The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3756: Crossing eight realms

Chapter 3756 spans eight realms

"Who will come with me and kill this child!"

Yue Yunju looked at Xu Feng with a knife and killed a soulful soul.

Immediately burst into a burst, both eyes are killing.

The spiritual power of the whole body is surging wildly.

Another person with a life-threatening mind moved toward Xu Feng.

"I am coming with you."

Jing An is a post-mortem of the Eighth Life.

"I have always liked to kill geniuses, especially the talented geniuses you have."

It’s all awkward.

For so many years, he has always hated those geniuses.

Because of what is raised by the mother, the talent of others is to be stronger.

Jing Ang has been practicing for many years in the Qing Leizong.

However, some of the people who entered the Qing Leizong with him have become the elders of Qing Leizong.

The status and status are not comparable to him, so for so many years, he is in the Qing Leizong.

As long as you see those very powerful young geniuses, if you don't listen to him, you will suffer a lot of martyrdom.

Nowadays, watching Xu Feng’s life as a culmination of a peak, he can easily kill the soul of the seven souls.

His heart is even more envious of hatred. If he can join forces with Yue Yunju and kill Xu Feng, it is really a happy thing.

Xu Feng spread his hands and opened his mouth and smiled: "You will understand later, you will die."

Both Jing Ang and Yue Yunju are eight-minded, and Yue Yunju’s strength is stronger.

The idea of ​​the two at the moment is to kill Xu Feng, so they surrounded Xu Feng in the middle.

The spiritual flow of the two men brought with them a horrible momentum. When they stepped out, they rushed out toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng grasped the Aurora Magic Knife, and the spirit of the whole body surging, and the second-order knife was integrated into the Aurora Magic Knife.

When the knives spread out, the formation was a strong momentum, as if it was a violent wave, madly rolling.

"Kid, you will die very badly!"

Jing Ang licked his mouth and his voice was extremely impressive.

Yue Yunjun's hands above it, as if it were a beastly attack, the spiritual power formed a horrible shadow, and it was attacked by Xu Feng.

Jing Ang also did not hesitate, a long sword appeared in his hand, and the swordsman continued to break out.

Only Xu Feng stood there, his face was calm, and the knife of the Aurora Magic Knife shimmered slightly.

After the breakthrough to the peak of the life of the soul, Xu Feng's momentum became terrible.

It seems to be an endless wave, followed by a wave of madness, and the formation is a violent shock wave.

Nie Hong and others, the realm of the righteousness has not been greatly improved, but also can not rely on Hao Yuanmen and Qing Lei Zong people.

After all, there are still some stretches, and seeing Nie Hong and others, gradually falling into the wind, is always at risk.

It is Jiang Yingying, who is worthy of the ten disciples who have no sects. With one enemy and two, even with Han Haijun and Gu Heng, the battle is evenly matched.

"I really don't want to waste time with you, then solve them within three knives!"

Xu Feng raised the Aurora Magic Knife, and the knives and mans continued to overflow, and the momentum that came out was extremely terrifying.

"you wanna die!"

Both Yue Yunjun and Jing Ang were full of faces, and the momentum broke out, and they rushed toward Xu Feng desperately.

Both of them can be repaired by the Eighths of Life, but they are so despised by Xu Feng. It is simply humiliating.

Therefore, both of them can't wait to kill Xu Feng immediately.

Yue Yunju’s holy spirit is very powerful.

However, Jing An’s sword method is also the strongest sword method of cultivation.


Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and looked at the two people who came.

"Don't think that I am humiliating you, it's really you are really weak."

Xu Fengxiu is a peak in the life of the soul.

The dual life of the soul is a distinct gift of growth and death.

His life is really terrifying.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

The sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit is used to display the horror of the momentum, as if the heavens and the earth are shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the knives rushed out instantly, forming a strong wave of impact.

"The Promise!"

The madness of the knife and the continuous expansion, the impact of the formation has become extremely terrifying.

A knife is like a few tens of thousands of aurora, impacting the sky, a knife fell down, as if it is a tens of thousands of knives, squatting.

"This is the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit, but also cultivated into the realm of getting better?"

Jing Ang and Yue Yun raised their eyes and could only bite the scalp and resist Xu Feng's knife.


When the knife fell, Yue Yunju and Jing An both regressed, and their clothes became shattered.

Xu Feng’s strength is too strong, especially after breaking through the life of the soul, the improvement brought by his double life soul is simply too big.

"Tear the knife!"

Xu Feng’s body seems to be the king of the heavens and the earth at this moment, and he is overbearing.

In an instant, the Aurora Magic Knife smashed out.

This knife has no fancy.

Some are powerful powers.

Overbearing knife!

Overbearing people!

Destined, someone is going to die!


Jing An’s blood spurted out, and the long sword in his hand was broken and became a piece.

The Aurora Magic Knife descended from his head and groaned. He widened his eyes and refused to fall.

"It seems that to deal with both of you, you don't need three knives at all." Xu Feng's voice was calm.

"Do not!"

Yue Yunju looked at the knife knives that Xu Feng had hit, making a scream and roaring: "Save me..."

Unfortunately, no one is willing to shoot.

Yue Yunju died like this.

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and headed for Qing Leizong and Hao Yuanmen. Others instantly killed.

"Gu Elder, Han Elder, save us..."

Those people watched Xu Feng killing, and they all sent out a cry for help from Gu Heng and Han Haijun.

However, they must fight with Jiang Yingying, and how can they help others?

After killing several people in succession, it is not too dangerous to see Nie Hong and others.

Xu Feng turned his head and looked at Zhan Yugang, who was not far away. The corner of his mouth raised: "I remember correctly, you want to kill me before. Let's do it, I don't want to waste time with you."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is surging, and the talents of the two souls are awakened.

In the opposite of Zhan Yugang's eyes, it was filled with the chill of the forest, and the breath of the body became horrible.

Xu Feng was gloomy and said: "It seems that you can survive, it is really an accident."

"If you become a demon, it is even more damn."

Xu Feng did not know how Zhan Yugang would become a demon, and his body was also very powerful.


Other people are surprised.

Is Zhan Yugang not an elder of Haoyuanmen?

How can it become a demon?

"Hey, I have to see, how do you cross the eight borders and fight against me?"

Zhan Yugang has confidence in his words.

The nine-fold cultivation of the soul of the soul makes his spiritual power extremely powerful.

"You said it is good, I also want to fight the battle of the soul of the soul, to see how hard the soul is, how strong!"

Xu Feng’s voice is powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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