The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3721: Where is your turn?

Chapter 3721, where is your turn?

"The same door?"

Lian Hui had a mocking smile on his face and looked at Xu Feng with a bad eye.

Haha smiled.

"I really don't know, why do you always like it, go with these garbage? Don't you think that you have lost your identity?"

Lian Hui is facing Ling Hong and his face is ironic.

In his eyes, Xu Feng is a complete waste.

Ling Hong is willing to maintain Xu Feng, it is a joke.

Ling Hong faintly said: "Lian Hui, do not look short-sighted, it is not necessarily a good thing to be aggressive."

Ling Hong finished, looking at Xu Feng and others, holding an invitation in his hand.

"Let's go in!"

With Xu Feng and others, walk toward the autumn water altar.

Lian Hui is full of gloom.

Yu Cheng said: "Ling Xiaoxiong, Ling Hong is a bit arrogant, and he does not take your words seriously."

Lian Hui’s mouth swelled and said: “One day, I will step on him. When I look at it, I’m really honest and honest, or pretend.”

Lian Hui always felt that Ling Hong’s so-called magnanimity was deliberately pretending.

He doesn't think that it doesn't matter if someone can be generous and don't care about anything.

This is the so-called belly of the gentleman.

Ling Hong took Xu Feng and others.

Come to the autumn water altar.

There are crowds everywhere.

The breath of everyone is not weak.

These people are in groups of threes and threes.

Obviously they are young talents of all major forces.

There are a lot of places, and there is a big space in the middle.

Both sides are flowing streams.

However, on the stream, there are successively floating teacups.

Each cup is drifting from above.

Obviously, this pool is dedicated to drinking tea.

Ling Hong sat down and looked at the tea cup floating in front of him.

With a smile on his face, he said: "When you want to drink tea, just pick a cup from it."

“After drinking the tea, someone will come back to recycle the cup, and then clean it, then put the tea in the pool and drool it.”

Lin Biao smiled and said: "I can't think of this autumn water altar, but it is somewhat suppressed. It is no wonder that a tea party is held here."

Ling Hong said faintly: "It is not the purpose to hold a tea party. The conference to be discussed is the real climax."

"On the conference, it is to go to the central to accept the challenge. Everyone can go to be the Lord."

"As long as three people challenge the Lord in succession, and the Lord still wins, the Lord will get a cup of tea king."

Ling Hong pointed to the large space that was empty in the center. Obviously there was a place to be discussed.

"On the road to no more than cultivation and strength, the comparison is the individual's perception of the Holy Spirit and the righteousness."

Ling Hong explained to Xu Feng and Lin Biao.

Lin Biao heard that his face was full of interest.

"I will not be able to be on top of it, use my swordsmanship, wait for others to challenge, I will also be the Lord."

Lin Biao is still very confident about his sword.

"This is fine."

Ling Hong nodded.

He also saw Lin Biao's swordsmanship before.

The power is really good.


The atmosphere at the scene was very noisy.

The young talents of the three seventh-order forces gathered together.

The scene is extremely spectacular.

"Ha ha ha..."

At this time, a bit of laughter sounded.

I saw a young man dressed in white.

The eyes appear in the eyes, they are proud.

He came from the side of the autumn water altar, and the whole person appeared to be graceful and arrogant.

“Thank you for your ability to enjoy your face and come to participate in the tea party held by Zhu, which really makes Zhu feel extremely glorious.”

Zhu Bo’s discussion on the tea party, the three major forces, many young talents, have come.

However, Da Hongyan, a disciple of the no-sense, and a big disciple of Qing Leizong did not come.

After all, the identity of the three of them is similar, and there is no need to give each other aspects.

Moreover, even if they are invited, they may not be willing to come.

In their eyes, others are not qualified to talk to them.

"I believe that everyone does not want to continue to hear my nonsense, then I will announce that the tea party will officially begin."

“Everyone is good at tasting and tasting. You need to know the tea today, but the snow lotus tea from the extremely cold land.”

Zhu Bo’s words rang.

I heard the words of Xuelian Tiancha, and many people are stunned.

Xuelian Tiancha is extremely precious.

When it is normal, one or two teas need hundreds of thousands of crystals.

And, there are so many people on the scene.

It is estimated that a few pounds of tea is needed.

That is tens of millions of Lingjing.

Some people also sighed in the heart.

That is, the chief disciple like Zhu Bo has such a big hand, and tens of millions of Lingjing will squander casually.

"When the theory of the meeting begins, the real tea made by Xuelian Tianchawang can relax the blood and promote blood. For those of us who practice, there are many benefits. I don't know who has the ability to drink."

Zhu Bo immediately said to everyone.

"Master Zhu Bo, this snow lotus tea tastes really unique. I have the best tea in my life."

A disciple of Haoyuanmen said to Zhu Bo flattering.

Lin Biao also picked up the teacup.

He took a deep breath and said: "This snow lotus tea is rich and not greasy, and the fragrance is not pure. It is the best."

Ling Hong touched his head and smiled. "I don't think there is anything special about this tea."

Xu Feng also drank a cup of tea, only to feel that there was a warm current in the body meridians.

I have to say that the taste and effect of this snow lotus tea are very good.

"I thought who it is? It turned out to be Ling Hong. You can't drink the taste of tea."

"How can you understand the deep point of the tea ceremony?" Not far away, a young man with a short stature, staring at Ling Hong, his eyes are mocking.

His words rang, and the scene suddenly burst into laughter.

Yuan Zhen looked at Wu Ting who was sitting next to Ling Hong. His heart was full of resentment and anger.

He did not understand why Wu Ting is such a beautiful woman.

I even like the rough people like Ling Hong.

“It’s really interesting. The tea party is just beginning, and the smell of gunpowder is so rich.”

"That is natural, Ling Hong holds the beauty, and many young people of Qing Leizong are the pursuers of Wu Ting."

Yuan Zhen said coldly: "I don't know, the charm of where you come from, you can get the heart of Wu Ting's sister."

Ling Hong smiled and said: "You said it is good, I really have a good luck, can find a girlfriend like Wu Ting Shimei."

Yuan Zhen hates tooth itch, but there is no way.

I know, Xu Feng looked at Ling Hong’s loss.

Not willing to stand by.

Cold and cold: "What do you mean, Wu Ting's sister can't look at Ling Hong's brother, such a rough person? Can you look at your love and fat, like a dwarf melon?"

"In my opinion, Wu Ting's eyes are really good. If you really look at you, the rest of your life is not good."

(End of this chapter)

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