The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3720: You bring him to shame

Chapter 3820, you bring him to shame

"I will call him this."

Lin Biao immediately turned and walked toward the Xu Feng room.


The knock on the door sounded.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and couldn't help but feel a little troubled.

The sentiment of the "Three Thousand Thunderknife", no matter how comprehensible, how to deduct.

Always, you can only stay in the realm of Xiaocheng.

"Lin brother, is there something?"

Xu Feng felt the breath of Lin Biao outside and asked.

Lin Biao said: "I said Xu Feng, do you want to practice madness? Ling brother asked me to tell you that Hao Bomen's disciple Zhu Bo, held a tea party, he wanted to invite us to go together."

"I don't know if you want to go?"

Lin Biao is somewhat interested in this tea party.

After all, on the tea party.

I can see that the whole Luo Ze has led many young talents.

Xu Feng was hesitating for a moment.

It is also difficult to dial Ling Hong's face.

However, three thousand Thunder knifes have learned and there has been no progress.

Simply open the way: "Go!"

Xu Feng went to the door and opened the door.

Seeing Ling Hong sitting in the yard, he asked: "When Ling brother, when did the tea party begin?"

Ling Hong really appreciates Xu Feng. He thinks Xu Feng, who is about to open in the Aoki Sanctuary.

Under such a grand situation, it is also able to maintain inner peace, so quiet cultivation.

Such a state of mind is really commendable.

He is naturally unclear.

Xu Feng feels the state of mind, the heart is like a rock!

Even if it is a matter of life and death for Xu Feng.

Xu Feng may not move.

"Tomorrow morning, you will be with me."

Ling Hong said to Xu Feng.

"OK, all right!"

Xu Feng nodded and promised to come down.


early morning.

Over the ancient city of Aoki.

The Aoki Sanctuary is still tumbling.

From time to time, it is a horrible momentum.

"Lin Shidi, Xu Shidi."

Ling Hong, Wu Ting looked at Xu Feng and Lin Biao, nodded with a smile.

Lin Biao's mouth is relatively skinned.


Made Ling Hong's face full of embarrassment.

"Ling brother."

Xu Feng and Lin Biao looked at Ling Hong.

For Ling Hong's character, they both know something.

Ling Hong's personality is not very arrogant, it is the kind of restrained personality.

In particular, Ling Hong is not good at excessive communication.

Straight character, straight.

In one sentence, there is nothing to think about.

"Let's go!"

Ling Hong took Xu Feng and Lin Biao, as well as Wu Ting, and walked outside the yard.

Cai Wei is not in the invitation. After all, this talk about tea party is a gathering of young talents from all major forces.

Cai Wei is a young man, and there is no meaning to follow him. Instead, he may be jokes.

Ling Hong and other four people walked in the alleys, and from time to time, there were also some young people coming out.

When they saw Ling Hong, they also had a trace of awe in their eyes.

Ling Hong is the top ten disciple without a sect, and ranks second.

Throughout the Luo Ze collar, it is also known as a reputation.

Many young people know Ling Hong, which is also a normal thing.

"Isn't that Wu Ting's sister?"

"I don't think she is with Ling Hong?"

"It's no wonder that we are Lei Leizong. So many young people are pursuing her. She is indifferent. Is this ready to be announced?"

"It is said that the wind brothers have been pursuing her for a long time. She refused to look at the brothers several times in succession."

"The talent of the wind brother is not weaker than Ling Hong. And people look at the logo more than Ling Hong, and they don't know what Wu Ting's sister thinks."

There are also many disciples from Qing Lei Zongpo.

Ling Hong’s eyes are a little dodging.

It was Wu Ting, she reached out and naturally took Ling Hong’s arm.

All eyes are firm.

Xu Feng slightly frowned.

He always felt that Wu Ting did this.

I am afraid that there are some unspeakable hidden feelings.


Go out of the alley.

The ancient city of Aoki is still noisy.

"Hey, isn't this Linghong? It's really unexpected, can you still be so beautiful?"

Not far away, a young man came to Linghong on their side.

Deep in the eyes, they are all cold colors.

Ling Hong slightly frowned.

Wu Ting is not happy with his face.

Mu Tianqing's eyes swept through Xu Feng and Lin Biao, and the corners of his mouth were disdainful.

"Why do you have some stinky fish and shrimp every time you are with you?"

Mu Tianqing’s words are very welcome.

Ling Hong’s voice is loud and bright: “Mu Tianqing, you like to say such nonsense. If you don’t want to, can we fight another battle? After all, I don’t mind, let you lose the second time.”

Ling Hong does not have the power to talk to people, only to say so.

I know, Xu Feng is cold and cold.

"Ling brother, I think you are kind. In the face of such a defeat, your best means in the future is to see once and hit him until he dares not to provoke."

"After all, you are broad-minded, and some people have a small stomach, a mad dog, chasing you."

Xu Feng’s words are extremely hot.

At the exit, Mu Tianqing was full of face.

Xu Feng’s words made him lose face.

As Xu Feng said, since it is a defeat.

Still provoking, isn’t this a guilty?

In particular, the last word of Xu Feng’s mad dog is to let Mu Tianqing gnash his teeth.

Lin Biao also laughed: "Xu Xiong said that it makes sense. If I am a brother, I have to deal with mad dogs, and I have to deal with mad dogs."

Wu Ting has a smile on his face.

Obviously, the force of the tongue.

Xu Feng and Lin Biao are not bad.


Mu Tianqing knows well, continue to talk about it, and he is also suffering.

After all, he is the thing that Ling Hong is defeated.

Can not change.

A pair of sleeves, a look at Xu Feng and Lin Biao.

Just turned and left.

Ling Hong smiled on his face and looked at Xu Feng and Lin Biao.

"The two younger brothers, really thanks to you!"

"This Mu Tianqing is very annoying every time!"

Ling Hong said.

Xu Feng smiled in his heart.

Such a villain, such as Mu Tianqing, is bullying Ling Hong, not to care.

"We are going to participate in the place where the tea party is going, it is the autumn water altar."

“The scenery there is beautiful, it is the ancient city of Aoki, a rare and elegant place.”

As Ling Hong took Xu Feng with them, they continued to move toward the autumn water.

He said to Xu Feng and Lin Biao.

"There is the autumn altar."

About half an hour.

Not far from the distance, the buzz of the stream flowing.

The young people of the road are moving.

The breath of everyone is not weak.

At least, it is also the life of the six souls.

"Ling Hong, are you taking him to shame?"

With the arrival of the autumn water altar, an untimely sound began to sound.

It turned out to be Lian Hui who had fought with Ling Hong before, and he was followed by Shi Hai and Yu Cheng.

Ling Hong heard the words, said: "Lian Hui, everyone is the same door, do not say so ugly."

"We can fight each other without reading. However, if we go out without words, we must unite."

(End of this chapter)

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