The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3496: The mountains are falling apart

Chapter 3496, the mountains are all broken.

"Great Sadness!"

Xu Feng’s Great Compassion is the fifth-order best holy spirit.

Also cultivated to the realm of fire.

The middle of the great compassion, the power of terror.

In addition, Xu Feng exhibited a nine-turn change in the soul.

Incorporate the animal spirit of the false soil pangolin into the body.

His cultivation is promoted to the realm of the five-fold life.

A punch hit.

Even if it is a warrior who lives in a round, he must be seriously injured.


Several figures were successively regressed, and blood gushed from their mouths.

A warrior who was at the peak of the nine-year-old life was smashed by Xu Feng and died of vomiting blood.

The onlookers couldn’t help but see the scene.

Xu Feng at the moment is like a **** of killing.

God blocks the killing of God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

The peak of the winter cold peak.

Cracks began to appear on the ground.


Xu Feng spurted out a blood, was seized by the Canglong guardian, and slapped on his back.

He once again killed a life-wheeled nine-fold, **** eyes, staring at the people around him.

"Today, I Xu Feng, even if it is dead here, I have to die first!" Xu Feng sounds chilly.

Blood spilled from the corners of the mouth, but the body's momentum did not have any attenuation, and some were strong.

"Heaven and earth are killing the boxing method, the heavens and the earth are extinguished, and life is endless!"

The boxing method is endless.

Yanlong protects his eyes and condenses his eyes, continually retreating, avoiding the edge of Xu Feng’s boxing method, and he does not dare to fight hard.

Yanlong protects the law very clearly, Xu Feng's strength at this moment, terrible, hard fight is equal to find death.


However, Xu Feng’s fist suddenly changed, and he went to the Canglong Protection Law.

Even if the Canglong protector did not respond, he could only lift his palm and resist Xu Feng’s fist.


His arm squeaked, and it seemed that the bones of his arms were shattered.

The rest of the people took the opportunity to continue the Holy Spirit, and greeted Xu Feng.


Xu Feng spurted out another piece of blood, and the body's breath became much weaker, and both eyes were bloodshot.

The nine revolutions of the soul can make his cultivation improve, but it is not free to play.

With the consumption of his soul power, the combat power naturally declines, and the breath will follow the disorder.

"Xu Feng, today's winter cold peak, you will die, why do you need to dying?"

Li Xuerong’s voice is very loud, and his face is full of smiles.

Xu Feng mouth raised, said: "My Xu Feng will not die in the winter cold peak today, you will definitely die in the winter cold peak."

Xu Feng stared at Li Xuerong, making Li Xuerong's eyes afraid to look at Xu Feng and only avoiding it.

"It’s a big deal. You forcefully improve and cultivate. As long as we go down, you will die."

Li Xuerong’s words are confident.

He has already felt that Xu Feng’s momentum is decreasing.

In other words, forcibly improving and repairing, it will not last long.

"Since you are so confident in Li Xuerong, then I will kill you alone, Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng’s second-order killing and the second-order gravity are all going to Li Xuerong.

In an instant, Li Xuerong only felt that his body was heavy and his pupils shrank.

He said with anger: "What are you doing? Don't hurry to kill Xu Feng..."

The Dragon Protection Law and the Canglong Protection Law, as well as several other people, are the existence of the old tyrants.

Since Xu Feng wants to work hard with Li Xuerong, isn't this a good thing? They take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

Xu Feng forced the promotion of the secret of the cultivation, and if they did it again, it would be easier to kill Xu Feng.

Li Xuerong's face became iron and blue, watching Xu Feng attacked his fist, he can only resist desperately.

A bang!

Xu Feng’s current strength is terrible. Li Xuerong is just the peak of his usual life. It is very difficult to resist Xu Feng’s boxing method.

In particular, Xu Feng's Great Sadness, but the fifth-order best of the Holy Spirit, he wants to resist the ease.


Li Xuerong spurted out a blood.

After a series of retrogression, his heart is full of anger, secretly what he is doing.

Some of the Li family’s people were stunned, and they were stunned.

They do not understand that Li Xuerong can clearly unite with others and kill Xu Feng.

It’s just that you have to show your own style. Now other people are on the wall. It’s obvious that Li Xuerong is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

"Elder Li Xuerong is afraid that this is a fierce and fierce, and it is not typical to be forced to be Cao's model!"

A man from Li’s family couldn’t help but say.


Among the eyes of Xu Feng, there is a fierce light.

He knows that after killing Li Xuerong.

It was when he broke out completely.

It’s been a while since the last time I used a blood knife.

His current body, using the blood knife.

I don't know how terrible it will be?


Li Xuerong’s eyes are resentful. He screams and says, “You guys are not allowed to die...”

"You are so mean and shameless... After Xu Feng killed me, it was your death..."

Li Xuerong was bombarded by Xu Feng's fist, and he was bombarded with blood on his chest.

The bones of the chest are crushed by the shackles.

"I can not be reconciled……"

Li Xuerong issued a sigh of relief.

The sound echoed at the peak of the winter cold peak.

He was lifted up by Xu Feng with both hands.


I saw Xu Feng screaming and lifted Li Xuerong to the high, and flew out under the winter cold peak.

The miserable snoring shocked people.

Many people are taking a breath.

They can't help but sigh.

If they start with Xu Feng, they are afraid that they will die very badly.

Xu Feng's eyes are filled with killing.

He is very clear.

Even if a thousand ghost kings appear, it is impossible to defeat so many people.

The cultivation of the Thousand Hands and the Ghost King is the peak of the life.

This guy is seriously injured.

The haze of the body is almost completely worn out.


A stream of blood spouted.

Xu Feng only felt that the oil was running out.

"Xu Feng, you are already running out of oil and dying!"

Canglong protects the law and makes a scream.

The power of the body is surging.

The palm print on the palm of your hand became terrifying.

Yanlong protects the law, there are other people.

They also all attacked Xu Feng.

Many people make silent sighs.


They are very clear that the next scene must be the death of Xu Feng.

Some people have regrets in their hearts.

Is such a peerless genius like Xu Feng still dying here?

The demon of the dark robes in the distance, the magical penetration of the body, has disappeared in place.

"If I save him and use it for me, it will become my right arm in the future!"

Unfortunately, he has not yet reached the peak of the winter cold peak.

A horrible **** light rises to the sky.

The blood, as if to be able to tear the vastness of the mysterious soldiers.


The eyes of the Mozu eyes condensed, staring at Xu Feng’s hands, blood red blood knife.

The entire winter cold peak was shrouded in blood.

The murderous murderousness shocked the world.

Winter cold peaks screaming.

It started to crack!

(End of this chapter)

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