The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3453: Life cycle

Chapter 3453

"Xu Feng, don't be proud, you will fall into my hands sooner or later!"

Li Pinghe licked his mouth and his face was stunned.

All along, he was Li Pinghe who had fallen to others.

Now, it’s the turn of others to fall to him.

He suddenly couldn't bear it.

Among the two eyes, the twinkling is killing.

Unfortunately, on the road to the sky, his spiritual power was completely suppressed.

It is almost impossible to chase down Xu Feng.

"Li Pinghe, thirty years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong, you can remember, before you repeatedly wanted to put me to death?"

While Xu Feng climbed the road to Tongtian, he absorbed the spiritual power and sipped at Li Pinghe.

The irony in the voice is extremely strong.


Seeing that Xu Feng is about to reach the peak of Tongtian Road, a virtual shadow appears and looks at Xu Feng.

"Little guy, the assessment of the road to heaven, it is difficult to go to heaven, you can go on!" Xu Ying screamed at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's face was calm and slowly said: "Thank you for your good intentions. This is the way to the sky, even if it is the Longtan Tiger Cave, I have to take a trip."

The virtual film heard the words, and did not continue to discourage, and said: "Since you want to make the road to heaven."

"As long as you beat me, you can get a spiritual reward. Of course, if you are defeated by me, the spiritual power absorbed in your body will be drained in an instant, and all your previous efforts will be completely lost."

"Are you sure, will you still fight me?"

The virtual shadow stared at Xu Feng, and the voice asked seriously.

Now retreat.

The spiritual power absorbed in your body can be transformed into your cultivation.


Xu Feng just spit out two words, and the words are filled with firmness, without any hesitation and hesitation.

Although the spiritual power was blocked, his body was the body of destiny.

In the depths of the shadows, there is a deep meaning.

With appreciation.

"Let's do it!"

The shadow of the virtual body is flowing. He looks at Xu Feng and says: "You can rest assured that I will not use spiritual power."

"Boundless boxing!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate any more, and immediately displayed a boundless boxing method.

Above the fist, it is filled with violent momentum, and the fists are all squeaky.

"Fisting is like the end!"

"There is no fist!"


The boxing method is constantly being displayed, and Xu Feng’s understanding of the boxing method is extremely powerful.

The people inside the virtual shadow are a little surprised, saying: "Good punching, good power!"

"Unfortunately, I want to use this kind of boxing method to pass customs clearance from me. It is impossible."

The phantom constantly waved his palms, and repeatedly resisted Xu Feng’s boxing method, which made Xu Feng unable to defeat him.

However, the shadows of the phantom flashed a smile, saying: "The little guy, the temptation should end, and quickly show your strongest spiritual skills!"

Xu Feng is a glimpse, but he did not expect.

The virtual shadow can actually feel that he is testing the other side.

"Yes, the boxing method just now is just a temptation."

Immediately, the boxing method broke out of terror.

A punch of a bombardment came out.

"Great Sadness!"

The fists were filled with light, and it was like a punch and a burst of sound.

Above the fist, filled with golden light, it seems to be the power of the holy punch, it can be described as strong.

The virtual shadow looks at the great sorrowful punch that Xu Feng displayed. He said: "It's a good boxing method. You are a big sorrowful punch."

"If your luck is good enough, maybe you can find Daci Shengquan in the mysterious secrets."

The words of the shadows sounded, and Xu Feng’s face appeared to be a smile.


The virtual shadow did not stop, the attack became more and more horrible.

Xu Feng seems to be a little down.

Li Pinghe smiled on his face: "Haha! This Xu Feng, I don't know how high and thick, I want to work with this predecessor, I am afraid that it will be a failure."

Li Pinghe looked at Xu Feng's constant retrogression and saw that he would fall from the road of Tongtian.

There is a schadenfreude between the gods. He is now unwilling to be unlucky.


The body of the fate of Xu Feng broke out, and the powerful force exploded in an instant, making the shadow of the opposite side go crazy.

"How is this going on? The predecessor was so regressed by bombardment?" Seeing the shadow of the shadow was shocked and quit.

Many people were shocked and did not understand how Xu Feng suddenly became so powerful.

Can instantly shake the virtual shadow to the exit.

Some people even suspected that it was Xu Feng who appreciated Xu Feng and deliberately released water to Xu Feng.

After the virtual shadow stayed in the body, his eyes stared at Xu Feng with some strangeness. He said: "The kid, your body is actually the body of the destiny, but it has some meaning. Didn't you think that you are so powerful?"

The virtual shadow did not expect that Xu Feng’s body was so powerful that he could not be suppressed in this way.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng respected the virtual shadow.

"The old man is not your opponent. Since you are the body of the destiny, it has already met the assessment of the road to heaven."

"Pretend, it is not difficult to climb to the peak of the road to heaven."

After that, the shadow disappeared instantly.

However, Xu Feng felt it.

Endless spiritual power, gathered from all sides.

Surging towards his body.


Li Pinghe’s eyes are splitting, and his teeth are biting.

"This **** Xu Feng, his luck, how could it be so good!"

Li Pinghe did not expect.

Xu Feng’s body of fate has not been suppressed.

Thinking of this, his heart is envious and hateful.

Why, Xu Feng’s ability to show up is so powerful.

As the previous phantom said.

Xu Feng successively met several virtual shadow warriors.

They all want to stop Xu Feng.

After Xu Feng showed his fate, he all confessed.

Xu Feng is now in the body, the amount of spiritual power gathered, can be described as huge.

"Xu Feng is going to summit!"

When someone looked at Xu Feng, there was envy in his eyes.

They are a long way from the peak of the road to heaven.

Li Pinghe was so hard that he met the first warrior.

I know, he hasn't said what to do.

The other party has already started with him.

A stream of blood spouted.

Li Pinghe was stunned by the shadow.

"You are really bad, the two are really different, can't compare!"

The virtual shadow will fly out of the bombardment of Li Pinghe.

Still said to myself.

Li Pinghe is a spurt of old blood.

The inner hatred of Xu Feng reached the limit.

At the same time, his previous efforts were all at a loss.

Just at this time.

Xu Feng has already appeared in the peak of Tongtian Road, and began to sit on his knees, the spiritual power inside the body.

Under the mysterious fluctuations of the Tongtian Road, he constantly integrates into his life wheel, making his cultivation and steadily improving.

"The second round of life!"

"The second round of life!"

"The second round of life!"


(End of this chapter)

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