The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3450: Life and death

Chapter 3450 is a dead end

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and his face was calm.

He slowly said: "Li Pinghe, if you want to lose both, you can try it!"

"Now the situation here is not as simple as you think. We are both hurt, and maybe others will take advantage of the fishermen."

Speaking of this, Xu Feng has a well-thought-out.

He is sure that Li Pinghe will not do it.

After all, anyone can see it.

This palace suddenly has such a change.

It is very likely that the secret inside the palace will soon be revealed.

If so.

Li Pinghe is now a wise choice for Xu Feng.

Even if he can kill Xu Feng.

Guan Sheng next to it will not be willing to give up.

At that time, it must be both losers.

Other people can't wait for their heads to break their blood!

Guan Sheng’s breath is looming, and the life of the wheel is sevenfold, which makes Li Pinghe’s brow lock.

He stared at Guan Sheng, saying: "Kuan Sheng, I can't think of your luck so good, even broke through to the life of the seven."

Li Pinghe felt that Guan Sheng was not weaker than his own breath, and his inner thoughts disappeared instantly.

If he can easily kill Xu Feng, he naturally wants to kill Xu Feng now.

However, Guan Sheng broke through to the life of the seven-wheeled, not a fuel-efficient lamp, but can not sit and watch him kill Xu Feng.

"Li Pinghe, you can break through to the seven-wheeled life, why can't I break through?"

It turned out that Li Pinghe’s six-year-old peak in his life was also broken into a seven-fold life.

However, Li Pinghe's heart is very clear, he broke through to the life of the seven-fold, is taking the long-prepared medicinal herbs.

It is not an adventure in the palace.

Mind: "Is the father of Guan Sheng also prepared for him to have a breakthrough drug?"

Thinking of this, Li Pinghe snorted coldly and glanced at Xu Feng: "Just let you spend a few more days."

However, Cheng Bo, not far away, his face is full of anger, when looking at Xu Feng, the look is killing.

"Xu Feng, you didn't die, you beat me before. You wait for me, my older brother will be there."

Cheng Bai walked to Xu Feng not far away, his face was angry.

"Hey! Li Pinghe is afraid of losing both of you, I am not afraid!"

Cheng Bai feels that as long as he can defeat Xu Feng.

As for the treasures in the palace, it is not important to be able to get it.

"Where is your helper?"

Xu Feng stared at Cheng Bai, his eyes slightly picked up, said: "It seems that you are, still want to accept the second lesson! Unfortunately, you have no storage ring this time!"

Cheng Bo heard the words and almost did not spurt blood.

Thinking of his storage ring, he was taken away by Xu Feng.

The heart is more depressed, my heart: "Kid, let you sing for a moment, my brother will come here later."

"Hey! You wait!"

Cheng Bai said evilly.

Not much time.

A figure in the distance came towards Xu Feng.

Cheng Bo instantly greeted him and said: "Big brother, you have to avenge me, the one who took my storage ring, he is here!"

It’s just that he is a cool person. He is a life-threatening practitioner. He frowned and said: "Dear, who are you talking about who took your storage ring?"

Cheng Bo's face is full of anger, pointing to the direction of Xu Feng, said: "Big brother, it is him!"

Cheng Shuang looked at the moments of Xu Feng and Guan Sheng. He suddenly opened his mouth and slapped it on Cheng Bo’s head.

"Big Brother, what are you doing for me?"

Cheng Bai is somewhat puzzled.

Cheng Shuang grabbed Cheng Bo’s clothes and walked toward Xu Feng and Guan Sheng.

"Xu Gongzi, Guan Gongzi, is not strict in teaching. If my brother is offended, let the two handle it!"

The sounds of Cheng Shuang are sincere, and the heart is full of fear.

He has seen the strength of Xu Feng and Guan Sheng.

If Cheng Bo provokes two people.

The other party is not the one who is merciful.

His own brother is a dead person.

"Big Brother! What are you doing? That is, he took my storage ring, and you still let them dispose of me?"

Cheng Bo's face is all overwhelming.

Cheng Shuang but said: "Hey! Take away your storage ring, Xu Gongzi and Guan Gongzi are the generations of the thin and the sky, if not you take the initiative to provoke them, how can you take your storage ring?"

"You know, your life is also saved by Xu Gongzi."

The sound of the sound is so clear that many people are a glimpse.

Cheng Shuang is a life-long round of repairs.

It was so awesome to Xu Feng.

At the same time, he also frowned.

Is Xu Feng's strength so powerful? Can also be able to shoot the rescue life round seven heavy success.


Cheng Bai opened his mouth and was a little aggressive.

"Big brother... You said the savior benefactor, Xu...the son..." Cheng Bo said before listening to his older brother, someone saved his life, but he did not ask who the other person is!

"Not bad!"

Cheng Shuang nodded.

"You still don't hurry to apologize to Xu Gongzi. With his strength, I want to kill you. It's easy!"

It’s a cool face.

Cheng Bai walked up and said to Xu Feng respectfully: "Xu Gongzi, I don't know Taishan, you don't remember the villain."

Xu Feng waved his hand and said: "You have to remember that if you want to provoke others, you must be prepared to be killed by others."

"Be careful!"

Cheng Bai’s heart is full of fear.

It seems that he is really a big disaster, and he has gone away in the ghost gate.

He listened to Bai said.

The person who saved his big brother is simply very powerful.

Everyone secretly frowned.

I am wrong with my heart.

They are all secretly thinking about it. Is the strength of Xu Feng very powerful?

Why Cheng Shuang feels that Xu Feng’s killing into a cypress is easy.

The hearts of all people are full of doubts.


Along with the huge square, the road of the sky is gradually diffusing.

The dense road of the sky, the above contains a strong momentum, horrible.

Even Xu Feng, both eyes are a condensation, these roads through the sky, and the atmosphere of the road they have traveled before, exactly the same.


However, it has not waited for everyone to react.

A vicissitude of voice sounded.

"Since entering the palace, it is natural to go to life and death!"

"If you step through life and death, chances are naturally passed down!"

After the voice finished speaking, it disappeared again.

Li Pinghe and others were all excited and said: "If you can't think of this road, you can get the inheritance."


In an instant, the dense figure, rushing up the road to the sky.

When someone has just set foot on the road to the sky, they will make a scream.

Even from the heavy road above the road to the sky, when falling to the ground, wide eyes.

"what happened?"

"what's going on?"

Those who have not yet embarked on the road to heaven are puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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