The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3429: Guan Hao is in a illusion

Chapter 3429 Guan Hao is in a illusion

There are no winds and people, and Li Pinghe is the fastest.

Followed by a few high-order life-wheelers.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at Guan Sheng and Guan Hao, he said: "Don't forget the words I just said to you."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of horror. The array of this bridge is really mysterious.

Even if Xu Feng himself, there are some points that are unclear. What is illusory and what is true.

The only thing that can be done now is to keep the heart and not be confused by all the obstacles in the senses.

The spiritual flow of Xu Feng’s body, the wings of Kun Peng emerged, and his speed was extremely fast.

Guan Sheng and Guan Hao are slightly slower.

Guan Sheng said: "Block brother, you should go first, leave us alone!"

The bridge behind him is constantly collapsing.

No one knows, when is it.

The bridge will collapse to its own feet.

Below is the bottom of the abyss, the ghost knows what is below.

From time to time, there are still screams coming.

"Give me to die!"

Just at this time.

An old man rushing to the front, the spiritual power of the whole body is mad and violent, and both eyes become blood red.

The eyeballs seem to be coming out, and the two are filled with anger and madness.

"Chen old man, are you crazy? What are you doing!"

This old man is the strongest player in his life.

He grabbed the long sword in his hand.

Going to the attack of Li Pinghe in front.

Li Pinghe did not expect that some people dared to attack themselves.

"you wanna die!"

In the hands of Li Pinghe, a long sword emerged.

Swordsman became terrible.

The moment when a sword smashed out.

The moment the long sword collides.

The violent old man was shocked by his arm.

The whole person has been regressing one after another.

Li Pinghe does not give the old man any chance to fight back.

"I want to attack me, don't look at what you are!"

In the voice of Li Pinghe, it was revealed that it was cold and killing.

The moment when the sword is raised, the strength of the body becomes terrible.

The swordsman madness condensed, and finally formed a hurricane.

A sword madly went out.

Jianguang seems to tear the sky, and the sword will leave the body of the old man without being saved.

"This... Li Pinghe's strength, so horrible?" The hearts of everyone are shocked.

"The sword just had a horror. I felt that Jianmang could tear me apart."

"Sword is really too strong, it is really unimaginable, why is it so strong?"

"Li Pinghe's strength is absolutely comparable to the life of the nine-fold. He is convinced that it is the second-order sword."


The hearts of all people are horrified, and the strength of Li Pinghe’s outburst is really terrifying.

Guan Sheng’s eyes are all contracted, and the road to death: “I can’t think of the strength of Li Pinghe and become stronger!”

Xu Feng’s heart is also somewhat different. With his current strength, he is afraid that he will go all out and may not be the opponent of Li Pinghe.

It seems that the first day of arrogance of this Ming Xuan collar is not worthy of fame, or some real material.

Li Pinghe put away his long sword and looked at the windless people who had already rushed out a distance in front of them, and they were promising.

The spiritual power of his body, like a whirlwind under the feet, shows the Holy Spirit of the body.

Go ahead and get out quickly.

Xu Feng looked back at the bridge that collapsed in the distance, and his eyes were slightly flickering.

He looked at Guan Sheng and Guan Hao and said: "You must not forget what I said to you!"

This is Xu Feng’s third embarrassment to the two brothers. The spiritual flow on his body speeds up some speed.

The speed of Guan Sheng and Guan Hao is also rapidly accelerating. They have the medicinal herbs given by Xu Feng, but they can quickly restore their spiritual strength.

"Win brother, if I am crazy, you can leave your hands and hurt yourself!"

"You want to kill me immediately! Know it!"

Guan Hao’s eyes are deep and firm.

He and Guan Sheng grew up almost together.

Guan Sheng said: "Hao Di, don't forget the reminder just now, it will not become crazy!"

As said, the entire bridge, seems to have been shrouded in spiritual power, becoming violent.

Heaven and earth seem to be at this moment, and become somewhat confused.

"Win brother, leave me, I can't help it!"

Guan Hao only felt that the whole person's heart, a kind of killing idea, is constantly spreading.

Deep inside, it seems that there is a discordant voice: "Kill him... Kill him... Just kill him... You are the first genius of the family, you are the pride of the sky..."

Guan Hao wants to desperately suppress this kind of killing in the heart, but unfortunately killing is becoming more and more horrible.

In the end, Guan Hao couldn't control it completely. His eyes were crazy and he was facing Guan Sheng.

Guan Sheng’s worried face, said: “Hao Di, what are you doing, don’t forget the reminder just now!”

Guan Shengming knows Guan Hao, who has obviously been controlled by the killing, but still has not left Guan Hao.

"Hao Di, you wake up..."


Guan Hao’s spiritual power flowed madly, and his palms slammed toward Guan Sheng.

"Guan Hao has also been controlled by killing!"

Many people look to Guan Hao.

You must know that Guan Hao is also the top ten arrogance of Ming Xuan.

Guan Hao does not care who is in front of him.

Crazy attack on Guan Sheng.

"Hao Di!"


Guan Sheng was afraid of hurting Guan Hao, and he continued to be patient, but he was shut down by Guan Hao.

Guan Hao's **** red eyes are filled with madness and constant persecution.

Seeing Guan Sheng, constantly retreating, actually came to the edge of the bridge. If you take another step, you really have to fall under the bridge.

Li Pinghe and others have also looked back and looked at this scene.

"Be careful!"

Xu Feng speed increased to the extreme, and immediately grabbed Guan Sheng and quickly turned and retreated.

Guan Sheng looked at the lost behind him, and his heart was full of heart.

Xu Feng looked at Guan Hao's eyes and felt helpless inside.

After all, people who are not determined in their hearts are still easily controlled by the illusion.

"Kuan Sheng, you shot to limit him, I will help him!"

Xu Feng's eyes are cold and cold.

He does not want to shoot, afraid to expose means and repair.

If someone is known to be Xu Feng, it is really dangerous.

"it is good!"

The strength of Guansheng is much stronger than that of Guan Hao. If it is not for Guan Hao, he will certainly be able to defeat Guan Hao easily.


The continuous attack and collision, the Guan Hao doubles, the blood red light has become more intense.

In that moment, Xu Feng’s hand showed two medicinal herbs, which were inserted into Guan’s mouth.

The medicinal herbs are transformed into pure medicinal power.

Xu Feng is very clear, if even such a clear-hearted remedy, can not let Guan Hao from killing the illusion, calm down.

He really didn't need to save Guan Hao.

Because, above this road, he is very likely to die.

Li Pinghe, not far away, is deep in the eyes and is killing.

(End of this chapter)

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