The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3405: a knife and a killer

Chapter 3405, a knife and a killer

Three people went out.

Surround Xu Feng in an instant.

"Ha ha ha... It’s really a break from the iron shoes, it doesn’t take much time!”

Among the three men, the man on the left hand, when looking at Xu Feng, his eyes are full of light.

The three-fold breath of life is erupting, and the spiritual flow flows, bringing a strong momentum.

"Old Xu, what do you mean by this?"

Another person asked.

Lao Xu said: "You haven't seen it yet. This person is the master of what we just talked about!"

"What? He is Xu Feng!"

The other two were all exclaimed.

If they let them kill Xu Feng.

You can get a reward for Tono.

You can also get Ziyue Xianlin.

One heart is very excited.

"You are really Xu Feng?"

Some people don't believe it.

He feels that his luck is too good!

This can meet Xu Feng.

"Yes, I am Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng’s eyes brow, and the three men want to kill themselves. It’s really whimsical.

"You want to kill me?"

Xu Feng asked again.

"Xu Feng, you don't want to think about it, you are just a sacred life, but there is such a high value. If you are killed by the three of us, it will be the three of us."

Lao Xu said with a smug smile on his face.

Xu Feng said faintly: "If the three of you killed me, how do you distribute Ziyin Xianlin?"

"Know, Dongye Wangsan will not give you a lot of Ziyue Xianlin, afraid that it is a person, not enough to take it!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, his mouth raised and he looked at the opposite three.

The three heard the words, first of all.

Immediately, Xu said: "Hey, Ziyue Xianlin certainly belongs to me, and my cultivation is the highest."

"Do you guys have no opinion?"

I know the other two people, and they are coming to the old Xu.

"You want to swallow Ziyue Xianlin, are you dreaming?"


Old Xu did not expect.

Two people who live and die together.

So tacit understanding, shot to kill themselves.

"you guys……"

The old Xu had big eyes and his face was unbelievable.

Looking at the sword that pierced his body.

He did not understand why the two did not agree.

Give Ziyue Xianlin a person.

"Old Xu, don't blame our brothers, Ziyue Xianlin is so precious, you want to swallow it, is it possible?"

The two sneaked into the old Xu, without any embarrassment.

At the same time, I looked at Xu Feng and said: "Together, kill this kid, we will take his head and kneel down to give Tono."

"It’s ridiculous to kill me with your two wastes!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are mocking.

The opposite of the two, but the life is the second round.

I want to kill him.

It’s just crazy to say a dream.

Do not say that Xu Feng Xiuwei, now breaks through the destiny of the heavens, and condenses two hundred and fifty spiritual veins.

Even before, Xu Fengxiu was only seven heavenly, and these two were not his opponents.

"The big boy, you are looking for death!"

The two did not expect that Xu Feng was so arrogant.

Xu Feng’s hand, the broken knife appeared.

"I just tried to practice the knife, I will try your hand!"

In the cave house, Xu Feng cultivated the "three-knife".

It is the fifth-order upper-class holy spirit technique.

As the two kept coming close to Xu Feng.

Seeing only left, one step away.


Xu Feng screamed and slammed his knife.

The three-knife is to break out.

Kill the opponent as fast as possible.


The two eyes widened and looked at the wound in the chest. They were full of horror: "Do you understand the true meaning of the knife?"

Xu Feng’s mouth rises: “You really think that Tono is a idiot. If I am so savage, will he spend such a big price and tempted you to kill me?”

Xu Feng’s words rang, the two eyes deep in the eyes, with annoyance, they felt that they should not kill Lao Xu.

Perhaps with the addition of the old Xu, the three of them are not Xu Feng’s opponents, but also have the opportunity to escape.


The two fell to the ground at the same time.

Both eyes are remorse.

Just like this, it was killed by a knife.

Xu Feng looked at the bodies of the two men and searched for two Lingzhu.

"Hey, I have to look at it. Who is the Lingqing who caught the ground?"

Xu Feng did not force two people at all.

He is very clear.

Since the two are discussing here.

It is not far from here to prove that Ling Qingying was caught.

I don’t think it will take long before I can find it.

"Kitten, then you carefully feel the breath of the military, we go to a crowded place."

Xu Feng snorted at the kitten.

"Okay, brother!"

The kitten pointed Xu Feng constantly looking for a place.

Not much time.

A burst of noise came.

Xu Feng eyes closed.

Sure enough, it is Ling Qing.

"Li Pengshu, this chick looks good!"

A young man with a strong body.

Two eyes, from time to time, sweeped from Ling Qing.

"Don't remember a woman all day, Ziyue Xianlin is really a treasure."

Li Peng is excited inside.

Just kill Xu Feng.

He can find Dongye Wangsan and get Ziyue Xianlin.

"Li Pengshu, if Xu Feng, the kid is not coming?"

The young man asked with a smile on his face.

Li Peng waved his hand and looked at Ling Qingyi: "If Xu Feng does not come, this chick will give it to you!"

"Thank you Peng Peng... Thank you Peng Shu..."

Young people are extremely excited.

In his opinion.

Unless Xu Feng is a fool.

Otherwise, knowing that one is dead, who is still coming to die?

"Is you looking for me?"

Xu Feng came out of the crowd.

He looked at Li Peng opposite.

Ling Qing opened her eyes. When she saw Xu Feng's figure, her heart was shocked.

She did not expect Xu Feng to actually save her.

She used to be the killer of the floating door.

Want to assassinate Xu Feng.

But he was saved by Xu Feng.

Also help her unravel the mysterious cold body.

Later, she followed Xu Feng.

It doesn't have much effect.

She thought a lot in her heart, and Xu Feng could not come to save her.

Li Peng was a sigh, and immediately excited, said: "Ha ha ha ... really is a courage boy."

"Yes, I am looking for you, I want to use your head for a use, your head is very valuable!"

Li Peng had a smile on his face, as if he had already obtained Ziyue Xianlin, and he was very happy.

"I want to borrow my head, it depends on you!"

Xu Feng brows a pick.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

With the life knife emerging.

"The first step of the knife!"

"First-order gravity is righteous!"

"Three feet!"

Xu Feng exhibited the fifth-order Shangpin Holy Spirit, which was long and strong.

The void seems to have been torn.

"you wanna die!"

Li Peng did not expect that Xu Feng dared to shoot first.

The spiritual power broke out and attacked with a palm.

The palm print instantly condenses.


The palm print and the knife attack collided instantly.

Everyone did not see clearly, in the end Xu Feng's knife.

How to stagger Li Peng's palm print.

Knife Mang is facing Li Peng's neck, so he goes.


Li Peng's eyes are condensed, and the broken knife has come down.


Li Peng is full of faces.


Haven't waited for him to react.

A head, brushed and rolled to the ground.

(I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! A lot of today is really a headache, but a lot of promises are fulfilled. Everyone knows that this book has been more than 900 days in more than two years, and it has never been more than one day. At least the update is also Two chapters! Finally, thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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