The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3719: On the Tea Party

Chapter 3719, On the Tea Party

With Xu Feng and other three.

Come to the ancient city of Aoki.

Three talents found the inn inside the ancient city of Aoki.

It turned out to be overcrowded.

They found three inns in succession, all of which were full.

Can no longer accommodate other people.

"It was speechless. I didn't expect to find an inn. It was so difficult."

Lin Biao walked out of the third inn and couldn't help but complain.

The face is speechless.

"Xu Xiong, it seems that tonight, we are destined to sleep on the streets!"

Lin Biao couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Feng's eyes flashed.

Today, the whole of Roger is the strong.

They all gathered in the entire ancient city of Aoki.

This makes the ancient city of Aoki become crowded.

Among the inns, they are all filled with people.

"Two younger brothers, where are you going?"

Just in Xu Feng and Lin Biao, they just walked out of the inn.

Not far from a familiar sound.

It turned out to be the second disciple of no sect, Ling Hong.

Ling Hong has a smile on his face.

For Xu Feng and Lin Biao, his impression was very profound.

Xu Feng and Lin Biao are on the banquet hosted by the lords.

Lin Biao looked at Ling Hong and said: "We originally wanted to find an inn, and we all found three, but we haven't found it yet."

Ling Hong heard it, haha ​​smiled.

"You really don't know, don't you look for an inn. You are going to the ancient city of Aoki and looking for a house. I am afraid that it is difficult."

Ling Hong is very clear that the ancient city of Aoki now gathers the entire Luo Ze collar, almost one tenth of it exists.

Moreover, these people are all people who are strong and strong.

Now, the inn of the ancient city of Aoki is full of people.

"It seems that we can only cover the sky and the bed."

Lin Biao heard Ling Hong’s words and couldn’t help but sigh.

Ling Hong immediately said: "The two younger brothers, if you don't give up, you can go to my yard."

Ling Hong had long expected that the ancient city of Aoki would be overcrowded, so he bought a courtyard in the ancient city of Aoki in advance.

The area of ​​the courtyard is not very large, but Ling Hong will come to Qingmu Ancient City from time to time, which is his foothold.

Lin Biao looked at Xu Feng and apparently wanted to ask Xu Feng what it meant.

For Ling Hong, Xu Feng did not feel disgusted.

Immediately nodded, said: "Then I am embarrassed to disturb the brother."

Ling Hong smiled and said: "Everyone is the same door. It is also appropriate to take care of each other in the future. I am afraid that you are abandoning the cold house."

Ling Hong is not difficult to be a man. On the contrary, he has a relatively strong personality.

Among the top ten disciples, he is a lot of disciples and he is more respectful.

Just because he never oppresses other colleagues, but also often helps others.

In this way, Ling Hong took Xu Feng and other three people, walking toward the left hand side of the inn, a small alley.

Xu Feng found that most of the alleys were small courtyards, and the courtyard environment was very good.

I want to come, this alley is a lot of strong people, buy a small courtyard in the ancient city of Aoki.

Xu Feng also found that walking in the alley, the breath that came from time to time, was very powerful.

Ling Hong said: "This alley is the industry that we have no chanting. These other houses are also made by us without any thoughts. Some people who are strong and often come to the ancient city of Aoki will also buy here. Individual hospitals."

Ling Hong explained to Xu Feng and Lin Biao patiently.

Xu Feng couldn't help but confess: "The economic mind of this ignorant is really strong."

He is very clear, and wants to come to these other hospitals around, it is very valuable.

"The front is my yard."

Xu Feng they came to a corner.

I saw that the light is very good there.

The area in front of the house is really big.

At least three times as many other hospitals.

Lin Biao couldn't help but say: "Ling brother, the area of ​​your other hospital is really big."


Ling Hong is very clear inside, his other hospital.

In this alley, it is one of the largest hospitals.

However, Ling Hong is not a person who likes to show off.

"There are no people living in the yard. You can pick a room at random."

Ling Hong said to Xu Feng that they were heartily.

"Ahong, who is it?"

Just at this time.

In the room on the left hand side, a shadow came out.

I saw a young woman in a light blue dress.

The cultivation of this woman turned out to be the realm of life and soul.

There was a faint smile on the woman's face.

Looking at Ling Hong's eyes, they are all love.

"Ling brother, can't you think that you still have a golden house?"

Lin Biao couldn't help but joked.

Ling Hong’s character is thick and thick, and he immediately blushes.

It is Wu Ting.

She stepped forward and said: "You are the younger brother of Ahong? I am called Wu Ting, my girlfriend's girlfriend."

"The scorpion is good!"

Lin Biao smiled.

Xu Feng said: "Hurry and pick the room."

Xu Feng looked at Ling Hong’s embarrassed look and thought of his confidante in the southern continent.

Once upon a time, I was just like Ling Hong. There was almost no treatment for women.

Subsequently, Xu Feng, the three of them, began to pick the room.

Ling Hong also introduced Wu Feng to the three of them.


In a blink of an eye.

It was another three days, but it passed away.

The behemoths above the ancient city of Aoki have become more and more violent.

Void cracks continue to emerge.

The spiritual power of the heavens and the earth is swallowed up by the Aomu Sanctuary.

"I am afraid that within a half month, the Aoki Sanctuary will be opened."

"This time, the Aoki Sanctuary is really terrible, and I feel the pressure of terror."

"It seems that the rumor may be true, and the inheritance of Luo Ze may really follow."

"I don't know who can get the inheritance of Luo Ze, but it can be the inheritance of the top powerhouse of the Northern Kings!"

The ancient city of Aoki can be seen everywhere, and it is all about the Aoki Sanctuary.

Many people are very excited.

Ling Hong took a delicate invitation.

Go back to the yard.

Looking at Lin Biao, said: "Lin Shidi, Xu Shidi?"

Lin Biao heard the words and pointed to Xu Feng’s room and spread his hands.

Xu Feng is simply a full-fledged practice madman.

From the three days of living in Ling Hong’s yard.

Almost every day, that is, seeing Xu Feng once in the morning.

The rest of the time.

This guy is practicing in the room.

They naturally don't know that Xu Feng had won the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit and three thousand Thunderblades.

He also practiced before, but only cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng, and there has been no progress.

During this time, he has studied the knife in the room?

Naturally, there is not much time to chat with Lin Biao.

If Lin Biao and others know.

In a short period of ten days, Xu Feng cultivated the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit, and cultivated it into the realm of Xiaocheng. If he is not satisfied, he will be mad.

"Lin Shidi, you are going to tell Xu Shidi. It means that there is a tea party in the day. It is a great disciple of Haoyuanmen. It was organized by Zhu Bo and invited young talents from the three major forces."

"If he is interested, he can go with me."

Ling Hong said.

(End of this chapter)

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