The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3519: I want your bloodthirsty

Chapter 3519, I want your bloodthirsty


The attack of the Thousand-Handed Ghost King and Kong Yunhai, together with the collision.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King used to be a strongman on the North Coast.

Although the repair has just recovered, his strength is not weak.

And, opposite the hole Yunhai.

This person can be planted by the moon protection method to plant the sixth-order bloodthirsty magic, but it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Kong Yunhai did not expect a thousand hands and ghost kings, able to withstand his own attack, the thousand hands of the ghost king in front, but the ghost body.

On the mainland of Lingshen, there are not many people who can use ghosts to cultivate, but they are not lacking in the strong.

Kong Yunhai was a slap in the first place, and immediately smiled: "It turns out that you have a little ability, but I am a little girl!"

Kong Yunhai’s words are arrogant.

Not far from Xu Feng could not help but shake his head, this Kong Yunhai is so arrogant, do not know who it is, give him the courage.

If he knew that the Thousand-Handed Ghost King used to be the strongman on the North Coast, would he dare not be so arrogant?

However, Xu Feng can also see that the repair of the Thousand-Handed Ghost King has returned to the peak of his life.

However, his combat effectiveness has not yet fully erupted.

If Kong Yunhai does not break out other means, it is very difficult to defeat the thousand ghosts.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King was furious. It was really a tiger who was bullied by a dog. He wanted to be a thousand-handed ghost king. He used to be the top strongman on the North Coast.

Now, it is a shame that such a young man is born by a young man like Kong Yunhai.

The whole body's haze is madly surging, and the hands of the ghosts of the thousand hands are on the dry palms.

The gust of wind continued to sweep, and his palms continued to move up and down.

When the arm is rocking up and down, even if Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, it is only because of the dense arms.

Xu Feng was surprised and said in the dark: "It seems that the other side is called the King of the Ghosts, but it makes sense.

Xu Feng feels very clear that since the hand of the ghost king has exhibited such a holy spiritual skill, it means that it was really angered by Kong Yunhai.

Kong Yunhai stared at the palm of the hand of the Thousand-Handed Ghost King, with disdain on his face. "I will let you know how powerful I am."


Kong Yunhai's whole body spirits surging, the blood red light, shrouded the thousand hands and ghosts.

The palm print is condensed, as if it were a beast, and it is swept away in the place where the ghost king is located.

The illusion of a thousand hands continually erupted, and it was resisted by the attack of the attack.

A bang.

The attack of both of them was very strong, and the waves of the air continued to sway in all directions, and the space made a loud voice.

The depths of the thousands of hands and ghosts are deep and cold, and the haze of his body is frantically surging.

Kong Yunhai is also very powerful, and the palms are constantly bombarded, like a storm, the impact of smashing.

The Holy Spirit, which was displayed by the Thousand Hands and Ghosts, is also powerful, with a palm print, falling from the sky.

Kong Yunhai burst into a burst, his hands suddenly lifted up, and the blood red waves broke out.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King stared at Kong Yunhai and said: "I don't think you are a running dog of bloodthirsty."

Kong Yunhai heard the horrible sound of the thousand hand ghost kings saying: "Don't say it is so ugly, everyone is trying to improve the cultivation and strength. I don't think it is wrong to join the bloodthirsty teaching."

In Kong Yunhai's heart, adding bloodthirsty education is not a sinful thing, everything is to improve their own strength.

He cultivated the bloodthirsty magical law and condensed the bloodthirsty magical species, all of which wanted to take their strength to the next level.

"Hey! It’s really obsessive. You bloodthirsty indiscriminately kills innocent people, in order to devour blood, no evil, no evil."

Among the voices of the Thousand Hands and Ghosts, all of them are just right.

The time of Xu Feng and Qiang Ghost King is not very long.

However, he is very clear.

A thousand hands and ghosts are a person with a sense of justice.

"It’s ridiculous, this is the world of the weak and the strong, and the weak will die!" Kong Yunhai said the righteous words, the blood of his body broke out, and the sixth-order bloodthirsty monster in the body suddenly emerged.

The horrible suffocation made the thousand hands and ghosts a condensate. He did not expect that Kong Yunhai’s cohesiveness turned out to be a sixth-order bloodthirsty monster.

We must know that the sixth-order bloodthirsty magic species is not small for the addition of Kong Yunhai's strength.

The sixth-order bloodthirsty moth in Xu Feng’s body feels the breath of Kong Yunhai’s bloodthirsty moth, and it becomes so eager to move.

Kong Yunhai raised his head and his eyes fell on Xu Feng's body, and his mouth was pinched with a smile that was not good.

"Haha... I thought you were so bright and bright? You still don't know? The guy behind you, the bloodthirsty monster in his body, is not lower than mine!"

There is ridicule in the voice of Kong Yunhai.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King has long known that Xu Feng has a bloodthirsty demon.

He also believes that Xu Feng was forced to persecute by the law.

"You are not a person of the world!"

After the thousand hands and ghost kings finished, the spiritual power of the body flowed madly, bringing the strong, the arms swept out.

Kong Yunhai felt the attack from the thousands of ghost kings. He said slowly: "End! I don't have time, and you are here to delay."


The sky is full of spiritual power, and the blood is pouring out of the body of Kong Yunhai.

In front of Kong Yunhai, a strong blood-red wave is formed, just like the waves are rolling.

Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested, and the inner secret is: "I am afraid that the ghost of the hand is not the opponent of Kong Yunhai."

Xu Feng feels very clear, Kong Yunhai's strength is like a rainbow, and the thousand hands and ghosts gradually fall into the wind.


With the **** red waves, the armor was shocked and the arm was shocked.

Thousand-handed ghost kings continued to quit, and the internal organs were somewhat tumbling and suffered some injuries.

Xu Feng looked at the ghost king and said: "You have not completely recovered, or give him to me!"

Kong Yunhai heard Xu Feng’s words, and laughed: “Xu Feng, I haven’t been looking for you yet, but you want to find me.”

"In this case, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I want your bloodthirsty species."

Kong Yunhai’s words rang.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "If you want my bloodthirsty species, then rely on your ability."

Xu Feng did not deal with Kong Yunhai as he did with Hong Sheng. The sixth-order bloodthirsty moth in this guy’s body was also left behind by the moonguard.

If it is his own bloodthirsty monster, it is really swallowed up by Kong Yunhai, which really helps him.

Maybe, Kong Yunhai breakthrough repair, is possible.

Kong Yunhai's suffocating flow, cold and cold road: "Do you really think that you can kill a few wastes, are you qualified to do it with me? Don't toast, don't eat, eat fine wine, you will die very badly. ""

In the words of Kong Yunhai, all the threats are revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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