Chapter 3406 Red Soul Fruits

Li Peng’s head rolled to the ground and his eyes were round.

He did not understand when he died.

Why is Xu Feng's knife method so powerful?

The onlookers, the noise of the noisy talks.

Completely disappeared.

They have been talking about it just now.

Xu Feng is afraid of death.

I did not expect it, just a knife.

Xu Feng will kill Li Peng, who is a four-wheeler.

Among them, Ling Qingyu’s eyes are shocking.

She did not expect Xu Feng's cultivation, and the promotion was so fast.

"How can this be?"

"A knife and a killer are fourfold!"

"This Xu Feng talent is too abnormal!"

"You are also an idiot. I don't want to think about Dongye. Why do you want to kill Xu Feng at such a big cost?"

"If it is not Xu Feng's talent is very strong, who is willing to use Ziyue Xianlin as a chip to kill Xu Feng."

A slightly older warrior has a clear face.

As if he felt that Xu Feng killed Li Peng, it was expected.

With the gaze of Xu Feng, he fell on the side of the burly youth.


The young man took a sip of his mouth and only felt that his heart was full of fear.

How could he think that Li Peng was killed by Xu Feng.

"How do you want to die?"

Xu Feng’s voice is indifferent and does not contain any feelings.

"No... you can't kill me, Li Pinghe is my brother!"

The youth face is full of fear, and the look is fear.

"Since Li Pinghe is your brother, I want to kill you."

Xu Feng is very clear.

At the time of entering the mysterious secrets.

Li Pinghe’s eyes are all killing.



Haven't waited for the other party's words to finish.

Broken down the knife.

The youth life is rebuilt, and there is no such thing as a backhand.

It was killed by a knife.

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled and said: “The people who just participated in arresting her, you stand up by yourself, or I kill one by one!”


There are several people who follow Li Peng, but they are all members of the Li family in Ziyuan City. They have fled.

Xu Feng’s eyes were killing and said: “You provoke me, maybe I am too lazy to kill you!”

"But you shouldn't do it. If you shouldn't, it's my jealousy to start with people around me."


The wings of Kunpeng are displayed, and Xu Feng will turn to Peng Peng and practice to the realm of the second turn.

His current speed has become faster, and a few escaped people are just a little while.

It was killed.

Xu Feng went to Ling Qing’s body.

"Is it okay?"

Ling Qing's eyes are all in the same light.

"It's okay, it's Li Peng who gave me a remedy, which caused me to feel that the whole body couldn't move, and the whole person's meridians were blocked."

Ling Qingyi said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng checked the physical condition of Ling Qing.

Open channel: "The fourth-order best of the district, lock the spirit of Dan."

Xu Feng immediately took out three medicinal herbs.

Handed to Ling Qingyi, said: "You take these three remedies, it will be no problem!"

Ling Qingyu knows the ability of Xu Feng to refine Dan. Without any doubt, he will swallow the medicinal herbs.

It didn't take long for Ling Qing's face to recover from the blood, and the breath of his body also spread.

Xu Feng is a bit strange, saying: "Your cultivation is augmented to the life of the wheel?"

Ling Qing sighed and turned his eyes: "Are you so surprised? You can kill four rounds of life!"

Ling Qingxuan thought that Xu Feng had become so powerful, his heart was helpless, but he was Xuanbing Han.

However, Xu Feng does not seem to be a special physique, and the speed of cultivation is so abnormal.

"This is also true!"

Xu Feng couldn't help but smile.

"How? You didn't see enough in the movie, do you still think that you want to use Xu's head to change Ziyin Xianlin?"

Xu Feng swept his eyes, and everyone who had not left, with a killing in his eyes.

These people are really hateful and hateful, but Xu Feng is too lazy to kill them, it is too lazy to start.


Everyone instantly disappeared.

Just kidding.

Li Peng was killed by Xu Feng.

These people, stay here.

If Xu Feng is angry, kill them.

They are really dead.

"We will leave here first. In the secret of this mysterious soldier, there are really many people who want to kill me."

Xu Feng is very clear that he came to Ming Xuan collar and provoked Li Jia.

There are other forces.

This time, plus, the temptation of the pursuit of Dongye Wangsan.

And the people brought by Higashino.

He is in the secret of the Xuan Bing, naturally he must be very careful.

Take his current strength.

When you meet a person without a wind, you are in a strong position.

There is only a share of escape.

Xu Feng and Ling Qingyi did not go far.

Ling Qingyi said: "The owner, your strength now, can you defeat the five-wheeled life?"

Xu Feng didn't know Ling Qingyi, why didn't he ask himself to ask himself, and immediately indulged in a moment.

"It’s not that difficult to defeat. I want to kill each other and I need to spend a lot of time."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Ling Qing’s almost didn’t spurt.

Is this too shocking people?

"The owner, do you know the red soul fruit?"

Ling Qing’s words rang.

Xu Feng is very surprised.

"Did you find the red soul fruit?"

Xu Feng immediately asked.

The red soul and the fruit are the best treasures to enhance the holy soul.


Ling Qing nodded and said: "I passed a valley before and found that there is a red soul in the fruit."

"But I found that there are a lot of strong people inside. I know that I can't help myself, so I choose to leave."

"Which know, if I didn't leave, I met Li Peng and others and I was arrested by them."

Ling Qing’s words are all angry.

The experience of being arrested this time.

She is more certain that she must work hard to become stronger.

Otherwise, she could not keep up with Xu Feng's pace.

It may also become the burden of Xu Feng.

"In this case, you have to lead the way!"

Xu Feng is very impressed with the fruit of the red soul.

This red soul is the fifth-order best spiritual material.

The most important thing is that you can refine a fifth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, Red Soul Dan.

After taking this Red Soul Dan, it will increase the Holy Spirit.


Ling Qingyi immediately took Xu Feng and went to the valley that passed before.

The speed of the two is very fast.


In the valley, loud noises continued to come.

Xu Feng went forward.

I saw a lot of warriors in the valley.

These people are not simple?

However, the most powerful one is the five-wheeled life.

"The owner, are we hiding first?"

Ling Qingyi asked Xu Feng.

She felt that she was hiding.

Wait for the other party to lose both, and then to capture the red soul fruit.

Xu Feng had a killing in his eyes, and he saw a figure.

It is the Tianjiao who came to the lock and Xia Baocheng.

Before the outside of the mysterious secrets.

He used a fire and thunder umbrella to hurt the other side.

Today, his cultivation is upgraded to the fate of life.

It is not difficult to kill Xia Baocheng.

"You hide first, don't come out, I can take the red soul fruit."

Xu Feng knows the strength of Ling Qingyi.

Going out will only become a burden.

(Thank you for your support, brothers and sisters who can't wait for the book, you can go and see "The Archaic Devil", thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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