The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3427: Purple sage

Chapter 3427 Zijin Blood Grass

"Is this true?"

Li Pinghe rushed to the front of the old man.

The depths of both eyes are unwilling.

If you know it is so simple.

He can do it with the people of Li family.

Why is it necessary to recruit so many strong people?

No wind and people are not good at being good.

A few people not far away are also high-order life.

Mi Li nodded and said: "Li Gongzi, the way of the law, looks complicated, but if you use your heart, it is not too difficult."

"If it is later, if Li Gongzi is interested in the way of the law, he can find the old man."

"The old man is called Mi Li, and he must be present. Some people also know the name of the old man."

Some people looked at Mi Li and nodded slowly.

"Hey, Mi old man, how can I not know that you understand the formation?"

A middle-aged man is also from the same place as Mi Li.

I immediately asked.

Mi Li’s old cheeks were slightly embarrassing.

But he said: "The old man also knows the fur of the law, how dare he show off everywhere?"

Li Pinghe immediately prepared to summon everyone and wanted to break the law.

No wind and people have made a difference.

Obviously, these people are unwilling to listen to the transfer of Li Pinghe.

Li Pinghe's face became gloomy.

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly funny.

It seems that the situation has gradually exceeded the control of Li Pinghe.

Of course, it is Xu Feng who is speaking to Mi Li.

On the scene, the only person who knows the formation is his.

"Two, so anxious, break the formation, isn't it?"

Li Pinghe quickly stopped the people without the wind and made a living.

There are no wind and people, and they look at Li Pinghe.

The people without winds took the lead to say: "Li Pinghe, the old man knows that your strength is very strong."

"But the old man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Since you have spread the treasure, it is hard to make it. You Li, do you want to swallow the treasure?"

You have been lazy and Li Pinghe nonsense, a strong attack, has already attacked the empty void.


As the attack fell, it fell.

Sure enough, the heavens and the earth are full of power.

Not far from the empty space, it seems to be shaking in the sky.

Li Pinghe was gloomy.

The windless people laughed and said: "Yin, remember in the future, don't be smart and be mistaken!"

The people without winds are obviously ridiculing Li Pinghe. They want to use everyone to find treasures, but they did not expect that the method of breaking the treasures is so simple.


The empty void, as if the thunder and lightning bombarded, the violent and quaint momentum broke out.

"God! Look at it, what is it?"

"Palace! A great palace!"

"I have never seen such a big palace."

"This kind of palace, afraid of being a sixth-order force, can be built."

Everyone looked at the ashes of the space and gradually emerged. The huge palaces were all wide-eyed.

One by one, even if there are no wind and other people, they know the power of the seventh-order forces.

It is also shocking, even if it is the seventh-order forces, it is impossible to build such a huge palace.


As the palace gradually emerged.

In the void, there is a road.

This road gradually extended from the palace.

It is filled with people on this side.

On the windless people, the tyrannical momentum broke out.

The old eyes are shackled.

Everyone can see it.

There must be treasures in this palace.

People without winds are naturally unwilling, and people are embarking on this road first.

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, with a dignified heart.

"This palace is terrible, but what is there in the palace? Why, I always have an unpredictable feeling."

Xu Feng's face is a little nervous.

Guan Sheng said: "Block brother, I see your face is not right, is there something wrong?"

Xu Feng nodded and said to Guan Sheng: "Guan Xiong, the method of cracking the law just now, I told the old man."

Guan Sheng heard the words, suddenly wide-eyed, staring at Xu Feng, and asked: "Bing brother, are you a soul teacher?"

Only a soul teacher can pass a voice to someone who is better than himself in such a place.

Moreover, Xu Feng actually understands the formation method, which is simply too incredible.

Guan Sheng’s voice was very low. Xu Feng did not deny it. Instead, he continued to voice. He said: “This bridge is probably not simple. The previous method has not gone back.”

"Even if it is me, I have studied it a bit against the law, and I am not sure that I can break the battle back."

Xu Feng said that Guan Sheng has already understood.

According to Xu Feng, this is a dead line.

Even if you break open the law, there is no way back.

There is no return!

Guan Sheng bit his teeth and said: "Broken brother, this palace is so brilliant in front of you, even if it is dead, I will die in the palace."

"The opening of the mysterious secrets is not regular, maybe this is our chance."

Guan Sheng knows that Xu Feng is cautious.

However, he is more aware that if there is no crisis, there will be no precious treasures.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly laughed.

His heart is suddenly open.

Like the eyes, they all shine.

Ever since he came to the mysterious secrets, he has become a thin ice.

As a result, Xu Feng’s heart has become cautious and even fearful.

If Xu Feng was replaced before, how could such an idea arise, it must be brave.

Guan Sheng and Guan Hao are both wrong. They don't understand why Xu Feng suddenly laughed.

Xu Feng alone knows that he is at this moment, seeing the inner obstacles and improving his mood.

If it is not a timely reminder of Guan Sheng, I am afraid that he will continue to do so, fearing that it will become, what to do, and look forward to it.

If that's the case, how to become a strong person.

Li Pinghe and others, not far away, also looked at Xu Feng.

"Is he a fool? What are you laughing at?

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Xu Feng laughed and said: "Guan Xiong said that it is good, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and leaning toward Hushan."

"Since the pursuit of martial arts, if you know the danger, but retreat, how to become stronger in the future?"

Xu Feng’s words rang and Guan Sheng also agreed.

This guy is a fighting madman.

"Haha! I know, Xu... Brother is not a person who is afraid of death."

Guan Sheng smiled.

This guy's jealousy, with a smile, is really extraordinarily weird.

"Get out!"

With the bridge from the palace, it finally connected to everyone.

The people without the wind screamed and screamed, and the palm of the hand went to the front of the body and slammed away.

I have a face to kill, saying: "Hey!!"

Without any hesitation, quickly rushed toward the bridge.

There are no winds and people who are promising and arrive at the bridge at the same time.

Li Pinghe and others are also swarming.

I am afraid to climb the bridge behind.

However, Xu Feng looked at Guan Sheng and said: "Guan Xiong, there is danger on the bridge. You must remember to keep your heart!"

"Don't forget your heart, you have to always!"

(End of this chapter)

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