The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3436: Life round talent

Chapter 3436 Life Wheel Talent

A steady stream of spiritual power, converge toward Xu Feng's body.

Chenghua Ding will integrate these spiritual powers into the life of Xu Feng after refining.

The golden life wheel brings the momentum that shocks the world.

In the deep bottom of the bottom.

It was originally a chaos.

They are all golden and shining.

Xu Feng only felt that the whole body broke out and it was a strong momentum.

The feeling of breaking through to the life of the wheel is too cool.

He is sure that he will now break through to life.

Even if it is a seven-wheeled warrior, it is not his opponent.

However, Xu Feng is even more shocked.

Just because the spiritual power in his body is still flowing.

Two hundred and sixty spirits are wrapped around the life wheel.

"Hey? What happened?"

Xu Feng is very surprised. He doesn't know what is going on, and the body is still absorbing the spiritual power around him.

It is also true that thanks to this abyss, the spiritual power is really abundant, otherwise, the words of other places.

Xu Feng is really worried that he is afraid that he has not yet absorbed enough spiritual power to continue to absorb it.


The body is still falling, bringing a squeaky sound, and the blood marks on the skin gradually spread.

However, in the body of Xu Feng, the life wheel that has gathered together has a golden glow.

The scars on his body, under the light, actually swallowed spiritual power and continued to recover.


Xu Feng’s heart was completely messy. He condensed his life and what happened was simply shocking.

Even if he is himself, he does not understand at all, what is the situation.

"This guy is concentrating on the life wheel and actually awakens the talent of the life wheel?"

The mysterious woman's heart is also a bit messy.

Life-round talents are the unique inheritance talents of the gods.

Only when the descendants of the gods are awakened, the inheritance talent will appear.

The talent of life is very mysterious and terrifying.

The family of mysterious women has a talent for life.

For example, her life talent is ice and snow.

Once her life wheel is displayed, it seems to be covered with ice and snow.

Such a talent will accompany the warrior's life.

The higher the cultivation, the more powerful it will be.


"What kind of metamorphosis is this guy, his talent for life is so abnormal."

The mysterious woman felt that the injury on the surface of Xu Feng's skin was quickly restored under the influence of the talent of the life.

In other words, if Xu Feng is injured in the future, once the life talent is displayed, it will recover.

"What is this life-round talent, why haven't I heard of it?" The mysterious woman's eyes slightly picked up.

Immediately thought of something, her face suddenly changed, shocked: "Heaven? Is it a growth talent?"

The growing talent is the most mysterious talent of the spiritual **** continent. It is said that those who awaken such a life-threatening talent can live forever.

"I am recovering my destiny?"

In the process of Xu Feng's falling, the body of the destiny is constantly being repaired, and it seems to have improved.

"Is it wrong? My body, there is a life wheel?" Xu Feng felt the changes in the body.

With the condensation of the first life wheel, his body, endless spiritual power, continues to converge.

Inside his body, with the breath of the previous life, the opposite of the breath, derived.

"Double life wheel?"

The mysterious woman only feels envious and hate in her heart.

This guy is simply a pervert.

The life wheel that has been condensed is afraid that it is a warrior with a nine-fold life.

Still awakening to the life of the talent, is the legendary growth talent.

Now, it is actually a double life round.

"Don't both of his life wheels awaken different talents?"

The mysterious woman thought of this, could not help but rolled her eyes.

From her attachment to the beginning of the creation of Ding.

I have been with Xu Feng all the time.

She never felt that Xu Feng would become more powerful in the future.

However, today, she seems to change this view.

Not to mention that for a long time.

Xu Feng’s performance is indeed good enough.

The decision to double-lived rounds is simply rare.

"A completely different life-wheel breath, afraid of his life, will really awaken two life-round talents."

The mysterious woman feels the Xu Feng life wheel, the opposite of the breath.

"My double life wheel, the breath is completely different?"

Xu Feng himself is awesome.

The life wheel just now is obviously full of vitality and vitality.

Today, the awakening of the life wheel.

It’s like death, it makes people feel creepy.

"The life wheel just now can repair my body. I don't know what the life wheel is. What is the role?"

Xu Feng’s heart is full of doubts.

At this moment, he seems to have forgotten.

I am still on the verge of death.

As long as it falls to the bottom, it will definitely die.

"So a breath of breath, is this life wheel of mine, contains dead air?" Xu Feng with doubts.

He is still falling, obviously it is impossible to verify, what is the role of this life wheel.

"This metamorphosis, the double life wheel, awakens different life round talents, death and growth."

"If you are known by the gods, especially the gods who are conscious of life and death, fear that they will break their heads, just to accept him as a disciple."

The mysterious woman's heart is darkly lining.

The body of Xu Feng’s destiny is in such a destruction, and it is slowly repaired in the life of the life.

"What can I do to survive?"

Xu Feng felt that the power of falling was getting more and more horrible.

He knew that if he could not find a corresponding solution.

I am afraid that it will die.

The wings of his 鲲鹏, before being the power of falling, can not be used to tear.

He can't think too much now, how can he fix the wings of Kunpeng?

"You don't want to survive, it's not difficult, you have a real thing!" Mysterious woman reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that his eyes suddenly brightened and he said: "Yes, I just need to send myself into the building."

"Without the constant fall of the creed, it is impossible to damage the hardness of the ding."

It’s really a spectator of the authorities!

If at other times, Xu Feng had long thought of using the Huading Ding.

"If you are not afraid of making a trip, you can do this." The mysterious woman seems to be wearing Xu Feng's thoughts, a faint way.

"There is a lot of hidden atmosphere in this little secret you are in. These people, if they don't see the Huading Ding, may not be interested in you."

"But if they know that the Ding Ding is on you, they may not be tempted."

The mysterious woman clearly felt that some of the breath was not very weak.

In other words.

In the mysterious secrets, there is a high probability that some people are still alive.

"so what should I do?"

Xu Feng was a bit overwhelming.

"This is not easy. When you use the Huading Ding to ease the falling power, it will appear in the void for a short time, unless the other party is in this abyss. Otherwise, it is impossible to find that you have a good thing. ”

The mysterious woman said.

(End of this chapter)

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