The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3380: The role of poison

Chapter 3380 The Role of Poison

"Damn, who are you two?"

The three fate of the nine men’s peaks are all horrified.

When did Dalang City appear such a peerless genius.

Both people have realized the second-order ambiguity.

You must know, but all who are young in the heavenly realm.

All are the pride of the sky.

"You are not qualified to know who we are!"

Xu Feng said to the three.

Knife Mang attacked out.

With the second-order killing, the crushing of the righteousness.

Two people fighting against Xu Feng.

There is hardly any effort to fight back.

In addition, Xu Feng's repair is a breakthrough to the six-day life.

It is easy to kill two people.

However, Xu Feng did not kill the two.

It hurts two people seriously.

So that they do not have the power to fight back.

Ling Qingyu knows that Xu Feng wants to stay alive.

It is inevitable that I want to ask about Tianxinmen.

The swordsmanship is constantly changing.

The remaining man, who saw his two companions, was seriously injured by Xu Feng.

He was even more unintentional, and he was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

"Young man, don't kill us..."

Three people are full of fear.

Xu Feng took out the Danyan and sent it to the three populations.

"How does Tianxinmen transfer?"

As the three swallowed the truth, Dan.

Everything that will be known will be said in general.

It turns out that Tianxinmen knows that it is not the opponent of Zhou.

Simply transfer in advance.

Sure enough, Xu Feng guessed the same.

Those who practiced the bloodthirsty gods and demons, all followed Sun Yuan.

The rest of the people stayed at Tianxinmen and waited for the Zhou family to kill.

However, Sun Yuan has no intention of fighting.

It’s not difficult to change your life and want to escape.

The place where Tianxinmen transferred is the forest in front of him.

At the same time, there are still many people who are in the war.

Relying on Xu Feng and Ling Qingyi, it is impossible to be the opponent of Tianxinmen.

"The head of the government, we have to find a way to pass these messages to Zhou Wei and others."

"Otherwise, waiting for the Tianxinmen to slow down, and give the Zhou family and other forces a lightning-fast counterattack, and it is very likely that the whole army will be destroyed."

Ling Qing is slightly addicted.

In the mouth of the three people just now, he learned that Tianxinmen was extremely vicious.

I pretended to escape and destroy.

In fact, it is to recharge your batteries in this forest.

When Zhou Jia and others are unprepared.

Tianxinmen will come back with a Jedi counterattack.


Xu Feng’s eyes suddenly condensed, saying: “Come on, someone is coming here!”

Xu Feng's face is a change, he feels the breath of the coming, more powerful than the previous people.

I am afraid that at least it is also a tricycle of life.

Take Xu Feng’s current cultivation and strength.

At the very least, it is to deal with a life-and-three situation.

However, it is obvious that the other party is not just a person.

Ling Qingying's eyes are all surprised.

Xu Feng's sensory ability is too strong.

She has not yet noticed any movements.

"You will leave the forest soon, I will contain them, and you will inform them about Zhou."

Xu Feng said to Ling Qingyu.

Ling Qing’s cultivation is a breakthrough to the peak of heaven and earth.

She stayed with Xu Feng, but was dragged down.

"But... the owner, you are too dangerous!"

Ling Qing is worried about his face.

Xu Feng is facing Ling Qing, his eyes are firm.

"Do not worry! It is impossible for them to kill me. It is the greatest help for me to send the news as soon as possible and let Zhou and others come to support me."

Xu Feng is very clear that when the other party saw the body, they must quickly chase them.


Xu Feng felt someone chasing him and screaming at Ling Qing.

Ling Qingying bit his teeth, his eyes are firm in the depths.

"Well! The owner, you must live!"

Ling Qingying is very clear that his own strength, to attract those people, can not do.

Xu Feng helped her attract people and let her report, which is really risky.

Seeing Ling Qingyu quickly smashed out.

Xu Feng's eyes are deep and cold.

The opposite figure catches up.

"Kid, you are impatient, and you dare to kill our hearts, you are not ready to go!"

Just as Xu Feng sensed, it is really the life of the three rounds of life, and there are other four life rounds.

"How can you live impatiently? Is it because you want to kill me?" Xu Feng’s mouth raised and taunted.

The voice of Xu Feng fell, and the several warriors who were on the opposite side were all furious.

"Kid, look for death!"

A middle-aged man with a life-threatening situation came to attack Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with cold and cold intentions. He said: “Use your test to test the Great Compassion!”

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is boiling, and the pulse is also bursting out.

In an instant, Xu Feng’s spiritual power rolled, and the madness gathered, his fists condensed.

It’s the sorrowful sorrow of the fifth-order sacred spirit.


A few rounds of warriors behind him were shocked.

They felt that Xu Feng’s fist was coming out, and the power was terrible.

However, the life of the shot is a heavy weapon.

I want to retreat, but it is too late.

A bang!

A figure suddenly fell out.

This punched the other side and shattered the internal organs.

There is no hesitation in the flow of spiritual power on Xu Feng.

Run the whole body and move toward the legs.

Xu Feng quickly fled.

He suddenly shot and killed one, which is a good achievement.

"Fast chase!"

Speaking of this, the man who lives in the tricycle of the peak, looks at a man around him and says: "You are going to inform the doorkeeper, and you say that someone broke into the forest and found the secret of our Tianxinmen."

The man quickly rushed out to the base camp of Tianxinmen.

The wings of Xu Peng on Xu Feng’s body emerged.

His speed is extremely fast.

The three people behind him are crazy to chase Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and his heart said: “Since I really want to chase me, I will let you know that I am amazing.”

No one found out that Xu Feng’s palms were covered with strange mists and scattered.

Wherever Xu Feng went, some flowers and trees were withered.

The three people who chased Xu Feng did not know.

They chased after them and found that Xu Feng actually stopped.

"Kid, do you want to be clear? Know that you continue to run away, it is also a dead end, simply let us kill you?"

The life of the three-way martial arts, full of ridicule.

"I am staying and see how the three of you died!"

Xu Feng mouth raised.

If he expected it to be good.

The poison left by myself is almost the same time.

"Ha ha ha... It’s really laughing at the dead, just relying on your life and six lives, you want to kill three of us..."

He was a double-armed warrior, and he made a big laugh, and his face was scornful.

However, he suddenly found that two people around him stared at themselves.

He didn't understand why the two stared at themselves like this.

(End of this chapter)

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