The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3430: Grab the drug

Chapter 3430, smashing medicinal herbs

With Guan Hao taking the drug.

The blood red is double-sided and gradually restores luster.

The kind of madness just now has gradually disappeared.

"That is the seal, what kind of medicine is he taking for Guan Hao, why is the effect of the drug, so good?"

Someone looked at this scene and couldn't help but ask questions.

After all, on top of this killing bridge.

No one is sure that he will not be mad.

Li Pinghe’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Who does not want such an remedy?

From Xu Fenggang to Guan Hao to take the medicinal herbs.

Xu Feng knew that such a situation would inevitably occur.

After all, the medicinal herbs he gave to Guan Hao were really precious.

Even if it is, there are only three left in his hand.

Three medicinal herbs, for so many people, are really too few.

Guan Sheng also clearly felt that the people around him looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and changed a little.

Guan Hao has recovered from the madness. He looks at Guan Sheng, and his face is grateful and embarrassing.

"Win brother, I... have your expectations!"

Guan Hao knows that Guan Sheng must have saved himself.

However, Guan Sheng said: "Hao Di, your life, was saved by the brother, he took two medicinal herbs for you."

Guan Hao turned his head and looked at Xu Feng with gratitude on his face. He said: "Thank you for your help in the life of the brothers. I will not be allowed to do so afterwards."

Without the wind and the people, the two had been rushing to the front, but they stopped at this moment.

Xu Feng did not say to Guan Haoduo that a person with a weak mind could not resist such a small fantasy.

When I followed him, I really buried a mine for myself. No one knows when he broke his mind.

Therefore, many of the top forces, the first requirement to join this force, is the illusion of passing the state of mind assessment.

Guan Sheng's face became dignified.

In front of a life-stricken seven-man man, he quickly rushed toward Xu Feng, with a smile on his face: "Block brother, you just gave Guan Hao the medicine, I want two."

The man did not have the slightest request, and the words were revealed.

Guan Sheng’s face became a bit ugly, saying: “Wang Hao, don’t be too arrogant! Do you really think that the brothers owe you a drug?”

This man is called Wang Hao, the warrior of Ming Xuan Ling, the deputy head of an eight-order power.

Wang Hao said coldly: "I told him to seal his brother, but he can see him! Otherwise, I am not here with you nonsense, but directly grab it!"

In Wang Shuo’s words, he is overbearing.

Not far from the shackles and the lack of people, they also leaned over here.

Even the bridge that collapsed behind him is constantly approaching everyone, and at the moment they have not fled.

Li Pinghe’s deep eyes are twinkling with a haze, and his heart said: “This seal is really not simple.”

"The medicinal herbs he had just taken out, even if it was my Li family, I was afraid that it had not appeared."

Li Pinghe is the first day of arrogance of Ming Xuan, but it cannot be ignored. He is from the Lijia family.

Li Pinghe himself is also a fifth-order alchemy teacher, but his alchemy talent is covered by martial arts talent.

"If you can use this medicinal medicine to kill this stagnation, it is to cut off a good competitor in advance."

Li Pinghe’s heart is secretly planned.

"Oh, I don't think it's true that the brothers are not exposed, so if you are a medicinal medicine, if you want to engulf your brother, you can't say it!"

Li Pinghe immediately said coldly.

When the words came out, the people at the scene all came round.


Guan Hao's face became extremely ugly.

He is very clear that all this is harming him.

Guan Sheng grabbed the big knife in his hand.

Only Xu Feng was calm, and he looked at the unmanned people and the promising people who came forward, as well as Li Pinghe.

"Three, I don't care about you. The amount of medicinal herbs I have just given to Guan Hao is limited."

Xu Feng’s words are calm, but not humble.

No wind people suddenly angered: "Kid, you just give me the medicine, I promise no one will dare to move you."

You have also looked at Xu Feng: "Feng Xiaozi, I only need medicinal herbs to ensure that you are safe and sound."

Li Pinghe stood on the side, he wanted to see how "Feng Xu" dealt with such a situation.

Xu Feng said: "There are no predecessors of the wind, there are predecessors, not two, and there are only two left."

"Since the two statements, to protect me safe and sound, I will give you two pills!"

After Xu Feng finished, he took out two medicinal herbs in an instant and handed them over to the promising and unmanned people.

No wind and people are arrogant, they are all smiling, saying: "Kid, you know the time!"

The presence is that the strength of the two of them is the strongest, and Xu Feng gives them the best choice.

Li Pinghe was gloomy and said: "Fengjie, you don't give me the medicine, can you look down on me?"

"Yes, why don't you give us the medicinal herbs, do you think that we don't deserve such an remedy?"

Many people have asked Xu Feng to ask.

"Two predecessors..."

Xu Feng looked at the promising and unmanned people.

I know, the two of them have a smile on their faces.

"We will not play with you here, haha..."

The two immediately went out of their way.

Take the medicinal herbs and walk towards the front.

Xu Feng’s mouth rises and his heart says: “I hope you can, don’t use these two drugs, otherwise...the ants will suffer from the pain, I am afraid I can’t bear it...”

Xu Feng has long seen that people without wind and sorrow are both despicable and shameless.

How can you protect him?

"Broken, give me the medicine quickly, otherwise, don't blame me." Li Pinghe said with anger.

Xu Feng looked at Li Pinghe and smiled: "Li Gongzi, how do you look at this, I need some spiritual materials, I will refine the medicinal herbs here, but the spiritual materials need to be provided by everyone, how?"

"Otherwise, it is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice. If you kill me, I can't give you any medicine."

Xu Feng spread his hands, and you kill me, and it doesn't matter.

"You hurry and talk about what you need."

Li Pinghe urged Xu Feng to the road.

After all, watching the unmanned people and doing what they are doing, and constantly moving forward, his heart is extremely painful.

"Xuanshihua, Yiqicao..."

Xu Feng successively said that ten kinds of spiritual materials are all fifth-order spiritual materials, but they are not very precious.

At the end of the day, Xu Feng said: "Zijin blood grass... Mo Yu Jin Jingshi..."

Speaking of the latter two kinds of spiritual materials, many people have screamed. "Kid, are you playing us?"

"Don't tell us, you have to refine the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan." Someone asked.

Xu Feng replied calmly: "You said it is good, it is the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan, so the medicinal herbs in my hand will be so little, otherwise you think that other fifth-order Holy Spirit Dan, I have to use it with you nonsense. Half a day?"

(End of this chapter)

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