Chapter 3541 war

"Li Zhen, you Li family three times and five times, want to put me to death. Now I am killing the door, you are good, hiding behind the back as a tortoise turtle?"

Xu Feng walked toward Ziyuan City, and the sound spread loudly, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Before Li Jiasan tried to kill him five times, now Xu Feng took people and committed suicide to Ziyuan City.

Li Zhen’s eyes sparkled with cold and murder, saying: “You, prepare, I have to see, this little boy can turn up the waves.”

Li Zhen’s words are confident. He doesn’t believe that with Xu Feng’s few people, he wants to destroy their Li family.

"Homeowner, slow!"

Li Yan's eyes narrowed and his eyes fell on the side of Xu Feng's body, with a dignity on his face.

"Uncle, is there a problem?"

Li Zhen asked a little strangely. For the first time, he saw his dignified expression on his uncle's face.

Li Yan’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: “Damn, this Xu Feng, from where to bring the family ancestors, to invite.”

"Guan ancestors?"

Li Yu’s words rang, Li Zhen and others were shocked.

Guanjia ancestors, that is the strongman of one era with his own Li family.

The cultivation of this ancestors is not weak.

Li Wei pointed to the relationship around Xu Feng and said: "The old guy is the ancestor of Guanjia."

Li Zhen’s eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a killing in his eyes: “The Guan family still really does not know how to be good. Our Li family did not take the initiative to destroy them, but they took the initiative to come to the door.”

Li Zhen has anger inside. If he knows this early, they should be strong first.

It’s not going to happen like this when you get out of the house early.

This Xu Feng is also a bit of a skill.

It is actually possible to say that the family is moving.

You know, Guan Jie is a guy who weighs the pros and cons. He will promise to cooperate with Xu Feng, even if it is Li Zhen.

"Homeowner, what now?"

Someone asked Li Zhen.

"What can I do? Kill first!"

Li Zhen’s eyes are overbearing.

"Uncle Tang, you are responsible for keeping Guan Yu, I am going to kill Xu Feng, as long as I kill Xu Feng, this group of people is the leader of the group, and it is easy to kill them when they want to."

Li Zhen’s dead end is very clear. As long as Xu Feng is destroyed, it means that the forces around Xu Feng will fall apart.

At that time, their Li family will inevitably rise to the ground and destroy the Guanjia and Zhoujia who dared to confront their own Li family.

"Xu Feng, do you really think that if you can move to close the house, can you compete with my Li family?"

Li Zhen’s eyes were disdainful and said: "You are afraid that you don’t know. Guanjia was once the defeat of my Li family. I don’t know if Guanjia is going to die. I dare to take a shot at our Li family. It is tantamount to finding a dead end."

The Li family had a battle with the Guan family. Later, the Jia family suffered heavy damage, and Li Jiayi became the first family of Ming Xuan.

"Hey! Li Zhen, the so-called Feng Shui turns, you Li family once able to defeat the Guan family, does not mean that I can defeat my Xu Feng now."

"Today, the new hatred and old hate, I want you to know Li, to provoke my Xu Feng's end, but not very good."

In the voice of Xu Feng, with a cold and fierce killing, while the eyebrows revealed suffocating, the whole body's spiritual power is stirring: "Why don't talk so much, you have to do it quickly!"

"Since you can't wait to find death, I will fulfill you." Li Zhen burst into a burst.

There are many Lijiaqiang people around him, and there are actually six or seven strong players who are nine-wheeled.

The old man with white hair next to Li Zhen is also obviously a life-threatening soul, and his strength is unfathomable.

Guan Yu took a few steps and said: "Li Zhen, the so-called Feng Shui turns, your Li family has caused major damage to my home. Today, the old man is just calculating with you."

On the body, the soul of the soul of the two peaks filled with breath, the old eyes of the eruption, broke out.

There is a knife in the hand, which gives off a silvery light. It has not been covered since it was cultivated for so many years.

"You really don't know how to close your home. If you know that you are shutting down and want to kill yourself, we can send you to the family to die. Today is your death."

Li Wei’s momentum broke out. He was the one who had a hard time to repair his soul. He wanted to see how much it was.

"If Li Dian is here, maybe the old man is really a bit afraid, you really are not qualified to fight me."

Li Wei also knows that he is not an opponent of Guan. His purpose is to delay the relationship.

"The rest of the people, give me all the shots, kill any enemy." Li Zhen directly issued a death order.

Many of the squadrons of Guanjia’s life, and the existence of the eight-wheeled life, have all rushed out.


Xu Feng’s eyes were cold and fierce. His eyes looked at Li Zhen and said: “Li Zhen, I really want to teach and teach, how hard is this life, how strong is it?”

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many of Li’s people were shocked. They looked at Xu Feng one by one.

"Xu Feng, you are really too long-lived, and you have to repair the six-fold peak of your life. You dare to take the initiative to pick up the soul. Do you fear that you are impatient?"

Li Jia’s life is a nine-fold martial artist who points to Xu Feng, and his words are ironic and cold.

Only Xu Feng was calm, and his eyes looked at Li Zhen, saying: "Li Jiazhu, don't you know if you dare?"


Li Zhenxian was a glimpse, and immediately laughed and said: "It’s really whimsical, what you count is simply looking for death."

"Since you are so arrogant and arrogant, I really think that you can kill some waste, I don't know how high and thick, I will let you know that the life and the life of the wheel is just a word difference, but it is a world apart."

As a life-threatening martial artist, Li Zhen was provoked by a youth who had a six-pointed peak. This is a shame for him.

When the eyes burst into cold and killing, he spoke to the people around him: "Xu Feng handed me to kill me, you will deal with other people and kill innocent!"

Li Zhen was completely angered by Xu Feng.


Immediately, other people around Li Zhen rushed out to Xu Feng’s people.

The military who brought Xu Feng could not be as strong as Li’s, and his eyes were worried.

In the creation of Ding Ding, the repair of the Thousand-Handed Ghost King just happened to return to the life of the soul, and the thoughts sank into the creation of the Ding, said: "A thousand hand ghost king, you quickly come out to help me kill the opponent."

"Your repair is just restored, just use this kind of fighting opportunity to consolidate the realm."

A thousand hand ghosts screamed and appeared not far from Xu Feng.

Li Zhen and others are shocked.

"Is the soul a heavy one?"

"A strong breath!"

They felt the strong breath of the thousand hands and ghost kings, and they could not help but be a little surprised.

At the same time, I was also shocked by Xu Feng, and there are treasures that can make life in it.

(End of this chapter)

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