The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3498: The owner of the bliss mountain village

Chapter 3498 The Old Master of the Bliss Villa

Ling Qing's body spreads the second-order peak of Xuan Bing, and moves toward Kong Yunhai.

Wherever he went, the ice was frozen, and some towering trees became nickel powder.

Many people are watching the battle between Ling Qing and Kong Yunhai.

They are all stunned.

"When is the Ming dynasty collar, there is such a genius. These two people, the strength of any one person, is enough to kill the top ten spectators of Ming Xuan Ling before the second?" Some people could not help but sigh.

Kong Yunhai’s strength and Ling Qing’s strength are not as strong as Li Pinghe’s.

"I really can't think of it. It's incredible that our Ming Xuan collar is so deep."

Someone couldn’t help but say.

Looking at the battle between Kong Yunhai and Ling Qingyi, I really enjoyed it.

As for Xu Feng, it was swallowed up by the winter cold peak.

They don't have much leisure time to worry about.

After all, killing Xu Feng is not their credit.

For these people.

As long as there is a lively look, it will do.

Zhou Wei and others surrounded them and were shocked when they saw Ling Qing.

Just because Ling Qing is a person around Xu Feng.

"Ling girl..."

Cang Jingnian and others have also come up.

Ling Qingyi's long sword continued to pierce.

The opposite Kong Yunhai roared: "Small! People! You are crazy, you want to fight with me?"

Ling Qingying bit his teeth and said: "Yes, I just want to fight with you. You killed our Xufu government. No matter it is the end of the earth, I will kill you."


Kong Yunhai's eyes narrowed and his face was angry. He said: "Since you want to work hard, don't blame me."

On Kong Yunhai's body, the blood-red suffocation broke out, and the whole body's spiritual power flowed madly, bringing strong momentum fluctuations.


The long sword continued to attack from Ling Qing’s hands.

Kong Yunhai's strength is indeed stronger than that of Ling Qing.

"Since he killed the owner, we are welcome, killing him together!"

Cang Jingnian and Dong Hao are both strong, and Zhou Wei and Zhou Qian are also shooting toward Kong Yunhai.

Kong Yunhai did not expect that so many people did their own hands and immediately screamed.

The blood of the body is condensed.

"Hey, you give me waiting!"

Kong Yunhai is very clear, continue to entangle, he really may die here.

Suffering from the tear of Ling Qing’s sword, a stream of blood spurted out and fled away in the distance.

Ling Qingyi still wants to chase, but was stopped by Cang Jingnian and others: "Ling girl, don't chase!"

Cang Jingnian can see that Kong Yunhai has not gone all out to catch up with the deer who died. Is it unknown?

"What is the situation?"

Cang Jingnian and others are eager to look at Ling Qingyu.

Ling Qingying's eyes are all angry, and she feels that when she feels the winter cold peak, she wants to save Xu Feng.

However, it was delayed by the attack of Kong Yunhai, causing Xu Feng to be swallowed by the space crack of the winter cold peak.

Dong Hao and others look regret and unwillingness. They just joined Xu Fu and have not yet been completely established.

The talent that Xu Feng showed, in time, must be the existence of nine days of shock.

"I don't think everyone should worry too much. I think Xu's Lord Ji people have their own natural world, and maybe he will survive."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and he always felt that Xu Feng would not die at the top of the winter cold peak.

Before the Zhou family, Xu Feng was able to surrender the fire of heaven and earth, that is how much ability.

How could it be easy to die in the winter cold peak, although the space crack is a dead life, but it may not be possible to survive.

"This is also possible!"

Cang Jingnian and others, nodded.

"We don't leave the winter cold peak, continue to look around to see if we can find clues."

Cang Jingnian said.


In a blink of an eye.

A month has passed.

Cang Jingnian and others outside the winter cold peak.

The ruins of the collapse of the winter cold peak have been turned over.

But there is still no trace of Xu Feng.

In their eyes, they are sad and desperate.

The bottom of the winter cold peak.

A little dilapidated cave.

A young man with blood, his clothes are broken, and there are scars everywhere.

The meridians of the body are torn, and the blood is dry.

A month's time.

The vitality of his body gradually recovered.

This young man is Xu Feng.

Under the effect of the double life wheel.

Especially Xu Feng's life-round talent is death and growth.

This time if it is not the growth of Xu Feng's life.

I am afraid that Xu Feng is really dead without a place to die.

Not far away.

Sitting on the knees and sitting on a body.

If you don't look carefully, you think that the other person is a living person.

However, there is no anger on this body.

Obviously, this is a corpse.

"Well? Am I still alive?"

Xu Feng did not know how long the time had passed. He opened his eyes and felt only the whole body. It was tearing pain.

His eyes swept over the top of his head, and his hands were slowly swaying on the ground before he barely sat up.

"What is this place?"

Xu Feng's eyes swept over and saw the body not far away, some strange.

"Little guy, are you finally awake?"

A little old voice sounded.


Xu Feng can feel that the sound comes from the opposite body.

"Predecessors are still alive?"

Xu Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Alive?" The old voice lamented and said: "It has been dead for many years, but I am not willing to die."

There is obviously resentment and anger in the voice.

"Predecessors, did you save me?"

Xu Feng can feel it.

When he was unconscious, he seemed to have a gentle spiritual power wrapped around his body.

"Okay! Accurately speaking, it is your life talent, saved you!" In the voice of the old man, with horror.

Such a terrible life talent, he is really unheard of.

Can automatically repair the body and restore the injury.

Such a life-round talent is not difficult to die.

"Predecessors, here is the secret of the mysterious soldiers? How can you..." Xu Feng knows that in the mysterious secrets of the Xuan Bing, the soul of the soul can not enter.

However, although the old man opposite is dead, the breath is obviously the life of the soul.

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

The old man bit his teeth, his eyes are hot.

"I was framed by traitors."

As the old man began to talk to Xu Feng.

It turned out that the other party turned out to be the three major forces of Ming Xuan Ling, the old owner of the Bliss Villa.

By chance, he suppressed the cultivation and entered the mysterious secret.

It was the words of his disciples.

In the secret of Xuanbing, I found a place.

There is the Holy Spirit Dan who prolongs life.

So he personally took the pro-disciple, and the rest.

Enter the mysterious secrets.

I know, I came to Donghanfeng to know.

Everything is the conspiracy of his closest, most convinced, and most loved pro-disciples.

He is suppressed, and with poisoning, everything is controlled by others.

Finally, desperately fleeing, inadvertently fell to this cave.

(End of this chapter)

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