The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3451: Come back from the beginning

Chapter 3451 is coming back from the beginning

"Ah! Why is my spiritual power disappearing?"

"What happened, how can I not run my power?"

"My repair is like it is going backwards!"

People who have embarked on the road to heaven have felt it.

The spiritual power of oneself is disappearing.

"There is no use of spiritual power on the road to heaven!"

Everyone found a horrible thing.

If you can't use the power of the road above the sky.

I am afraid that many people will die on this.

"Ah! Help!"

A person fell from the road to heaven.

No spiritual protection.

Falling down like this is really dead.

Xu Feng’s eyes are extremely firm.

He did not hesitate and walked toward the road to heaven.

Guan Sheng is also close behind.

"Hey? Can you practice it on the road above the sky?"

Someone found out.

His own cultivation and spiritual power have completely disappeared.

However, on the road to the sky, you can cultivate.

It is equal to the cultivation of the body, starting from the beginning.

"It's a bit interesting. I don't know what kind of inheritance can I get in this way?"

Someone has an expectation inside.

Some people also have fear.

After all, a little carelessness is a dead end.

Xu Feng set foot on the road to the sky.

He is no exception, and the spiritual power of his body has disappeared.

The repair is also restored to zero.

Everything starts all over again.

"Is this going to me to cultivate from scratch?"

Xu Feng is not a very difficult thing to accept for re-cultivation.

There is not much hesitation.

He walked up the road to the sky.

While practicing, absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.

The following is a dense road to heaven.

However, the more you reach the top, the denser the road, the number becomes much less.

Some roads through the sky connect the two roads together to form a road to heaven.

There are even a few roads that lead to one another and merge together.

This leads to many warriors.

The original selection was a road without people.

In such a situation, it is still on a road with other warriors.

"Go down!"

Li Pinghe saw that someone and himself merged into one road, and they immediately started to work on other people.

"Li Pinghe, everyone starts from the beginning, you really thought, now you are still that genius?"

"You really think we are afraid that you will not succeed!"

Seeing Li Pinghe hands-on.

Several people attacked Li Pinghe and attacked them.

They are very clear that Li Pinghe’s spiritual power in the body is also absorbed and refining.


Li Pinghe looked at the objects that he usually said to himself and feared, and dared to do it himself.

Immediately angry, said: "I will tell you with strength, waste is always waste!"

The moment when Li Pinghe smashed out of the palm of his hand, it became extremely powerful, and one person was shaken back and forth.

"Be careful!"

The rest of the people are joining forces at the same time.

"Li Pinghe, even if you absorb spiritual power very quickly, we will kill you today!"

"Hey, two fists are hard to beat four hands, three of us, killing you enough." Three people, continue to move toward Li Pinghe.

Li Pinghe bit his teeth, and his eyes are all inside.

Now, how hopeful he is.

I can recover myself.


Above the road to the sky, there are successive battles, and some people fall from the road of Tongtian.

In an instant, you will die.

The repairs on the body disappeared completely.

I want to rely on, just a little bit of spiritual power.

Come and let yourself survive when you fall.

It is simply hard to go to heaven.


Xu Feng and several others joined together to form a road to the sky.

Walking, a middle-aged man, the long sword in his hand instantly appeared, filled with swordsman, and sneaked toward Xu Feng's back.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “Don’t you know, retraining, am I the best at it?”


When the fist broke out, it was the Great Compassion, and his spiritual power could support the fifth-order supernatural spirit.

Of course, the power of the Great Sadness punch that was displayed at this moment, and the peak of Xu Feng's prosperity, is a world apart.

However, it is enough to deal with the warriors who came to attack.


A scream came out.

The warrior who raided Xu Feng was shot and flew out and fell down the road to Tongtian.

The other few people are all a glimpse. Where do they think that the strength of Xu Feng is so fast?

"Don't think about doing it to me, otherwise, you don't know how you die." Xu Feng said faintly.

Take a step and walk towards the top of the road.

The road to the sky extends from below to the sky.

With the constant climb.

Xu Feng looked back a little and was dizzy.

However, he found something special.

That is, as if they had reached the top of the palace.

This palace is like a layer after another.

"Xu Feng, it is really a narrow road, I can't think we have come to one place!"

A cold voice sounded, it was Li Pinghe.

Xu Feng's eyes are calm.

He had not been afraid of Li Pinghe at all because he had made a breakthrough in his life.

What's more, now, starting from scratch, he asks himself that if he is serious about cultivation, no one is his opponent.

"Li Pinghe, to be honest, it seems that your luck is not very good." Xu Feng could not help but shake his head.

The spiritual flow of the body brings a strong air wave, and the fist is filled for a moment.

A fist to the Li Pinghe squatting out, contains the power of the majestic.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng’s fate can’t be used. Otherwise, it is really invincible.

"Not self-reliant!"

Li Pinghe looked at Xu Feng’s fist, and his body flowed, and the sword was pulled out and he smashed toward Xu Feng.


The swordsmanship flashed past, accompanied by fists bombardment, bringing the momentum.

Li Pinghe's arm tremors, double pupil contraction: "Xu Feng? How can you cultivate so fast?"

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "It's very simple, you are a waste, I am a genius, a natural cultivation."

Other people, hearing the words of Xu Feng, almost did not spurt blood.

The first day of arrogance.

Falling in Xu Fengkou, it turned out to be waste.

"court death!"

Li Pinghe has always humiliated others, and others can humiliate him.

Immediately, he screamed and the long sword floated, and he had already spurred out toward Xu Feng’s chest.

However, Xu Feng's body speed is extremely fast, and it is easy to avoid the sword attack of Li Pinghe.

On the contrary, the moment of being on the body, a punched toward the chest of Li Pinghe, bombarded.


Li Pinghe did not expect Xu Feng to react so quickly, and immediately wanted to dodge.

Xu Feng said faintly: "You can't hide!"


Li Pinghe was punched by Xu Feng, bombarded in the chest, and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

His face became very embarrassing, biting his teeth: "Xu Feng, if it is repaired to be suppressed, how can you hurt me?"

"is it?"

Xu Feng smiled undecidedly.

(End of this chapter)

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