The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3550: Step into the mountains

Chapter 3550 steps into the mountains

"This stinky boy, cheated me to Ziyuan City, it is actually here to give him a hard work. I am not good at fishing in Guanshan. Why do you want to come here and toss?" Guan Yu could not help but complain.

Now, Cang Jingnian and Dong Wei are dealing with the matter of spiritual materials.

Guan Yu and the Qian Wang Gui Wang became the people who maintained the entire Ziyuan City.

Every day, the two are really busy.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King heard the complaints from Guan Yu, and he was extremely angry. He said: "You still complain about a fart. Do you know who Laozi is? I used to be on the North Coast, even if I sneezed, the North Coast would shake three. Shake, isn’t it being pulled here to be a coolie?”

Qian Qiang Wang Hao Hao was once a strong player on the North Coast, but now in such a small place like Ziyuan City, doing such chores, the heart is naturally depressed.

However, such chores, he still can not evade.


After Xu Feng arranged the affairs of Ziyuan City, he took a step and went to the mountains around Ziyuan City.

As long as you can find out the situation of the mountains around Ziyuan City and make up the spirits, he can arrange a large array of rings.

The area of ​​Ziyuan City is very wide, and the lake in the center is also very clear.

It can be said that the feng shui environment of Ziyuan City is the unique existence of the entire Ming Xuan collar.

Through the lake, Xu Feng came to the periphery of the mountains.

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes, and the breath of the body was silently hidden.

According to the rumors of people in Ziyuan City.

Among the mountains, there is no shortage of powerful monsters.

It is said that some monsters are very powerful.

I am afraid that among the rolling mountains, there are five-order monsters.


Several young men and women, they walked on the outskirts of the mountains.

"Hey, sister, you look at the guy over there and dare to walk alone in this hill. It's a funny guy."

I saw a young girl of sixteen or seven years old. She was still wearing a ponytail. She was very beautiful, and her beautiful face was revealed as youth and sunshine.

Zhu Xi is the owner of Ziyuan City, a family named Zhujia of Lieyang Town, the second daughter.

Zhu Xi was cheerful and optimistic, kind, and saw Xu Feng alone, some fear that Xu Feng met danger, he ran towards Xu Feng.

"Sister...what are you doing?"

Zhu Li is the sister of Zhu Xi.

A few of them came together this time and came to the mountains to practice themselves, just to train themselves.

Julie looked at her and didn't listen to her words. Towards Xu Feng, Zhu Xi, who jumped and ran over, slammed her feet and followed them up.

"Lily, Xiao Yan..."

The young people next to them are also young talents in Liyang Town, who are chasing them out to the two women.

Zhu Xi’s face is full of smiles, and the seemingly incomparable sunshine makes people feel very comfortable.

"This big brother, how come you come to the mountains alone, my father told me that there are many monsters in the mountains, even if he is, he must be careful to deal with it. If you don't pay attention, you will die inside. Are you not afraid?" ”

Zhu Xi’s voice is crisp.

Xu Feng looked up and looked at Zhu Xi’s simple face.

I think of it in my mind, once upon a time.

I am also such a youthful sunshine.

I can't help but sigh, unconsciously, it seems that he is old.


Xu Feng nodded undecidedly, and his hand still rolled his own barbecue. It seems that the reminder of Zhu Xi is not particularly good.

Zhu Xi didn't think much about it. He smelled the smell of barbecue in Xu Feng's hand and couldn't help but swallow some swallows.

"Big brother, I am called Zhu Xi, I am from Zhujia of Lieyang Town, my father is Zhu Lie..."

Zhu Xi said to Xu Feng, unprepared.

"Do you want to eat my barbecue?"

Xu Feng raised the barbecue in his hand, his eyes were smiling, looking at Zhu Xi, his mouth slightly raised.

Zhu Xi was embarrassed to touch his head, sweetly said: "My father told me that all the brothers in the four seas ... not ... all friends ... We have been practicing for a few days, are eating some dry food? You Look!"

As said, Zhu Xi also took out his poor dry food and handed it to Xu Feng. They were all unscentful things.

"Ha ha ha... You are a little girl, it’s fun, since you want to eat barbecue, just sit here!"

"This barbecue is very particular. If it is too much, it will not be delicious. However, if the roast is not good, a big smell will be difficult to swallow." Xu Feng is a connoisseur for barbecue.

I think when he was in the southern continent, he did not know how many life and deaths he experienced and how many barbecues he had eaten.

"You really have learned!"

Zhu Xi’s face is worshipped.

Just sit by yourself and walk to Xu Feng's side.

"Sister...what are you doing? How do you sit with strange men? Don't you know that men and women don't give up?"

I saw that Julie quickly came to the two people. She reached out and grabbed Zhu Xi and looked angry.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Zhu Xi was not happy, broke away from Julie's arm and said: "This big brother is not a bad person at first sight. I am sitting with him. What is wrong with it, and he promised to give me barbecue."

Julie heard her sister's words, almost no vomiting blood.

"Is the bad guy hanging on his face?"

Julie couldn't help but scream.

"Your sister said it is good. The bad guys are not hanging on his face. It is the so-called knowing people who don't know."

Xu Feng continued to sit and fiddle with his barbecue, and his eyes never left the barbecue from start to finish.

"Less lord, good fragrant barbecue."

A few young people who caught up with them, they looked at the barbecue in Xu Feng’s hands and they all showed their radiance.

Liu Yan is the young master of Sen Luozong in Liyang Town, Ziyuan City. He is a gifted man. Now he is a sacred monk in the Tianyin Town.

Immediately, when he watched Xu Feng wearing ordinary clothes, he thought that the other party was an ordinary hunter.

The powerful geniuses like them, where there will be leisure, and the barbecue, are to buy.

"Kid, don't make a fool of it, you can open a price! How much money do you have for this barbecue? We have money for the lesser lords."

A young man next to Liu Yan is obviously aware of the heart of his own master, and is facing the high-spirited way of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words, haha ​​smiled: "As the saying goes, I am willing to buy a thousand dollars, if you can say, three reasons I am willing, maybe I can give you the barbecue for free."

"Don't say three, even if it's one hundred, I can tell you." Chi Ming's face was fixed.

"Hey, do you know who the young man is in front of you? He is the lord of Sen Luozong in Liyang Town. It is the first genius of Lieyang Town in the past few decades. Now it is the culmination of the eternal life."

"In addition, the lesser ones have money, how much do you want, how much he gives. The most important thing is that these barbecues can save your life!"

In the late words, they are all overbearing.

Zhu Xi was full of anger and pointed to Chi Ming: "What do you want to do? Strong buy and sell?"

(End of this chapter)

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