The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3452: Xu Feng is too abnormal!

Chapter 3452, Xu Feng is too abnormal!

"Li Pinghe, today, I will let you die here!"

"You have trouble finding me three times and five times. Do you really think that Xu Feng is a good bully?"

"As the saying goes, in the 30 years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong, I have to see, how do you live?"

Xu Feng did not hesitate any more, his fist became more fierce and attacked Li Pinghe.

Li Pinghe was completely suppressed by Xu Feng’s fist, and his heart was depressed.

If it is not repaired, he feels that he can easily kill Xu Feng.


Another punch, bombarded on the shoulders of Li Pinghe, the bones were squeaky.

Li Pinghe continued to retreat, the blood inside his body rolled, his face was extremely ugly.

"Don son, I will help you!"


Several people from the Li family have appeared here.

They have started to move toward Xu Feng.

"Give me kill him!"

Li Pinghe looked at a few people in the Li family and suddenly burst into a sigh of relief.

He thought that he was completely suppressed by Xu Feng, causing injury and his heart was depressed.

If it wasn't for his cultivation being suppressed, how could Xu Feng be so cheap?

Li Pinghe’s heart has to sigh, that is, Xu Feng’s cultivation speed is terrible.

Moreover, Xu Feng’s control over the Holy Spirit and the experience of fighting are not inferior to him.

Li Pinghe’s heart is full of embarrassment. He has always been self-proclaimed to be the first talent of Ming Xuan.

However, he found that compared with Xu Feng, the gap is still very big, and the heart is hate.


Xu Feng’s eyes are full of anger.

Two fists are difficult to attack four hands.

His cultivation is suppressed, otherwise he can easily kill these people who are doing it.

The heart is depressed, and immediately burst into a loud voice, said: "Li Pinghe, count your luck."

"In the future, if you fall into my hands, I will let you know that what is called life is better than death."

The spiritual flow of Xu Feng's body seems to be a muddy, slippery.

Just heading toward the front of the passage, the eyes are firm.

He didn't know what it meant from scratch, but he only knew that he had to improve himself.

Constantly absorbing the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, the spiritual reserves in his body have become more and more.

"court death!"

Another person who did not know how to live and die, attacked Xu Feng.


Xu Feng did not hesitate and punched.

The sneak attacker didn't even have time to react.

I was bombarded and flew out.

Falling down the road to the sky, there must be no bones.

Seeing Xu Feng kill another person.

Many people are secretly vigilant.

"Xu Feng is really abnormal!"

"Everyone is the same starting from the beginning, but his strength has been upgraded to such a point."

"It is said that he also defeated Li Pinghe before, even Li Pinghe is not Xu Feng opponent."

"It seems that Xu Feng's talent, afraid of being more enchanting than Li Pinghe, will absorb the spiritual power so quickly."

Seeing Xu Feng standing in front.

The number of channels has become less and less.

Some people have stopped climbing the passage.

They are very clear.

The number of channels that follow is reduced.

It must be a battle.

If you follow it up, you may be blinded to the fish pond if you are not careful. You don't know how to die.

Li Pinghe took several people from Li’s family and continued to pursue him.

He is very clear that he can never let Xu Feng continue to live.

However, the speed at which they chase Xu Feng is still too slow.

Xu Feng is too fast.

The spiritual power in Xu Feng’s body has become more and more.

"The son, we can't go on board!"

A warrior with seven lives.

His cultivation was suppressed.

He wants to continue on the road to heaven.

However, he felt a huge amount of pressure.

He has a hunch.

If he is forced to walk towards the passage, he is really likely to fall and die.

"Hey! I can't get on one by one. It seems that your martial arts talent is really coming to an end."

Li Pinghe pointed to a few people in the Li family, with a tone of teaching.

Only a man yelled: "Hey! Xu Feng is on the top. If we go up, it will be sent to death. This is called a plan to slow down."

Li Pinghe almost did not vomit blood.

He did not expect that Xu Feng took the shock of everyone, so strong.

"What is the metamorphosis of Xu Feng? It is difficult for others to climb the road of heaven."

"He is good, walking on the road to the sky, just like taking the ordinary road."

Seeing Xu Feng in an orderly manner, he climbed to the peak of the road to heaven, and many people admired it.

Li Pinghe is not willing to show weakness, but also follows Xu Feng to chase out, he also wants to board the road to heaven.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is constantly flowing, with a strong breath in the meridians.

The spiritual power absorbed in his body is more than that of all others.

And, with the constant climb process.

Xu Feng is invisible and becomes the first person.

He is the person at the forefront of the road to heaven.

He looked at Xu Feng’s back, biting his teeth and clenching his fists. He said in his heart: "The life of this little beast is really big. He fell from the bridge of killing and did not fall to him."

"Now, the assessment of this road to the sky is like being tailored for him."

I am very clear that if I don't try to kill Xu Feng as soon as possible, I will endlessly suffer.

Xu Feng’s martial arts talent is really amazing. He heard rumors before that Xu Feng has broken through to life.

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, if the news is true.

The repair of Xu Feng’s life, can now cross several levels and kill opponents?

We must know that once the life wheel is condensed, the strength of the military is an earth-shaking upgrade.

"How is it possible? Why is Xu Feng still able to climb? Does he not feel strong pressure?"

Li Pinghe bit his teeth, the spiritual power inside the body, and the speed of circulation is extremely fast.

It seems that the spiritual power of the whole body has to be shocked, and his meridians are expanding.

"Good feeling!"

"No, I have to continue climbing so that I can get a promotion."

Li Pinghe feels such benefits, naturally will not stop, the whole body is compressed and crazy flow.

In the body meridians, it seems that they all make a squeaking voice, which is the voice of spiritual flow.

Xu Feng walked in front. He looked back and looked at Li Pinghe and others with a smile on his face.

At the same time, the wave channel: "Li Pinghe, your speed is too slow! Or hurry up! You have been behind me, I really don't adapt."


When I heard Xu Feng’s words, many people were amused by Xu Feng.

once Upon a time.

Li Pinghe is so arrogant.

Now, Li Pinghe has been so mocked by Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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