The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3441: Refining Mo Yu Tian Liu Dan

Chapter 3441 Refining Mo Yu Tian Liu Dan

Seeing Guan Sheng is a little hard.

Cheng Shuang burst into a burst, said: "Little brother, I will help you!"

Cheng Shuang immediately supported Guan Sheng.

"This little brother's strength is so terrible."

Cheng Shuang did not expect.

He and Guan Sheng teamed up to deal with a magic servant, but still so hard.

And, the other side.

Xu Feng alone against a magic servant, but has the absolute upper hand.

In other words, Xu Feng’s strength is even stronger than he and Guan Sheng add up.

"Unbelievable, he seems to be resurrected in the wheel!"

Cheng Shuang while fighting, while watching Xu Feng, the heart is shocked.

At the same time, there is shock between the looks.

"Double life wheel, it is terrible."

Cheng Shuang looked at Xu Feng to gain the upper hand.


Xu Feng kicked out with a fist, and the opposite of the life of the seven-powered servant, a blood spouted out.

Inside the eyes are all stunned, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "Boy, who are you?"

The other party did not expect that Xu Feng’s life was rebuilt, but his strength was so strong.

Xu Feng’s body has a strong sense of killing, and the second-order killing of the righteousness and the second-order gravity is also diffuse.

Since the other party is the magic servant of the Mozu, he is not prepared to let this person leave alive, and immediately said: "When you are a running dog of the Mozu, you are not qualified to know who I am, die!"

"Heaven and Earth are killing the boxing method!"

"The world is gone, life is endless!"

Xu Feng exhibited his own boxing method, accompanied by his double life wheel, the growth of awakening and the talent of death, it is terrible.

In an instant, when a fist punched out, it seemed to be heaven and earth, and all of them were bombarded and collapsed.

However, the opposite servant, crazy display of the Holy Spirit skills, want to resist Xu Feng's boxing method.

However, Xu Feng’s boxing method is so horrible that he will not give back to the other party.


There are dozens of fists in succession, and the bombardment is on the other's chest.

The servant fell to the ground in an instant, and his eyes were unwilling.

"Kid, I advise you not to kill me! Otherwise, the Lord will not let you go, you will die very badly!"

The man who was born in the middle of the road fell to the ground, and he made a scream of sorrow, and his body filled with magic.

Xu Feng’s mouth is rising, cold and cold: “I don’t know what the Lord is, even if I am the Green Devil, I am not afraid, let alone the Holy Lord!”

Xu Feng’s current body, along with the magic seal left by the Green Devil, is still unable to refine it?


A punch is moving toward the man's chest, and the bombardment of the scorpion is a strong air wave.

It seems that the void is torn apart, and the heavens and the earth are wrapped in fists and shadows, bringing a shocking breath.

The man who was born in the middle of the road was so bombarded by Xu Feng’s fist in his chest and died completely.

However, Xu Feng's eyes are deep, the light is shining, and inside the body, the creation of the Ding constantly rotates.

Will be killed in the body of the man's magic, constantly swallowed and absorbed, transformed into pure spiritual power.

The rich spiritual power moved toward Xu Feng.

Chenghua Ding can refine the magic and transform it into pure spiritual power.

The other one is the other servant.

Seeing that his companions were killed.

I want to escape in an instant.

Xu Feng is on the top, and the second-order gravity is full of meaning.

In an instant, the speed of the other party is greatly reduced.

When the spiritual power of the body flows, a fist is thrown out.


The fists blasted out as if they were strong waves and slammed.

Guan Sheng and Cheng Shuang are also instant shots.

Three people attacked at the same time.

Just a few tricks, you can't resist it.


Spitting blood, falling to the ground and dying.

Xu Feng quietly devours the magic of the other person.

Cheng Shuang looked at Xu Feng and Guan Sheng and said: "The two little brothers, thank you for your help, have not yet asked the two younger brothers to surname!"

"It’s just a matter of raising your hand." Guan Sheng took the lead and said: "In Xia Guansheng, he is called Xu Feng!"

Cheng Shuang Wen Yan, are a glimpse, looked at Guan Sheng and Xu Feng with amazement.

Guan Sheng is a famous genius in the Ming Xuan collar.

Xu Feng also knows.

Higashino Kanno came in person, using the purple moon fairy as a price, and wanted to kill Xu Feng.

"Thank you for your great help, and you will be cool in the future. If you are useful, you will never give up."

Cheng Shuang is holding a fist against Xu Feng and Guan Sheng.

Xu Feng looked cool and asked: "Why are these two servants chasing you?"

Cheng Shuang heard the words and said: "I am in the palace, walking and walking, I was stared at by these two."

Cheng Shuang does not know why he is so unlucky.

"In this case, let's not do this!"

Xu Feng and Guan Sheng, left in front.

Cheng Shuang stared at the back of Xu Feng’s departure, and said: "This Xu Feng, I am afraid that it will not be three years, it will definitely be the name of the entire Northern King."

Cheng Shuang is very clear about the strength of Xu Feng, the life of the wheel is a heavy, strong smashing the killing wheel seven, this is across six levels!

Xu Feng and Guan Sheng walked inside the palace and went to a partial hall.

"Guan Xiong, you give me protection, I will refine the medicine, and first improve our strength!"

Xu Feng is now being upgraded to the life of the wheel, he can try to refine the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

As long as the refining success succeeds in Mo Yutian, he and Guan Sheng will get a good upgrade.

Guan Sheng doesn't know what kind of medicinal herbs Xu Feng wants to refine, and the appearances come out, they are all strange.

However, Xu Feng went to the center of the temple and took out the burning alchemy furnace. He wanted to refine the ink feathers.

Since it is necessary to get the spiritual materials that Moyu Tianliu Dan needs, he naturally has to hurry to refine the medicinal herbs.

In this palace, no one knows what dangers they will encounter, and it is king to improve their strength.

The flames of the Promise melted out, and Xu Feng began to smelt the ink feathers.

Mo Yu Jin Jingshi is a sixth-order Chinese spirit.

If Xu Feng does not have the fire of heaven and earth, it is very difficult to refine it.

Guan Sheng's eyes are full of horror.

He knows that Xu Feng is an alchemy teacher.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng also has a world of fire.

"Xu Xiong is really amazing!"

Guan Sheng’s heart is very clear, and the heavens and the earth are extremely precious.

As Xu Feng's tactics continued to change, the spirits in the burning alchemy furnace began to melt.

The refining of the sixth-order underpinning of the Holy Spirit is the first refining of Xu Feng, even if he does not dare to care.

Guan Sheng felt the breath inside the alchemy furnace. Some of his mistakes were made. "Xu brother, is this the sixth-order Holy Spirit?"

Guan Sheng comes from the three major families, naturally it is able to distinguish the quality of some medicinal herbs from the scent of medicine.

Thinking of Xu Feng's refining is the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan, his heart is shocked.

Such a young sixth-order alchemy teacher.

I am afraid that there are not many of the entire Northern Territory.


Spirituality gathered in the burning alchemy furnace.

The scent of the medicinal herbs gradually spread.

Xu Feng did not have any panic and methodical refining.

The alchemy furnace burst into a scent and gradually spread out.

(End of this chapter)

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