The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3426: Invisible palace

Chapter 3426 Invisible Palace

"Guan Shengxiong, the younger brother does not seem to have offended you. Why do you ignore me like this?"

Li Pinghe seems to be squinting and walking towards Guansheng. His eyes are staring at Xu Feng.

I don't know why, Li Pinghe always feels that Guan Sheng is familiar with this face.

On Li Pinghe, the pressure of terror was spreading toward Xu Feng, and the depths of his eyes were cold.

Guan Sheng immediately screamed, cold and cold: "Li Pinghe, don't deceive too much!"

Immediately, Guan Sheng’s body, the six-powered situation of the round of life broke out, stepping out, blocking in front of Xu Feng.

The pressure from the Li Pinghe was all offset, and the big knife in the hand fell.

There was a bang.

Li Pinghe's eyes are very different in the depths of his eyes. He did not expect that Guan Sheng's cultivation was a breakthrough.

Mind: "This win is not bad. It can be such a short time to break through to the six rounds of life."

Guan Hao is also taking a step forward and is a spiritual force. As long as Li Pinghe starts, he will immediately support his brother.

Only Xu Feng’s face was calm and his heart was dark: “This Li Pinghe is really blackmailed.”

He is very clear that Li Pinghe must have felt somewhere in his place and some familiar.

This is the case, want to swindle, who is Xu Feng?

Li Pinghe converges on his body.

Spread out and smile.

"You brothers and two brothers, I really can't make a joke. I am very curious. I am able to go with the two brothers who are close to the family. Who is he? Looking at such a face?"

The Li Pinghe discourse made many people look at Xu Feng with their eyes, and they were curious.

Xu Feng took the initiative to say: "I have heard the Ming dynasty's first day of arrogance, treacherous, talent is also the top. Today, I saw it, it is really famous to meet."

"The brother of Li brother is bluffing, no one can!"

Having said that, Xu Feng came forward and looked cloudless.

He has already taken the hidden medicine.

Even he is still cautious.

His voice also changed with taking medicinal herbs.

Unless it is a **** of war, you can see it.

"Under the hood, from Dongyueling."

Dongyueling is not far from the Ming Xuan collar.

Li Pinghe stared at Xu Feng’s eyes.

After a while, I laughed.

"I don't think of the Tianjiao of Dongyueling, but also come to our Ming Xuan collar, but it is a bit surprising."

Xu Feng looked at the empty space not far away, and sighed: "The deceit is like Li Xiong, and it is really powerful."

"This empty void, I am afraid everyone in the room can see that there are treasures inside."

"But here it has become a place that everyone knows. I ask you? Who knows that there are treasures, and will it be promoted in a big way?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Li Pinghe’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his mouth trembled slightly.

Many people in Li’s family were secretly vigilant. They knew that Li Ping’s mouth was trembled, and he was tempted to kill.

No wind and people, and other powerful people, have also raised their brows.

This thing is indeed awkward.

"Things must be simple. Some people deliberately spread the news and make everyone known!"

"Where are you, even if you are a windless predecessor at the peak of your life, I am afraid that there is no such grasp. Can you spread the news so quickly and quickly?"

After Xu Feng’s words were finished, the people at the scene completely understood.

This empty space has news of treasure.

It was Li Pinghe who actively spread out.

Those who can do such things on the spot must have enough warriors under their hands.

It is only relevant to the home and Li family.

However, Guan Sheng’s character obviously cannot make such a plan.

However, they are all a bit wrong.

I don't know why Li Pinghe wants to do this.

Is it not good to look for treasures slowly here?

Or Li Pinghe is self-satisfied, can he take the treasure in front of everyone?

The old cheeks of the windless people were slightly shaking.

The killing of Li Pinghe emerged.

Immediately, the killings slowly disappeared.

Li Pinghe always believed that he was not only a martial arts talent, but also a bright man.

His wisdom, in the Ming Xuan collar, is also top.

I know that I am so careful.

However, it was seen by the "sealing" in front of him.

"Li Gongzi, don't kill me. I just speculate. I am not sure who is taking the initiative."

Xu Feng said that his mouth was raised and he smiled. "Now, my speculation is true and reliable."


Many people have been tortured by Xu Feng's real and reliable words.

This is equivalent to Xu Feng, who was also using Li Pinghe to test Li Pinghe.

Unfortunately, Li Pinghe was completely killed by Xu Feng in this confrontation with Xu Feng.

Li Pinghe laughed and said: "I don't think it would be awesome to seal my brother. I can see the plan underneath at a glance."

"Since all of this is the case, I don't hide everyone."

Li Pinghe simply things, direct truth.

"Everyone in this place can see that it is unusual, but I have been searching for a long time and have not found any clues."

"Therefore, I want to call you all to come and discuss how to find the treasure here."

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep, but he has doubts.

Mind: "The goal of Li Pinghe is not just a treasure."

A person without a wind will immediately go out for a few steps.

He checked it.

"It's weird. Why do you see the void in the distance, but there is no entrance?"

No wind people whisper to themselves.

Many people are also secretly browing.

Everyone has started to investigate.

Xu Feng also walked toward the front.

After a walk, his heart was a bit strange.

"Good mysterious array arrangement!"

Xu Feng looked very clear.

The empty void in front of the eyes must be a treasure.

However, this array of methods has no return.

Even Xu Feng, there is some hesitation at the moment.

Once inside, is it a chance, or is it dangerous? Who knows?

Not far away, an old man said: "There is a formation of law here, and the formation is very profound. We can't see it all."

The old man’s words are ringing, and many people are watching.

"Array method?"

Li Pinghe's eyes are slightly congested.

Indeed, there is no one around him who understands the law.

The way of the formation is esoteric.

Really able to have a mage existence, are seven-order forces.

"How can this predecessor break through?"

Li Pinghe looked at the old man and asked.

The old man's eyes flashed and said: "Li Gongzi, it is not difficult to break the battle."

"As long as everyone present is working together, they will display their attacks and bombard them in an empty space."

"The formation must be flawed. At that time, everyone can enter."

When Mi Li spoke, his eyes kept sweeping around, and he said in his heart: "Who is it to convey to himself?"

(End of this chapter)

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