce gods.

His cultivation is inevitably able to ascend to the six fate of life.

Zhou Hao nodded.

The fierce **** is in the fire, he is naturally looking forward to it.

"Oh ah..."

Zhou Yusheng watched Xu Feng come over and made a sound of er, ah, constantly struggling.

As the mantra Dan swallowed, Xu Feng’s eyes were shining, saying: “Zhou Yusheng, where is the clue to the fierce god?”

Zhou Yusheng’s eyes were confused and he said: “The fierceness of Zhou’s family is in the depths of the lake.”

(End of this chapter)

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