The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3518: Thousand-handed ghost king battle Kong Yunhai

Chapter 3518, The Thousand-Handed Ghost King, Kong Yunhai


The hand of the ghost king has a spiritual flow, and he has long been itchy.

After so many years, I have finally encountered two lives.


Chen Yu and Hu Ting, both of them are frightened.

However, the speed of the Thousand Hands Ghost King is very fast.

Already came to two people.

The arm of the Thousand Hands Ghost King becomes a claw.

It seems to be a sharp blade, and the tears are torn out.


Hu Ting's face became iron blue, and he was torn by a thousand hands of the ghost king's claws.

Not far from Chen Hao is also stunned, did not expect the speed of the thousand hands ghost king so fast.

"Who is you, why have we never seen it before?" Hu Ting's face changed slightly.

The hand of the ghost king is sharp and said: "We have not seen it very normal, because you two wastes, not qualified to see me."

Chen Hao bit his teeth and said with a threat: "You are so arrogant, isn't it?"

"The two of us are all nine-year-olds. If you really fight with you, you may not be able to get cheap."

Chen Yu’s words are threatened, the spirit and breath of the body erupt, and the feeling of the opposite hand’s ghost king gives him the ninth peak of his life.

Therefore, Chen Zhen felt that he and Hu Ting had joined forces and had the power to fight with the ghosts.

It is not only that there is no intention to stop the hand, but that there is a sense of war between the gods.

"Ha ha ha ... is exactly what I want, I really want you both to go all out, if you can let me back, I can spare you not to die." Thousand-handed ghosts and words, with hegemony.


"What happened? How did the bloodthirsty species I planted disappear so much in a moment?" Kong Yunhai was in the depths of the Purple Dragon Blood Mountain, and came to the place where thousands of ghost kings killed a few people.

He did not expect that he had not yet reached his destination, and the smell of several bloodthirsty creatures disappeared.

"It seems that a few people who planted the bloodthirsty demon species will inevitably encounter a strong enemy, and this will happen."


The spiritual power of Kong Yunhai flows, speeding up the speed and chasing out the resistance he feels.


Chen Yu heard the words and was angry. He said: "Hu Ting, we are joining hands and working hard with him!"

"I still don't believe that even if he is even better, he can make us die here."

Chen Yu is also a man with iron skeletons, dare to say such words.

In the depths of Hu Ting's eyes, he flashed a plot of conspiracy and smiled. "You said it is good. We are desperately working with him."

As Hu Ting’s words rang, Chen Ling’s spiritual power flowed toward the thousand hand ghost kings.

The Holy Spirit technique that he displayed is the fifth-order Chinese spirit, and the palm of his hand becomes a palm print, surrounded by lightning.

The strength of this Chen Hao is also good, and I feel that the first-order Lei is righteous.


The Thousand-Handed Ghost King looked at Chen Hao’s attack, and the dry arm was lifted up, and it was also a palm of the hand.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King is the strongman of the North Coast. It seems that the palm of the hand is not the Holy Spirit, but it bursts out of the power of the fifth-order Holy Spirit of the opposite face.

Hu Ting did not drag, and the sword in his hand emerged, and a sword turned into dozens of swords.

Jianying attacked the chest of the Thousand-Handed Ghost King, apparently wanting to take the opportunity to attack the Thousand-Handed Ghost King.


I know that when the palm of the hand and the palm of Chen’s hand collided, Chen Hao was shocked.

After a series of retreats, his long sword hit the three villages before the thousand hands and ghosts.

The palm of the hand of the ghost of the thousand hands, so holding a long sword, sharp swordsman, can not pierce the palm of the hand of the ghost.


Hu Ting felt the impact of the long sword and his face changed greatly.

In an instant, the Thousand-Handed Ghost King clamped the sword with death and death, and the spirit of his body surged and instantly smashed out.



Hu Ting’s arm was torn apart, and a blood spurted out of his mouth, his face paled.

The whole person was flung out of the shackles, and the heavy swords were smashed on the ground.

Seeing Hu Ting injured, Chen Hao rushed out in a crazy way. In his opinion, he and Hu Ting are partners and are proud of each other.

How do you know that when he attacked the ghost king, the spiritual flow of Hu Ting turned and fled.


Chen Hao’s palm print was suppressed by the thousand hands and ghost kings, and was again caught on the chest.

The chest was shattered and the blood spurted out, and the internal organs were shattered by the ghosts of the thousand hands.

However, Chen Zhen’s most angry thing is that when he was desperately fighting with the ghost king, Hu Ting chose to escape.

"Hey! It seems that your fighting partner is not sincere enough to you!" The spirit of the thousand hand ghost king surging.

It has already been chased out to the place where Hu Ting escaped. Chen Chen’s internal organs have been shattered, and there is still a little fighting power.

Hu Tinggang escaped and went far away, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Hu Ting, you are so embarrassed, what happened?" Kong Yunhai rushed to the place of the battle.

Just happened to see Hu Ting who fled to the distance, and asked.

Hu Ting saw the time of Kong Yunhai. ,

The depths of both eyes are fine.

"Reporting to the master, we found the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan, originally I wanted to take over to the owner."

"Which know, but they were robbed by both of them, causing us all else to be killed."

Hu Ting’s words are unwilling.

Kong Yunhai heard the words and nodded. "It’s really hard for you to be true. The next thing, let me deal with it!"

"Thank you for the master, the master must give us a fairness..." Hu Ting squatted down at Kong Yunhai, and his face naturally showed a smile.


I know, I haven’t waited for Hu Ting to come back, and Kong Yunhai’s palm prints are slamming down his head.

Hu Ting didn't know why he died, why Kong Yunhai wanted to kill himself.

Kong Yunhai's mouth raised: "Hey! I have warned you long ago, and I will report it to me if I find any situation."

"You are staring at me, **** it!"

Immediately, Kong Yunhai looked up and looked at the ghost king.

"It turned out to be a ghost, a little bit interesting."

However, Kong Yunhai’s gaze is condensed on Xu Feng.

"With both of you, it is not my opponent. Hurry and hand over the drug to admit defeat. I can accept you as my man."

Thousands of ghosts and kings raised their mouths with a sneer: "With your garbage, are you qualified to let me be yours?"


Thousand-handed ghost kings have a life-threatening explosion, dry palms, and tears.

The palm of the hand is like a sharp edge, so it tears from top to bottom, and the spiritual power of the body condenses toward the sharp edge.

"I don't care for myself, I accept you as a man, that is your honor." Kong Yunhai did not expect that a thousand hands and ghosts dare to do it.

The ultimate repair of the peak of life is an explosion, and the blood of the body shines, rising from the sky.

Lifting the palm of your hand, condensing into a blood-red claw, and smashing out the sharp blade that hit the king of the ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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