The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3757: Worship of all

Chapter 3757 The Worship of All

Xu Feng’s eyebrows are all majestic.

His cultivation is a peak of his life.

Plus, the second-order knife is the same.

And the second-order peak kills the meaning.

There is also a second-order gravity.

He would like to see how his own three kinds of ambiguity, at the same time, broke out, how powerful the power is.

Can not kill the general life and soul of the nine.

Although Zhan Yugang in front of him is a life-threatening nine-repair.

However, the foundation is not very solid.

The strength is not too strong.

Just use him to practice his hand.

"I don't care!"

Zhan Yugang’s face showed disdain.

Although I saw Xu Feng killing one after another, the two lives are eightfold.

However, Zhan Yugang broke through to the soul of the soul.

He only knows how big the difference between the life and the eight.

This is why he has a well-thought-out.

"Do not talk nonsense, do it!"

Xu Feng grasped the Aurora Magic Knife, and the spiritual power of his body frantically surging, and the double life souls on his head emerged.

The two rounds of life are completely different, making the people around them shocked.

"Double life soul?"

Zhan Yugang’s face is a change, and the dual-life soul is unusual.

Almost everyone who awakens the soul of the two lives will be the existence of the dragon nine days in the future.

"I can't think of your talent, but it is beyond my expectations, but if I kill you, I will be more happy."

The spiritual power of Zhan Yugang’s body has already taken a step, and it’s like a rush to the sea.

The spiritual power of his body, followed by a wave of crazy blowing, the waves constantly sweeping.

The wave above the hands, the wave of spiritual power is extremely horrible, to engulf Xu Feng.

Seeing that Zhan Yugang attacked, Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and his face was light.

"The momentum is very good, but unfortunately the power is not bad."

Xu Feng slowly said.

"Big words!"

Zhan Yugang did not expect that he would be a strong person if he was put in other places.

Now, falling in the eyes of Xu Feng, it seems that it is just plain, and he can not be angry.

Immediately, the two palms shot out, bringing violent waves, as if it was unstoppable.

"Aurora kills the knife."

"There is no end."

Xu Feng grasped the Aurora Magic Knife, and the spiritual power of his body surging, and the second-order peak killing of the Olympics emerged.

The blood-red light shrouded Xu Feng completely, and the horrible killing momentum made people feel creepy.

A slap in the face, the second-order smashing of the sin, and the second-order knives at the same time.

For a moment, the incomparable knives seem to be transformed into endless light, and the formation of the aurora kills.


The palm of the attack that Zhan Yugang attacked, as Xu Feng’s knife fell, he instantly regressed.

His face became a bit ugly, saying: "You have actually cultivated the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit, and cultivated into the realm of getting better."

"You even know now, can't you see it before?" Xu Feng's voice just fell.

"Tear the knife!"

Then, the second knife of the Aurora killing knife method has already been thrown out, and the knife method is extremely overbearing.

Zhan Yugang danced with his hands, forming a wave of circles. His palm is also a sixth-order Chinese spirit.

However, the gap between the sixth-order Chinese spirit and the sixth-order supernatural spirit is still very large.

What's more, Xu Feng's sixth-order knife method is cultivated to the realm of getting better.

However, Zhan Yugang’s knives are only cultivated to the peak of Dacheng.

How to resist Xu Feng's Aurora killing knife method!


As the second knife smashed out, the knife was unstoppable.

Zhan Yugang regressed again, avoiding Xu Feng’s knife attack.

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife!"

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and showed the last move of the Aurora to kill the knife, the real kill.

The killing of the second-order peaks, the momentum actually went up with the knife and the law.

Such a terrible killing of the righteousness, other warriors, are secretly shocked, and the heart is surprised.

After all, such a strong killing of the righteousness, almost everyone present, did not feel.

Xu Feng's killing and righteousness at this moment has been infinitely close to the breath of the third-order killing.

Within the scope of the entire Luo Ze collar, it is only the top three Dan Yuanqiang strong, and realizes the meaning of the second-order peak.

However, the existence of the third-order esoteric is said to have only reached the capital of the Northern Territory, and only the city of Fuyang.


Zhan Yugang’s face screamed and said: “Don’t kill me...”

The last knife of Xu Feng’s Aurora killing knife method is really terrifying and powerful.

There was no hesitation in the knifework, and it was so sloppy that the void was torn.

"Do not!"

In the end, only Zhan Yugang’s screams were floating in the air.

However, Zhan Yugang is dead and can no longer die.

Gu Heng and Han Haijun, who are not far from Jiang Yingying, both have a sigh of relief.

They saw this scene, it is really a thousand counts, and it is not counted as no sect. This young man with a life-threatening spirit is terrible.


Han Haijun and Gu Heng are very clear that both of them are in the middle of the nine-heavy period of life. Zhan Yugang, who wants to kill the soul of the soul, is very difficult.

Otherwise, the two of them will join hands and will not fight with Jiang Yingying for so long, and they will be evenly matched.

Now, Xu Feng is so easy to kill Zhan Yugang, completely crushing the inner levees of the two.

"Don't let them run!"

Xu Feng screamed, and the second-order gravity of his body emerged, and the wings of Kunpeng emerged.

Before Xu Feng repaired the wings of Kun Peng, it has reached the realm of the second turn, and the speed has improved.

Blocking Gu Heng's way, holding the Aurora Magic Knife, is a knife to go out.

"You want to leave, why don't you say hello?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Gu Heng's eyes are splitting, saying: "Kid, I want you to die!"

Gu Heng’s heart is really angry. He finally understands why, before leaving Jiang Yingying and other non-inscriptions, they can all be safe.

Not only is Jiang Yingying's strength strong, but the life of this life is a big boy, it is a metamorphosis.

"With you?"

Among the two peaks of Xu Feng, the killings are bursting out.

Before killing Zhan Yugang, Xu Feng won two thousand good and evil values.

Now, the value of good and evil has increased to 23,000.

However, above the sacred order in Xu Feng’s body, the task of killing Gu Heng also emerged.

It seems that this Gu Heng is really a slap in the face, otherwise the sacred order will not emerge the task of killing him.

Nie Hong and others who have no chanting are all looking at Xu Feng.

"This child will have a promising future!"

Hu Mingchen stood by, and his heart was secretly glad, but fortunately he did not participate in the killing of Xu Feng.


The continuous application of the Aurora killing knife method is brought to the violent momentum, and the power of the knife method is endless.

Gu Heng is constantly regressing, and both eyes are unwilling.

Han Haijun naturally did not run successfully.

Jiang Yingying was directly dragged.

(End of this chapter)

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