The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3527: a boxing shock kills the wheel

Chapter 3527, a boxing shock killing round

"Kitten? Where are you?"

Xu Feng has some tremors inside.

These days in the mysterious secrets are about to close.

He almost exhausted his efforts and searched the mysterious secrets. All the places he could find, he never found any traces of the kittens.


Xu Feng sighed helplessly.

First, the fire was taken away by her race. If the kittens are not flying now, this is not a temporary and acceptable thing for Xu Feng.

"Is the secret of the mysterious soldier closed?"

Xu Feng felt the spatial volatility of Xuanbing's secret space. He realized the first-order space and felt more clearly.

The void of the mysterious secrets is about to appear in a broken situation, and it does not know how many years it will take before it can be repaired.

However, after the repair is successful, it is the time when the mysterious soldiers appear.

This is also why, the mysterious secrets appear every time for half a year.

It takes decades to be the next reason.

"Kit, I hope you can be safe."

Xu Feng and the kitten have been together for so long, no kitten is around him, he is really not used to it.


The mysterious voice of the Xuan Bing sent out a bang, deafening, many people could not help but shock.

"The mysterious secret is about to close!"

The hurricane of the space filled the way, and above the mysterious secrets, there was a whirlpool of the road.


Many warriors who are still alive, they all know that if they leave slowly, they are very likely to be unable to get out of the mysterious secrets.

However, those whirlpools are transmitted from the mysterious secrets to the outside portal.

Xu Feng’s spiritual flow, he did not hesitate, but also left outside the mysterious secrets.


A dark palace.

There stood a statue there.

The statue is majestic, as if it can smash the world.

However, the statue is not a person, nor a demon.

It's a cat.

The cat looks lifelike.

Underneath the statue, a kitten leans against the edge of the statue.

"Thank you for the help of the ancestors of the ancestors, pointing out the kindness, Benedict will inevitably lead the king of the king, and reproduce the glory of ancient times. However, now the mysterious secret is about to close, I am going to find my brother!"

This cute cat is a kitten.

His words rang.

Above the statue, a crack appeared.

"Go! Your brother, since he is so good to you, you will be able to help him in the future, and you will be able to get great benefits."

The old voice sounded.

The statue turned into countless dust and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The kitten licked it out.

If Xu Feng looks at this scene, it will inevitably be shocking.

Just because the folding meaning of the kitten's understanding has been infinitely close to the third-order folding.

If the kittens are going all out, even if they are the soul-wounders, they should be jealous of three points.

Especially the folding of the righteousness, the degree of control over the void is really terrible.

"Brother... you must be worried that the kitten is dead, I am coming..."

The kitten is very excited and chooses to leave the mysterious secret.



Xuanbing secret outside the country.

Li Jia's strong, Li Xuekang.

He is a nine-fold cultivation of his life.

This time, the person responsible for the return of the people in the secret world of Xuan Bing, who is responsible for the return of the mysterious soldiers, is Li Xuekang.

However, his eyes stared at the people sent by the mysterious secrets, and did not even see a Li family.

"School elders, some are not right, why are we Li family alone, have not come out?"

"There are so many people coming out. Is it true that the people of our Li family are in danger in the mysterious world?

At the side of Li Xuekang, following the two Li family's warriors, they are also eight-year-old.

"Don't worry, it must be the people of our Li family. In the mysterious secrets, it is too united."

"They all want to come out together, and don't know how many people there are, how much benefit they get."

In Li Xuekang’s voice, he has strong self-confidence.

Despite the news.

The life crystal of Li Pinghe is broken.

Li Zhen was furious.

However, although Li Pinghe was the first talent of Ming Xuan, he was only repaired by the wheel.

Li Xuerong and others, but the life of the nine strong, the strength is not weaker than themselves.

As time went by, Li Xuekang's face became very incomparable, and many people who have closed their homes have already appeared.

Even Zhou Wei can order Zhou Qian to start counting the number of people who lived in Zhou.

However, from the beginning to the end of the Li family, there is no one who appears, it seems to disappear from the air.

"School economist, I am going to personally ask, what is the situation?" Li Xuekang, who was enthroned by the eight-armed warrior, got Li Xuekang’s approval, and immediately caught a man with a six-wheeled life and directly caught Li Xuekang’s body. .

The man looked at Li Xuekang and others and was full of fear.

"Several people, please do your best, don't kill me..."

Li Xuekang looked at the man and said: "You can rest assured that I am not interested in killing you."

"You have so many people coming out, why aren't we all of Li's people?"

Li Xuekang directly asked.

The eyes of the man twinkled, and the inner secret said: "If I don't tell these people the truth, they are angry, aren't I dead and dead?"

Immediately, the man said: "Several people, you still don't know, people of your Li family are killed by one person."

"That is the young man over there, Xu Feng!"

The man’s words have just finished.

Li Xuekang’s face was cold and ruthless. He said: "This Xu Feng is really daring and dare to kill my Li family. I will kill him."

Li Xuekang did not continue to ask the details of the man and rushed out toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng and Cang Jingnian and others gathered together, and he felt a strong gust of air.

The pupils of the eyes suddenly contracted, and the moment of the spiritual flow of the whole body raised the fist and punched it out.


"act recklessly!"

Xu Feng spit out four words.

Li Xuekang only felt that it was like a fist of a storm, smashing his own attack.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation has broken through to the six realms of life and the other, not to mention the waste of Li Xuekang.

I am afraid that even Li Zhen, the Lijia family leader, may not be qualified to be Xu Feng’s opponent.

Just a punch!

Li Xuekang only felt that it seemed that the whole person was overwhelmed with breath, and a blood spurted out.

When the body suddenly receded, the pupils of the eyes contracted, but between the moments, the internal organs were shattered.

With a bang, heavy squatting on the ground, blood and unwillingness in both eyes.

Following Li Xuekang’s two Li Jiawu, he quickly ran to Li Xuekang’s front and said: “School”

"Fast... Run... Go back... report..."

Li Xuekang has never seen such a perverted youth. Where can he think of Xu Feng’s talent, such as horror.

(End of this chapter)

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