The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3381: Zhou Wei’s support

Chapter 3831, Weekly Support

"What do you two look at me like this?"

The man looked at the opposite of the two strangely.

Is it a long flower on my face?

The two men said: "Chen Wen, your nose has been bleeding, don't you feel it?"

When Chen Wen heard the words of the two men, he immediately reached out and touched his nose. He looked at him and almost scared.

"What is going on, why is my nose bleeding?" Chen Wen’s eyes are full of horror and fear.

He didn't do anything, why the blood in his nose was so bloody, it was incredible.

However, Chen Wen looked at the opposite of the two, and even the life of the tricycle of the peak, the nose began to bleed.

"Old Gong, your nose is also bleeding."

Chen Wen’s words rang.

Lao Gong quickly reached out and touched his nose.


Old Gong had big eyes and was full of horror.

"what happened?"

Lao Gong looked at Xu Feng with his eyes, and there was a killing in his eyes. He said, "Is it a kid, is it a ghost?"

The three were angry and looked at Xu Feng: "Kid, you are all dead, and hurry to say what is going on?"

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and his face smiled: “Three, I’m really sorry, I just lost something. I didn’t expect it to be eaten by you. I’m sorry!”

When Xu Feng spoke, the palm of his hand lifted up, and a layer of light blue powder gradually spread.

Chen Wen was full of horror and said: "Hurry up and run the power, force the toxins, we are poisoned!"

The man who lives in the tricycle of the three peaks, with a cold and stern color, said: "Boy, hand over the antidote, spare you not to die!"

He is very clear that it is not a simple matter to run the power to force the toxins.

The easiest way is to let Xu Feng hand over the antidote.

In his opinion, the three of them, want to take Xu Feng, easily.

"Yes! Hurry and hand over the antidote, or you don't know how to die."

Chen Wen and other two people also reacted.

One by one pointing to Xu Feng.

"I don't have antidote, I need to be on the spot."

Xu Feng said slowly.

Lao Gong looked at Xu Feng and said, "Are you an alchemy teacher?"

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng nodded.

"Then quickly configure the antidote, maybe we can spare you a life."

Lao Gong felt that Xu Feng was in front of him and he would die.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "I am afraid you can't wait for me to deploy the antidote!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Lao Gong and Chen Wen and others were all stunned.

"Kids, don't play tricks, the three of us except the nose bleeding, other places feel good, hurry to configure antidote."

"Otherwise, we will immediately start, grab you, let you live better than death." Old Gong angry.

Xu Feng was calm and said: "Don't be angry, the more angry you are, the faster your toxins will spread."

"Look, you just bleed your nose, and now your eyes are bleeding. I am afraid that my mouth will start to bleed, and then my ears will begin to bleed. Then, when the blood blew, you will die..."

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, Chen Wen and so on, quickly looked at Lao Gong.

Sure enough, the eyes of Lao Gong began to bleed.


Lao Gong’s eyes are all fearful, biting his teeth: “Hurry up and grab this kid. He doesn’t give the antidote, he will torture him slowly...”

Lao Gong’s life is full of three peaks, and both of them are killing.

Immediately afterwards, the momentum became even more horrible. Stepping out toward Xu Feng, the palm of the hand came out.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “You want to die so fast, why bother dragging them?”

"When the spiritual power is running, your toxins will spread faster, even if I give you the antidote, you are dead!"


Lao Gong’s palm, looking at the attack in front of Xu Feng, a blood spouted out.

If Xu Feng does not hide in time, fearing that it is blood, it must be sprayed on Xu Feng's face.

The kitten patted the chest, and the heart was full of sorrow: "Brother... it’s dangerous, he was almost spurted by him!"


Old Gong’s eyes widened and fell to the ground, and the spiritual power of the whole body was madly broken.

The pain of the tears of the meridians made his cheeks become paralyzed, and his eyes were unwilling.

Finally, I began to die.


Chen Wen and so on, watching Lao Gong die.

Scared and pale.

"Young man... Shaoxia... I beg you... I beg you... don't kill us..."

Chen Wen and two people fell down against Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said: "It is not difficult to live, you tell me truthfully about the things of Tianxinmen."

"If I feel that there is value, I might consider giving you a life!"

Chen Wen and so on, where can't stand it, hurry to Xu Feng, just like pouring beans, screaming and saying it.

After they had finished talking about them, the two of them opened their eyes and fell to the ground and died.

Xu Feng’s mouth swelled: “It seems that this poison is still very violent.”

Xu Feng has some regrets in his heart. His understanding of poison is very deep, but unfortunately there is no systematic understanding.

The real use of poison masters, the control of poison will be more essential, almost accurate.

"I don't know what kind of bloodthirsty monsters are these three people?" Xu Feng has an expectation inside.

His creations can refine the bloodthirsty demon, transform it into pure spiritual power, and integrate it into the meridians.

Xu Feng began to extract the bloodthirsty magical creatures of the three bodies, and the face was full of light, which turned out to be the eighth-order bloodthirsty.

"Yes, yes, so full of spiritual power, my cultivation should be able to ascend to the middle of the six seasons."

Xu Feng immediately used the Huading Ding, and began to refine the three bloodthirsty species.

Sitting cross-legged, not afraid of someone chasing after.


"Ling girl, are you talking about it?"

Zhou Wei looked at Ling Qingyu in front of him.

I know that Ling Qingyi and Xu Feng have a very good relationship.

"Zhou family ancestors, you Zhou family, and everyone, if you do not want to be destroyed by the Tianxinmen, then quickly start to be strong!"

"You don't even think about it. Why is the Eight-Step Force in Tianxinmen so good?"

"What is the elder of Tianxinmen? Is it so little, so weak?" Ling Qingyi said to Zhou Wei and others.

Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Qian and said: "Ling Ling, we have recently felt strange!"

"If Tianxinmen fights for a fight, it won't be so fast, it will destroy Tianxinmen. I didn't expect Sun Yuan to be so cunning."

Zhou Hao has lived for so many years, and naturally it is not an ordinary generation.

Immediately said: "I will immediately pass the order and attack the forest next to Tianxinmen!"

"I have to look at it, where does Sun Yuan want to go?" Zhou angered.

Zhou Qian took the Zhoujia **** and rushed out to the forest outside Tianxinmen.

Others who came to destroy Tianxinmen also followed Zhou Qian and others and went to the forest.

They want to come to the water to fish, naturally they are afraid that Zhou Jiajie will be the first to go, not to be outdone.

(End of this chapter)

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