The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3540: Sweeping everyone who blocks

Chapter 3540, sweeping all blocked people

Li Zhen’s eyes sparkled coldly.

"Hey, a group of people who are not self-sufficient, I really think that we are not bullied!"

Li Zhen’s life was full of breath.

On the left hand side, stood a gray-haired old man.

The atmosphere of the old man is stronger than that of Li Zhen.

He is Li Zhen’s uncle, Li Wei.

Li Yu’s cultivation is a peak of his life.

"I will immediately convene all the Li family to meet Xu Feng and others. I want them to come back."

Li Zhen’s voice was full of anger.

He wants to tell the entire Ming Xuan collar.

They are not good at Li Jiake.

"Home, ancestors, haven't you sent any information yet?"

Li Yan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He is very clear that Li can defeat Xu Feng and others. The biggest reliance is Li Dian, the ancestor of the Wilderness.

"Do not worry! As long as the ancestors receive the news, they will come to support Ziyuan City. The ancestors can't look at our Li family and be destroyed by Xu Feng and others." Li Zhen's voice is confident.

"The warriors we arranged, in Xu Feng, as soon as they started near Ziyuan City, they began to slay."

"Whether you can beat the success, you should consume them and make them feel annoyed."

Li Zhen knows that those people can't make too much damage to Xu Feng, but they are disgusting and disgusting, and they are still enough.


"The owner, we are not far from Ziyuan City!"

Cang Jingnian reported to Xu Fengzhen.

Xu Feng has seen the location of Ziyuan City.

"Be prepared for the battle!"

Xu Feng gave an order.

The power of the people who are related to the family, the spiritual power of the body has also begun to stir.

Ling Qingying’s eyes sparkled.


Xu Feng, they just came to the outside of Ziyuan City not far away, surrounded by dense warriors, attacking them in an instant.

Xu Feng's eyes sparkled with the smothering of the killing. At this moment, he could not have the meaning of half-hearted.

Originally it was a weak meat. Since these people chose to live for the Li family, they should be prepared for death.

Just like the people who are close to him, from the beginning of their joint with Xu Feng, they must be prepared for death.

As the saying goes, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Guan Yu did not immediately start.

Xu Feng took Ling Qingyi, and also related to the winners and others, all joined the battle.


Xu Feng’s strength is really too strong. His fists, each punching out, is a death.

At this moment, Xu Feng, like a **** of war, is simply invincible.

Originally, many people in Ziyuan City thought that after 15 days of Xu Feng’s remarks, they killed the Ziyuan City, but the young people let go of madness.

I know, Xu Feng’s appearance of killing the Quartet at the moment is really going to kill the Li family.

"The Li family has been in Ziyuan City for the past few years, and there is no one in the eyes. It is finally a loss."

Some people looked at Xu Feng and others, and they all killed the Quartet. The Li people’s warriors fell down.

They can't help but sigh, these years Li family in Ziyuan City, can be described as very arrogant.

Now, it is finally offended to Xu Feng, a monk who actually brought people and killed Ziyuan City.

"But this Xu Feng is really too impulsive. Does he not think that with a few people around him, he can defeat the Li family and destroy the Li family?" Some people could not help but sigh.

Li family can occupy Ziyuan City for so many years, if there is no point, how is it possible?

"These people who Li’s ambushes outside of Ziyuan City are all martial artists who are not influx, that is, a group of cannon fodder."

Seeing Xu Feng and others, destroying the numerous martial artists who killed the Li family, many people could not help but sigh.

Moreover, these warriors involved in the ambush, some people, are still the vassal forces of the Li family.

The warriors continued to fall and the bodies piled up.

Xu Feng's eyes are cold and abnormal.

Until now, the kitten is still alive and dead.

Since the Li family wants to put him to death, don't blame him for being inhuman.


After Ling Qingyi came out from the mysterious secrets of Xuanbing, the Xuanbing cold body became even more horrible, the long sword danced, dozens of bodies, and it was torn apart.

It can be said that the current Ling Qingying, Xuanbing cold body completely awakened, the power of the outbreak is terrible.


Ling Qing's Xuan Bing's mystery broke out. In an instant, dozens of warriors were frozen and became ice sculptures.

As Ling Qing’s long sword danced, those ice sculptures were turned into nickel powder and scattered all over the place.


"The owner, I can't think of Xu Feng's martial arts talent is so powerful, the people around him are also very strong."

Someone looked at Ling Qingying, his eyes flashed slightly, and there was a hint of worry in the eyebrows.

Li Zhen and others naturally watch this battle, they want to see, in the end, Xu Feng's truth.

Xu Feng with anger in his eyes, said: "Li Zhen, you arrange a group of waste, come to stop us, don't you want them to die? It seems that you Li family, really really vicious!"

Xu Feng looked at the attackers who came from the attack, all of whom were under the command of the seven-wheeler.

Moreover, he found that most of these people are not Li family.

"It seems that these people are all affiliated forces of the Li family."

Xu Feng’s heart is dark.

It doesn't make much sense to kill these people too much.

"Don't listen to him nonsense, as long as you can kill Xu Feng, I will give him Ziyin Xianlin."

Li Zhen’s voice stirred up. He wanted the vassal forces of these Li family and died with Xu Feng.

"A group of idiots, you are not being used by people, you really think, can you kill me?"

"Li Zhen is trying to use you as cannon fodder. I advise you to roll away quickly, I can't kill you."

Among the voices of Xu Feng, there is a cold and firm.

The tone of speech is beyond doubt.

"Everyone runs!"

"Li Zhen is so vicious, they Li family hide in the Ziyuan City, let us come out to die."

"We are not Xu Feng's opponents at all. Why bother to fight with them? Don't die in vain."

As some people took the lead to escape, other warriors also retreated.

They are very clear, staying with them to fight with Xu Feng is to find death.

Li Zhen said that there are many wins and losses, which is simply a trap.


Look at the warriors who fled.

Xu Fenglang said: "The people who escaped don't want to chase. Our goal is Li Zhen, and Li Jia, and the miscellaneous people. As long as they don't participate in this battle, you can still be in Ziyuan City when Xu is established. Stand on the ground."

The voice of Xu Feng came out, and the existence of those small forces gave birth to a more escaping mind.

As these people fled, the people who had just swarmed were desperately fleeing.

Xu Feng and others did not pursue the people who fled, but instead took a step and walked toward Ziyuan City.

Li Zhen looked at this scene with a cold eyes in his eyes: "Sure enough, this group of white-eyed wolves really is not home."

(End of this chapter)

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