The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3442: Life cycle

Chapter 3242 Life Rounds Double

"If you let people know, Xu Xiong is actually a sixth-order alchemy teacher, I am afraid it will really cause a sensation!"

Guan Sheng knows that in Ming Xuan collar, it is the place above the alchemy master.

The sixth-order alchemy teacher, wherever he went, was a toon.

What's more, Xu Feng is such a young sixth-order alchemy teacher.

On the surface of the Ming Xuan collar, the three major families of the eighth-order forces were removed.

There are also two seventh-order forces.

They are all forces based on alchemy.

Of course, these two seventh-order forces should not be underestimated.

Guan Sheng is helpless inside, it is really more people than people.

He compared himself with Xu Feng, it is a world of difference.

Before, perhaps Xu Feng is not his opponent.

However, this is how long it takes.

Xu Feng can easily defeat him.

At the same time, Xu Feng is still a sixth-order alchemy teacher, which is incredible.


Spirituality gathered in the burning alchemy furnace.

The scent of the medicine rushed forward.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Both hands slammed on the burning alchemy furnace.

The various spirits in the alchemy furnace are thoroughly integrated.

Under the control of Xu Feng.

The medicinal herbs gradually condensed.

"Dan Cheng!"

Xu Feng took a deep breath.

Take the burning alchemy furnace.

Xu Feng took out the inside of the ink feathers.


There are some disappointments in Xu Feng’s eyes, only the refining of four ink feathers, and the quality is only 80%.

I don't know Xu Feng's inner thoughts. If he is known by other alchemists, he will vomit blood.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and adjusted his body to collect the burning alchemy furnace.

He walked to Guan Sheng and said: "Guan Xiong, this is Mo Yu Tian Liu Dan. After taking it, you can improve it."

"We are here to refine and refine the ink and feathers of the day. Let's start with a little improvement."

Xu Feng said to Guan Sheng.

Guan Sheng looked at Mo Yutian Liu Dan, who was handed over by Xu Feng. He was surprised. "Xu Xiong, this medicinal medicine is too precious..."

Guan Sheng is very clear that the value of the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan can be improved. The value is very precious.

Xu Feng looked at the deductive Guan Sheng and said: "Guan Xiong, your strength is improving, it is good for me."

"But this remedy, I can refine at any time, I can't take four medicinal drugs by myself."

Xu Feng handed Mo Yutian Liu Dan to Guan Sheng.

Immediately, I saw him take out the polylite.

"Xu Xiong, will you arrange?"

Guan Sheng’s heart is completely messy.

Is this Xu Feng really a human?

Xu Feng is undecided: "It will be a little bit!"

Guan Sheng rolled his eyes and turned: "Pervert!"

Guan Sheng never believed that someone was the darling of God.

Now, he believes.

Xu Feng in front of me is.

Budo, Dan Dao, formation.

What is Xu Feng will not be there.

Thinking of this, Guan Sheng said to himself: "Fortunately, you are not a soul teacher, otherwise, others really don't have to live!"

Xu Feng was on the sidelines while listening to the words of Guan Sheng, and almost did not laugh out.

Guan Sheng widened his eyes and stared at Xu Feng. "Xu brother, don't tell me, are you still a soul?"

Xu Feng smiled and nodded: "I am indeed a soul teacher, and now I am only a second-order soul teacher."

Guan Sheng almost didn't fall, it was really a blow to people.

Guan Sheng looked at Xu Feng with a bitter look and said: "It’s really a blow to a partner with someone like you."

Xu Feng laughed and the arrangement was completed.

"Don't waste time, hurry to refine the medicine, we have to find treasures in the palace!"

Xu Feng urged Guan Sheng to the road.

He walked to the side from his own side and began to refine the ink and feathers.

Xu Feng’s heart is firm and his heart is: “Kit, don’t worry, I will give you revenge!”

"Li Pinghe, there are no winds, you are guilty, you are going to die, I want you to pay for the kittens!"

When Xu Feng thought of the death of a kitten, he could not accept this fact.

He wants to quickly improve his strength and kill three people for revenge.

Xu Feng owns the Huading Ding, and refining the ink and feathers is a very easy thing.

Before, his creation of Ding, swallowed the magic of the two-wheeled warriors.

Transforming into pure spiritual power, making his cultivation completely stable.

Also got some improvements.

Immediately, the creation of the Ding refining ink Yu Tian Tian Dan.

The pure spiritual power flows toward Xu Feng's meridians.

Above his double-life wheel, the halo of the road continued to increase.

The symbol of the duality of life is that above the life wheel, two solid halos emerge.

Mo Yu Tian Liu Dan is the sixth-order product of the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual force is moving toward Xu Feng's life.

The breath of the body began to rise, and the ink feathers were not the sixth-order product of the Holy Spirit. The potion was really terrifying.

Not far away, Guan Sheng, watching Xu Feng began to practice on the knees, he is not willing to lag behind, began to practice.

At the moment of taking down the feathers, Tian Feng’s heart is shocked and purely powerful, transforming into a rich spiritual power.

It’s just horrible.

"This medicinal medicine is so horrible and violent, I can't live up to my brother's heart!"

Guan Sheng feels that this medicinal medicine is invaluable. If he is unable to cultivate wholeheartedly, he will not let Xu Feng feel his heart.

"Thank you!"

Guan Sheng’s heart secretly expressed gratitude.

This ink feather Tian Dan, at least can make his cultivation, to the six peaks of life.


Inside a dark palace.

Ice cold and biting.

If an ordinary person enters it, it is afraid that it will be frozen in an instant and become a crushed ice.

Ling Qingying was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the palace, and his chill was terrible.

Inside the entire palace, the chilling chill is constantly gathering towards Ling Qing's body.

A dark shadow appeared in front of Ling Qing's body, cold and cold: "If you get the inheritance of the deity, you must remember, your mission, your mission is to open the door to the dark!"

"In the future, when the Spirit of the Spirit is in chaos, you have to be truly supreme."

The cold voice sounded, and I saw the dark shadow inside, and the darkness of the light, covering the mind of Ling Qingyu, covered it.

"If the deity makes you kill this person, will you do it?"

Ling Qing’s body became cold and bitter.

Her gaze became terrible.

"Master, I..."

Ling Qing's demeanor is a pain.

She likes Xu Feng.

"I understand!"

Inside the dark shadow, a sigh of voice came out.

For a long time, the sound rang again.

"You must remember that you can't have a complete love from the beginning of your darkness!"

"Since you have fallen in love with him, let him be your slain and help you reborn in the future!"

The sound inside the dark shadow, without any feelings.

"This is a very good gas, and in the future will inevitably dominate the fate of the spiritual gods, and you are the one who ends him, understand?"

Ling Qing’s words are full of pain: “Master, why should he end him?”


A fierce palm print, falling on Ling Qing's face.

"The moment you get the inheritance, you can't help yourself!"

"In the future, you will understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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