The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3375: Very cost-effective transaction (three more)

Chapter 3375 is a very cost-effective transaction (three more)

“Refining the lake?”

Even Zhou Zhou and other Zhou family people have fears between them.

What's more, the fierce gods are actually in the depths of the lake.

"The reason why I cooperate with Sun Yuan is that he promises me."

"As long as I control Zhou, I can use the power of Zhou Jia to help me get a fierce fire!"

After Zhou Yusheng’s words were finished, Xu Feng almost didn’t smile.

I really don't know if this rain is really stupid or fake.

If Zhou Yusheng and Sun Yuan cooperate.

After killing Zhou Wei.

I am afraid that Tianxinmen will be brazen and occupy Zhou.

At that time, how can this fierce **** fall into the hands of Zhou Yusheng?

That is the world of fire, how can Sun Yuan not be heart-warming?

Zhou Jia is an alchemy family.

How do you fight with Tianxinmen?


Zhou Yusheng squirted a piece of blood and his face became pale.

Both eyes are bitter, and this time he took the truth, he was extremely painful.

"Xu Feng, how are you so poisonous..."

Zhou Yusheng felt that his soul was about to collapse.

However, Xu Feng smiled and said: "Zhou Yusheng, if it is more poisonous, I am really not as good as you!"

"You are the master of the Zhou family. You are a decent woman and you are willing to ruin and torture. I can't help myself."

An old man rushed out toward Zhou Yusheng: "Zhou Yusheng, you are a beast with a beast!"

"My granddaughter is only thirteen years old. How can she bear your torture? You are a beast!"

The old man fell to the ground, his face screaming, and madly tearing Zhou Yusheng's body.

He really couldn't help it. He thought of his 13-year-old cute little granddaughter, and his inner resentment seemed to be burning flames.

Seeing Zhou Yusheng's blood being torn by the old man, he made a miserable noise, and no one pity Zhou Yusheng.

They think Zhou Yusheng deserves to be deserved, a 13-year-old girl, how can he get it?

Zhou Wei looked at the Zhou family and said: "Stop Zhou Yusheng to comfort the spirit of the woman who was killed by him!"

Zhou Qian and other guards dragged Zhou Yusheng, who was covered in blood, and screamed.

The elders of those women who were killed by Zhou Yusheng came to revenge and hate, and Zhou Yu’s death was terrible.

Zhou Wei thoroughly finished the civil strife of Zhou Jia, and the depths of the old eyes were cold.

"From today, I will temporarily assume the position of the Zhou family, wait until I find the right person, and then make plans!"

Zhou Wei was the owner of the Zhou family. No one has any opinions.

Xu Feng looked at Zhou Wei and said: "Zhou, what is the place where your Zhouhu's refining lake is?"

Zhou Wei knows that Xu Feng is so young, and there is a world of fire and flames in his hands.

It is impossible to be uninterested in the fierceness of the fierce god, and the fierce **** is the fire of heaven and earth uploaded by Zhou Jiazu.

Only after the fall of the Zhou family, the fierce gods did not know where to go. I did not expect to be hiding in the lake of refining fire.

It is no wonder that for many years, the flames derived from the Lake of Fireworks are really many.

Everyone in Zhou Jialian's alchemy, almost everyone, has a good flame.

However, these flames are derived from the lake of refinery.

Zhou Wei's face is a bit complicated.

Xu Feng has saved his life and saved the Zhou family.

If there is no Xu Feng, Zhou Yusheng and Sun Yuan will work on him sooner or later, and they will start with Zhou.

At that time, the end of the Zhou family, I am afraid it will be terrible.

Zhou Wei said: "Xu brothers, I don't want you to say that the refining lake is a treasure place for Zhou."

"It is in the back mountain of Zhoujiafu, which is filled with endless flames all the year round."

Zhou Wei said to Xu Feng.

“Can you take me to see?”

Xu Feng asked Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei looked at Dong Wei, Cang Jingnian and others.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Do not worry, that is, I and you two people go to the lake of fire, how?"

Zhou Wei did not expect Xu Feng to have such great strength. Isn’t Xu Feng not afraid to take his Noble Flame?

After all, the temptation of the alchemy of the alchemy is really terrifying.

"Xu brothers, if this is the case, I will take you to the Lake of Fireworks!"

Zhou Wei took a deep breath.

He is clearer than anyone else.

The fierce fire in the depths of the refining lake is not so good.

Although the area of ​​the refining lake is not large, it is always hot.

Even those who are at the peak of his life are unbearable.

Not to mention entering the lake of refining fire.

Subsequently, Xu Feng and Zhou Wei walked toward the lake of refining fire.

Zhou Qian is dealing with things, and Zhou Qian, as well as the elders.

The two came to Zhoushan House in the back mountain.

Xu Feng found that the back of the Zhou family, the area is really big.

Among them, a lot of spiritual materials were planted.

They are also rare varieties.

Vaguely, Xu Feng also felt a few strong breath.

The breath of these people is not weaker than Zhou Wei.

It seems that Zhou Jia is not the three major families of Ming Xuan.

Although it is the top eight-level force, but the family's heritage, far from other eight-level top forces can be compared.

I think it is normal, Zhou is a family of alchemy, even if it is accumulated with medicinal herbs, it can also create some strong.

Not to mention, there is definitely a long-lasting medicinal herb in Zhou’s hand, and the ordinary warrior has lived for a hundred years.

Zhou Jiawu is the same level, and there is no big problem in living for more than 100 years.


The hot air waves are coming on the scene.

The flames of Xu Feng’s body, the flames of the fallen heart, the flames of the fire, and the flames are constantly changing.

Violet's secluded atmosphere is very strong, and today's violets are quiet and have grown into adulthood.

"Zhou, the fierce **** is really in the lake of fire!"

Xu Feng said affirmatively to Zhou Wei.

"Xu brothers, you also know the importance of the heavens and the earth, the importance of the alchemy family, I hope that the Xu brothers will not let me embarrassed!"

Zhou Wei said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Reassured, I will not grab it!"

Zhou Wei's cheeks shook.

Xu Feng is said to be direct.

"Zhou, I am making a deal with you, you can consider it!"

Xu Feng thought of making a deal with Zhou Wei.

"Xu brothers, the preciousness of the heavens and the earth, even if you don't save me, I can't trade with you!"

Zhou Yi believes in the road.

However, Xu Feng smiled: "Do not say so full. I will talk about it, listen carefully!"

"I can help you break through to the 7th-level alchemy division, and will help you completely solve the body erysipelas in the future!"

"At the same time, Xu Feng founded Xu Fu, and you also saw that Cang Jingnian Dong Wei and others have joined in succession!"

"I believe that my Xufu will become a seventh-order force sooner or later. I can protect the Zhou family at that time!"

Speaking of this, Xu Feng said: "Compared to the many benefits I gave to Zhou, the fierce fire has no value for Zhou, and may even be a catastrophe!"

"Once the news of the fierce gods is leaking out, in the future, the Zhou family is afraid that there will be no more days."

(About the recent update, I am really sorry! Recently I am looking for work everywhere, wandering around during the day, code at night, so the update is very slow, everyone can rest assured, wait for a lot of work, stabilize as soon as possible, I will resume the previous update Speed, thank you for your support! At the same time, the new book "The Archaic Devil" is in hot series!)

(End of this chapter)

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