The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3497: Ling Qing's transformation

Chapter 3497, the change of Ling Qingying

"A horrible knife!"

Seeing the blood red knife in Xu Feng's hand rises to the sky.

The military of the winter cold peak.

They panicked and fled.


They obviously felt that even the horrible blood knife was a slap in the face.

They can tear these people into a smash, and die without a burial place.

"Xu Feng actually hides such a means, it is incredible, hurry up!"

Canglong protects the feeling of Xu Feng’s rising momentum, and his eyes are full of panic.

Before he came back to God, the opposite Xu Feng, his eyes were red, and his blood was completely drained by the blood knife.


Xu Feng's lips are cracked, blood is infiltrated from the lips, and his face is pale and pale.

"What level of knife is this?"

Many people look at the blood knife and feel dry mouth.

It is really the momentum of the blood knife, it is too horrible.

Only the winter peak is not far from the mountainside.

A man who was exhausted with blood, his eyes shone and said: "I don't think there is such a heavy treasure in Ming Xuan collar. If I can get this knife, I can't explain Xuan Ling, even if it is the entire Northern Territory, I can also be vertical and horizontal."

"You are all fleeing, but I am going to take the knife, a group of fools!" Kong Yunhai eyes with light.

The blood of the body is constantly erupting, and if Xu Feng feels it, he will be surprised.

This **** magical species of Kong Yunhai, like his own, is a sixth-order bloodthirsty monster.

Within the entire territory of the Northern Territory, those who can plant the sixth-order bloodthirsty magic species have only the moon protection method.

In other words, this Kong Yunhai, and Xu Feng's talent, are optimistic about the moon protection.

It is conceivable that the strength and talent of Kong Yunhai is so terrible.


At the moment, Canglong protects the threat of death. His heart is full of fear, and his eyes are full of fear.

He did not hesitate, madly fleeing, with the **** red knife, squatting down.

The vitality of Xu Feng’s eyes has disappeared, as if it has been cut off.

However, the blood knife is under the hood.

What a horror?

Now Xu Feng’s strength is terrible to such an extent.

He applied a bleeding knives, and his power was endless.

Yanlong protects the law and Canglong protects the law, all fleeing wildly.

The rest of the people are also ignored.

Sprinkle your legs and run.

Under such a **** red knife.

A warrior with a life-threatening position, a hard-working knives, tearing into a **** fog.

Countless people stared at this scene with stunned eyes. They were all worried and their hearts were shocked.

They know that Xu Feng passed this winter cold peak, fearing that it would become a fame, and the whole Ming Xuan collar, no one dared to swear at him.

Puff puff……

Yanlong protects the law and Canglong protects the law quickly, and their strength is also very strong.

At this moment, but constantly spurting blood, the look is unwilling and remorse.

If I knew that Xu Feng’s strength was so abnormal, I would say that Ziyue Xianlin, even if it was the seventh-order Holy Spirit Dan, they would not come to kill Xu Feng.

Just kidding.

Treasures are precious, but there is no life to suffer.

Everything is in vain.

When the Dragon Protection Law and the Canglong Protection Law escaped.

Feel a **** light and wrap them up.

"In the future, for my use!"

Haven't waited for them to come back.

Only feeling in my mind, a **** red mark emerged.

Looking at the man who appeared in front of him, there was fear in both eyes.


Throughout the winter cold peak, a trace of cracks extended and the entire mountain peak began to collapse.

The eyes of Kong Yunhai burst into light, and the speed was extremely fast, rushing toward the peak of the winter cold peak.

"God! Who is that? It’s so horrible, at this time, I dare to rush to the top of the winter cold peak."

Seeing that Kong Yunhai rushed up to the peak of the winter cold peak, all the people who had passed through the gods were stunned.

The people who besieged Xu Feng, in addition to the Yanlong protector and the Canglong protector, the rest of the people turned into blood fog.


"A good seedling!"

The Mozu eyes are filled with darkness, and he wants to surrender Xu Feng for his own use.

Now, feeling the breath of Kong Yunhai, he also gave birth to the thought of surrendering Kong Yunhai.


The whole winter cold peak collapsed.

"The owner..."

A torn voice sounded.

Kong Yunhai slammed out toward Xu Feng, the blood-red claws.

"Ling Qing?"

Xu Feng only felt faint conscious, using blood knives, causing horrible consumption of his body and holy soul.

He could no longer respond to anything, and he could only see the figure of Ling Qingyu between the stupid.

However, today's Ling Qing, it has become terrible, her Xuanbing cold body, completely awakened.

The horrible cold makes the winter cold peaks completely frozen, even if it is Kong Yunhai, it is also shocking.

"who are you?"

Kong Yunhai's **** red claws were easily crushed by the long sword of Ling Qing.

His eyes were suddenly contracted, afraid of Ling Qingying, but also to **** Xu Feng’s blood knife.

"The people of Xufu, Ling Qingyu!"

Ling Qing’s voice is cold.

If it wasn't for Xu Feng, she might have died.

"Xufu? What is the power?"

Kong Yunhai has been in Ming Xuan for so long, and has not heard of the existence of Xu.

When is the genius of Ling Qingying?

"The newly formed power!"

Ling Qingqi replied.

The winter cold peak collapsed completely and the mountain peaks shattered.

Zhou Wei and others are nervously staring at the shadow of the winter cold peak.

The vagueness can be seen clearly.

"not good!"

As the winter cold peak collapsed completely, Ling Qingying's eyes and eyes suddenly shrank, only because the winter cold peak began to smash.

She jerked and then retired and grabbed Xu Feng.

Seeing the moment of catching Xu Feng.

Kong Yunhai attacked.

In the middle of the winter cold peak, it seems to be a huge space black hole.

The strong vortex flashed away.

In an instant, Xu Feng was swallowed up by the whirlpool.

"No, space crack!"

Ling Qing's face became iron blue.

She is very clear that once she is swallowed into space cracks and wants to survive, it is hard to go to heaven.

"You give me to die!"

Seeing that Xu Feng was swallowed by space cracks, Ling Qingyu did not care about the collapse of the winter cold peak, grasping the long sword, and the Xuanbing cold body completely broke out, and even realized the second-order peak of the mysterious ice.

Going crazy towards Kong Yunhai.

"It's bad luck!"

The purpose of Kong Yunhai is the blood knife in the hands of Xu Feng.

Seeing Xu Feng was swallowed up by space cracks.

He naturally will not be entangled here with Ling Qing.

"Don't kill you, don't give up!"

Seeing Kong Yunhai fleeing, Ling Qingyu grabbed the long sword, and his heart was tearing pain.

Going crazy towards Kong Yunhai, she discovered at this moment that the figure had been completely printed into her mind and in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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