The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3528: Die it when you finish!

Chapter 3528 says it will die!


Two Li Jiawu people immediately turned around and wanted to escape.

Xu Feng has blocked them from going.

"Don't... don't kill us..."

Seeing Xu Feng is so powerful.

A boxing shock killed Li Xuekang, who was born in a round.

Many warriors are stunned.

Several warriors in the cellar door have also stopped.

"This Xu Feng is not simple. We are not his opponents. Let's take a look at the plan and don't act rashly."

The mantle gate is a total of nine protection laws, and the Yanlong protector and the Canglong protector are the strongest among the squat gates.

However, this time the main door of the gate, Hong Xiaoquan, sent to be responsible for the Canglong protection of the law and the Yanlong protection of the law, is one of the nine protection laws, Ming Long protect the law.

The strength of this person must be above the protection of the dragon and the law of the dragon.


Seeing Xu Feng appear for the first time.

Minglong protects the law and prepares for Xu Feng.

I know, I was first picked up by Li Xuekang.

At this moment, I feel gratified in my heart.

Unexpectedly, just half a year.

Xu Feng’s cultivation has been upgraded to sixfold.

"Ming Long protects the law, the big things are not good..."

A man ran toward Minglong and quickly ran over, his face was scared and unbelievable.

Minglong protects the law and looks at the people in the mysterious secrets. They all come out, and he arranges people to inquire about the news.

"what's the situation?"

Ming Long guardian asked.

The man who inquired the news said: "Ming Long protects the law, this Xu Feng strength is incredible."

"According to the people who lived in the mysterious secrets, the entire Li family, who entered the mysterious secrets, was completely slaughtered by him."

"And, one of the four elders of the Bliss Villa, the grievances, and the Yanlong protector and the Canglong protector of our Tuen Mun were killed by Xu Feng."

The man’s words are said here, and several strong men in the cellar are stunned and stunned.

They only felt dry and dry, only to think that this news, like a nine-day thunder, is shocking.

"Ming Xuan Ling's first day of arrogance, Li Pinghe, and, the son of the wind, no wind, and the son of the great family leader Sun Sun, Sun Hua, were also killed by Xu Feng."

Minglong protects the heart and is shaking. Looking at the figure of the young man not far away, his eyes are dull.

"how is this possible……"

Minglong protects the law and can't help it. The voice trembles and spits out four words.


Xu Feng looked at the two men opposite Li, and raised his mouth. He said: "I will not kill you. I just want you to go back to Li and give you a message to the family of Li."

"You go back and tell Li Zhen, I didn't want to provoke Li's family. I have to do it three times and five times and want to put me to death."

"Ran, my Xu Feng was lucky to survive from the mysterious secrets. After half a month, Xu Feng personally went to Ziyuan City to destroy Li Jia!"

"Ming Xuan collar, from then on, no Li family!"

Xu Feng’s words are powerful and ambitious.

In this way, the voice and words spread out.

Outside the mysterious secrets, many warriors are stunned.

Li Jiahao is also one of the three major families of Ming Xuan.

This Xu Feng, dare to speak out like this.

Still wanting to kill Li, it is too arrogant.

You must know that Li Zhen broke through the life of the soul some time ago.

Both Li Jiawu are biting their teeth.

They are humiliating inside.

But did not dare to make a second in front of Xu Feng.


Xu Feng burst into a bang, and two Li Jiawu were scared to climb and fled quickly.

"This Xu Feng is too arrogant? Doesn't he know that the horror of the soul is strong."

"Ziyuan City Li Jia Li Zhen, that is the real life of the real soul, how he destroyed the Li family."

"I think Xu Feng is bluffing. If he is half a month later, he dares to destroy the Li family. I am eating on the spot."

"I really don't know the tall and thick boy, the richness of Li's centuries, and what is it?"

Everyone has been talking about it. They feel that Xu Feng is too arrogant and dare to provoke Li’s family.

Ye Lianghan stared at Xu Feng and his eyes narrowed slightly. He said: "We both shot, not the opponent of Xu Feng at the moment. I really can't think of it. In just half a year, the fingertips are instantaneous, and the repair of this kid is promoted to life. Six weights?"

In the voice of Ye Lianghan, with horror.

He and Chang Rui, both of which are arranged outside of the mysterious secrets.

Waiting for the mysterious secrets to close, they immediately killed Xu Feng.

The promising life crystal shatters.

It makes Dongye Wang San angry.

He did not expect that he had arranged for him to kill Xu Feng, but he did not expect that he would die instead.

Dong Yewang also did not expect that he was killed by Xu Feng.

"It seems that I am afraid that I will die from Xu Feng’s hand."

Chang Rui could not help but say.

A boxing shocked Li Xuekang, but it was repaired in the late nine years.

Both of them are the peaks of their lives.

Do not say a punch and kill the life of the nine-fold late.

Even if it is, it can be a killing thing.

The same is true for the nine rounds of life, only the realm of the difference is great, there is a chance to kill the opponent.

Otherwise, the other party wants to escape and survive, it is impossible to kill each other.

"It seems that the lord is really raising the tiger. If it was earlier, it would not be all right to solve this Xu Feng. It is not so troublesome now."

Ye Lianghan couldn't help but vomit.

"But it! Who can think of it, in just half a year, this kid has been upgraded from a destiny to a six-year life."

Chang Rui said.

"It is imperative that we quickly report the news and inform the lord to let him decide the arrangement."

Ye Lianghan is very clear, and must report to Higashino.

If it is time to continue to give Xu Feng growth.

No one knows if he will continue to improve.



Just when everyone shocked Xu Feng’s strength.

Two monks, slowly appearing.

Looking at the two monks, many people's breathing has become urgent.

"Xu Feng is afraid that I can't wait until half a month later!"

“It’s incredible to think of the four elders of the Bliss Villa, where the Tibetan Buddhism came personally.”

"Tibetan Buddha is a half-step sorcerer, and it is only a step away from the soul."

Xu Feng heard the Buddha's voice and looked at the two monks. The corner of his mouth was disdainful. He said: "Hidden, it seems that you are destroying your holy soul. You still can't bring lessons to you. Why do you have to find a way out?"

Hidden biting his teeth, said: "Xu Feng, I am surrounded by Tibetan Buddha, he is the second elder of our bliss mountain village. Today is the one who wants to kill you."

Tibetan Buddhism has a folded hand and is pious on his face. If he does not know that he is a Tibetan Buddha, he will really think that this monk is a charity.

“Xu Feng’s lord... The old man is the Buddha of the bliss mountain village. Hearing the talent of the donor, he came to see it!”

"The donor is in the secret of the Xuan Bing, the chance is amazing, the progress is horrible, it can be described as a famous Ming Xuan collar."

"How does the donor want to die?"

Everyone knows that before the Tibetan Buddha killed.

There must be a lot of truth.

Xu Feng’s face was calm and said: “Are you finished?”

"Read it out!"

The Tibetan Buddha replied.

Xu Feng said: "I will die when I say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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