The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3551: You want to die, don't hurt us!

Chapter 3551 You want to die, don't hurt us!

Zhu Xi’s kindness is also the first time he left Liyang Town to go out and practice.

She originally thought that Xu Feng was very good.

I even gave it to her to eat.

I know, Liu Wei and others have to buy strong sales.

I feel that Xu Feng has no breath.

How could it be the opponent of Liu Wei and others.

Liu Yan hugged his hands and looked so high that he did not put Xu Feng in his eyes.

Chi Ming pointed to Xu Feng and said: "Kid, what is the consideration? Don't toast, don't eat, eat fine wine."

Zhu Xi was in front of Xu Feng and said, "Hey, I see who you dare?"

Zhu Xi also assured Xu Feng: "Big Brother, you can rest assured that I will not let them hurt you."

Xu Feng looked up, glanced at Liu Wei and others, and looked at Julie again, could not help but shake his head.

"Since they want to eat barbecue, just give them." Xu Feng was too lazy to talk to the group of scorpions and waste.

Among several people, it is obvious that Zhu Xi’s martial arts talent is better. Her age is the smallest, but she is already a life-threatening ninth, and her ecstasy bursts out of the sword.

Seeing Zhu Xi's sake, Xu Feng is too lazy to take care of these people. After all, he came to the mountains to find out the situation of the mountains. If you can find one or two veins, it is naturally better.

"Kid, you are interesting."

He said smugly to Xu Feng.

Liu Yan haha ​​smiled: "A good boy, the so-called current affairs person is Junjie. Since you have this awareness, this is not difficult for you, and quickly take the barbecue!"

Chi Ming walked over to Xu Feng and took the barbecue from Xu Feng’s hand. He also dismissed the message: “I really don’t know how to live and die. If you hesitate for a moment, if you know your head, you must follow the move. ""

After Chi Ming took the barbecue, he ran to Liu Yan and handed the barbecue to Liu Wei.

"Less lord, give!"

Liu Yan took the barbecue and smiled. He walked over to Zhu Li and said, "Lili, you can also eat barbecue."

Zhu Xi was angry and said: "Sister, you can't ask for this barbecue, they are grabbed barbecue!"

Zhu Xiyi was filled with indignation and looked very angry.

Julie yelled: "Sister, what are you doing? This barbecue is that he volunteered to give Liu Gongzi. What's more, even if it is grabbed, what is it?"

"As a warrior, don't you know that the martial arts world is like this, the weak meat is strong."

Julie’s voice is powerful, as if she said the words, it makes sense.

Zhu Xi’s sigh of relief, the flow of spiritual power on his body, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword pointed at Liu Yan and said: "Liu Yan, quickly give the barbecue to the big brother, or don't blame me, the sword is ruthless."

Xu Feng sat there, his look was calm from beginning to end, and he wanted to test Zhu Xi in front of him.

Xu Fu just established, what is needed is a sense of justice, and a talented young talent.

He is very clear that with him alone, Xu wants to stand on the north coast, which is very difficult.

Liu Yan did not expect that Zhu Xi would be ruthless for himself to be an outsider.

When Julie stepped forward, she would reach out and grab the sword of Zhu Xi, but she was fooled away by Zhu Xi.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Julie was serious, and they couldn't get rid of Sen Luozong.

"Li Li, my sister is not sensible, I will not blame her." Liu Yan looks extremely magnanimous.

Immediately, after tearing off most of the barbecue, he handed it to Julie: "The rest of the barbecue, you give your sister, she is the person who will be the wife of Sen Luozong in the future, to understand the general."

Julie took the barbecue and walked over to Zhu Xi.

"Sister, the usual father teaches us that we must have a chivalrous heart, don't be guilty, but now you help."

Zhu Xi’s face is full of sorrow.

Xu Feng reached out and gently patted Zhu Xi’s arm.

"Little girl, the world of the weak meat, you don't sorrow, the barbecue is gone, I can still bake again, if the life is gone, nothing will be there." Xu Feng's voice is still indifferent.

Liu Wei, Chi Ming and others, all laughed.

They think that Xu Feng is really a person who knows the time.

"Big brother..."

Zhu Xi looked at Xu Feng's cheek, full of anger and anger.

Xu Feng started to barbecue again.

In this way, Xu Feng and Zhu Xi ate a big mouth and ate barbecue.

Liu Wei and others have eaten enough, and they have not continued to **** Xu Feng’s barbecue.

"How? Taste?"

Xu Feng asked with a smile.

Zhu Xi’s head is like a rattle, saying: “I have never eaten such a delicious thing.”

"Let's go, don't forget the purpose of our trip." Liu Yan said.

He didn't seem to be afraid of Xu Feng hearing his words.

In Liu Yan’s opinion, Xu Feng is a waste.

Don't care at all.

"It is said that there is red blood fragrant fruit in the valley in front, but don't be preempted by people." Liu Yan said.

Julie walked to Zhu Xi and took Zhu Xi: "Sister, let's go!"


Zhu Xi once again broke away from Julie’s hand and looked at Xu Feng. “Big Brother, let’s join us!”

"You have no power in your hands. In this mountain, the monster is very dangerous."

If anyone knows that a little girl in the destiny of life is worried about Xu Feng who can kill the two peaks of the soul, I don’t know if I will laugh at the big teeth.

Of course, what Xu Feng wants is Zhu Xi’s simplicity and kindness.

"Sister, what are you doing, taking him is a burden." Julie now has some regrets, and comes out with her sister.

"Oh, either you promised to take him, or I am here to accompany him, you choose."

Zhu Xi’s voice was determined.

Julie was furious: "All fathers spoil you, do you know that even you are very dangerous, you take him, don't you die?"

Liu Yan reached out and put it up: "Sister, since you want to take him, take it with you."

In the depths of Julie’s eyes, she was jealous.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that Zhu Xi’s sister is not very satisfied with her sister.

In this way, the group came to a valley.


In the valley, there were buzzing from time to time.

"The fourth-order top monster, the triangle purple wolf, four heads!"

Several people stared at the valley.

On a red-red fruit tree, there are several fruits.

"Sure enough, it is red blood fragrant fruit!"

Xu Feng whispered slightly.

The red **** fruit is the fifth-order spirit, and he naturally does not care.

However, many people do not know.

Where red **** fruit appears, it is bound to be associated with red blood.

This kind of red blood crystal can be met.

It can be used directly for refining and cultivation. It is simply a treasure.


Xu Feng stood up and walked toward the valley.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Liu Yan suddenly blocked Xu Feng from going to the road, his eyes were angry.

"Go pick the fruit below!"

Xu Feng's faint road.

Chi Ming and several other people almost did not spurt blood.

"You want to die, don't hurt us!" Liu Yan said with a sigh: "That is the four-headed and fourth-order top monster, the triangle purple wolf, with a few of us, just go on like this, it is to die."

(End of this chapter)

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