The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3437: Death wheel

Chapter 3437 Death Wheel

So, Xu Feng entered the Huading Ding in an instant.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is again from the creation.

In this way, constant exchange.

The power of Xu Feng’s fall has become smaller and smaller.

The depths of his eyes are all joy.

I didn't expect this time to be a blessing in disguise.

From the Treaty of Killing Bridges.

Instead, it stimulates the potential of his body.

Make him condense the double life wheel.

Great strength.

I don't know, Li Pinghe and others should know.

They helped Xu Feng to be busy, what would they think?

If it is not this time, jump to the life of the wheel.

Xu Feng also needs to refine the sixth-order lower product, the Holy Spirit Dan, and the ink feather Tianli Dan, to be able to gather the life wheel.

Of course, now Xu Feng has almost got together, and naturally it is necessary to refine the ink feathers.

Under the service of this ink feather Tian Dan, his cultivation, even if it can not go further, can also improve a lot.

at last.

Xu Feng himself does not know how long it has fallen.

Finally, I saw the bottom.


His feet were steady and fell to the ground.

The look is easy.

A sense of joy in the rest of the robbery, spread the heart.

Xu Feng didn't think much, looked at it.

Both eyes are a condensation.

I have been falling for so long, and I can still see the bridge of killing above.

"This place is really a bit evil." Xu Feng's heart was secretly amazed, but it was a bit strange.

Regaining his mind, his gaze looked around and found where he had fallen.

It seems to be a wide square, not far from the front, is the former mysterious palace.


At this time, a burst of noisy voice came.

Not far from the figure, I walked towards this side.

"It seems that this is a mysterious palace and another entrance to him. Not only Li Pinghe and others entered the palace, but other people, apparently from other places, also came to the palace. It seems that the palace has become very lively."

Xu Feng knows.

The entire Wu Ming collar, the half-life of the soul, the following warriors, have poured into the mysterious secrets.

Nowadays, the emergence of mysterious palaces will inevitably attract many warriors to come here. Naturally, there is a lot of fighting.

"Hey! This kid looks good!"

A few people who came over, they looked at Xu Feng.

Someone said: "What happened? We came here with great pains. This kid is here in advance?"

"Affirmed that he knows what shortcuts, I have to interrogate him." A middle-aged man, full of anger.

They had died in the past nine years, nearly a hundred people, only to survive dozens of people.

Xu Feng is good, just here in advance.

Cheng Bai came forward.

The face fluttered.

"Kid, do you know what shortcuts, how come ahead, right here?"

Cheng Bai’s words rang, and his life’s six-wheeled life was resurrected.

Obviously telling Xu Feng, his own cultivation.

It is also a threat to Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng said faintly: "I do know a shortcut, just don't know, you dare not go?"

Cheng Bo heard the words, haha ​​smiled: "Where do you dare to go where your kid is going, can I dare to go?"

"You are talking about, where is the shortcut for you to go, can I still dare to go?"

Cheng Bai’s tone is high.

Other people are also very curious.

Xu Feng reached out and pointed at the bridge of killing at the top of his head.

"You see no, it is this bridge!"

Xu Feng finished.

Other people are still surprised.

The bridge above the head is obviously huge.

long distance.

Is there any other passage under the bridge connection?

"Kid, don't fool me, you are talking about, where is the passage?" Cheng Bo sighed.

Xu Feng said: "There is no passage, I jumped from the bridge above!"

"Kid, are you playing me?"

Cheng Bo was full of anger, and both of them were cold and killing.

Just kidding.

Jump off the bridge above.

Isn't that a dead end?

"Do you have fun?"

Xu Feng is helpless, how can he tell the truth, but no one believes?

The spiritual power of Cheng Bai’s body is flowing, and the corner of his mouth rises. He said: “I don’t know the child who lives and dies. I will let you know that I am a good cypress. I will not kill you. I will not be a swearer.”

Said, Cheng Bai's spiritual power, flowing toward the arm, a halo appeared on the palm of his hand.

In an instant, the palm prints became extremely horrible, and the moment when the palms were lifted up, they rushed toward Xu Feng’s chest.

Someone looked at Cheng Bai quickly shot, could not help but replace Xu Feng pinch a cold sweat.

They had come together with Cheng Bai before, knowing that Cheng Bai’s strength is very strong, but it is not weak.

The power contained in the palm is huge.

Xu Feng looks so young, how could it be Cheng Bo's opponent.

"Boundless boxing!"

Xu Feng exhibited the fourth-order Chinese spirit.

The boundless boxing is very arrogant.

When the strong momentum broke out, the boxing method came out.


Xu Feng broke through to the realm of life and the power, his strength and strength, the magnitude of the increase is really too big.

Cheng Bai only felt the arm tremble, and both eyes were horrified, and the whole person continued to retreat.


Everyone else was surprised. They all thought that Xu Feng could not support the attack of Cheng Bai.

I know, Xu Feng actually punched, and it was shocked to become a row of cypresses.

Cheng Bai first was a glimpse, and immediately smiled and said: "It turned out to be a tricky boy, no wonder dare to play with me."

"Unfortunately, you really shouldn't provoke me, you can't be my opponent now."

Cheng Bai’s words rang, and the palms rushed out in an instant, bringing a violent wind and waves.

The life wheel of the body is also filled out. He is a six-fold cultivation of the life wheel. It is just six rays of light above the life wheel.

"Just try it, what is the role of my other life wheel?"

Xu Feng’s heart is full of excitement. Since he condensed his life, he still used his life wheel for the first time.

With the inside of the body, the moment when the life wheel emerged, it seems to be heaven and earth, and it has become murderous.


Xu Feng’s fists turned into the palm of Cheng Bai’s palm, welcoming the moment of going up, and the death gas above the life wheel became extremely powerful.

The fists and the palms collided together, and the sounds of the waves were shocked, and the waves spread continuously.

The most important thing is that the life wheel of Xu Feng’s head and the life wheel of Cheng Bai collide.

Cheng Bai’s eyes pierced and suddenly contracted.


A stream of blood spouted.

The breath above his life wheel suddenly became languid.

However, Xu Feng can feel it.

Cheng Bo’s life wheel seems to be disappearing.

In other words.

The breath contained in his life wheel infects Cheng Bo’s life.

Just when Xu Feng was puzzled.

Inside his body, the mysterious woman said: "Your life wheel, the awakening life talent, is death."

"Your other life wheel, the awakening of the life-round talent is growth, and the two life-wheels complement each other."

The mysterious woman explained to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is very surprised inside.

"Life round talent?"

He really doesn't understand, what is the talent of life.

(End of this chapter)

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