The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3758: Song Hu came to die

Chapter 3758, Song Hu came to die


I know, it is at this time.

Xu Feng's knife-like momentum suddenly changed.

"Three thousand Thunderknife!"

On Xu Feng's body, the silver-white lightning is constantly permeating, and the formation is endless.

Silver-white knives gather together to bring lightning, dense lightning knives, horrible.

"Before the rumors, in the unspoken Lingji Pavilion, some people selected the sixth-order supernatural spirit of three thousand knives."

"At that time, the elders of the sergeant also taught each other, saying that it is impossible for the three thousand knives to succeed in cultivation. Don't be too high."

"I didn't expect that the elders who said that the elders of the sergeant were so high and far away were actually Xu Shidi?"

Nie Hong’s eyes widened. He practiced the knife method, so he was very interested in the knife method.

However, at that time, Xu Feng chose three thousand knives and was also taught by the elders. Many people saw it with their own eyes, and it was not a secret.

Now, when Nie Hongyi saw Xu Feng exhibiting three thousand thunder knives, he completely understood that the rumored young man who was arrogant was Xu Feng.

However, even if it was the elders of the sergeant, I did not expect that Xu Feng not only cultivated three thousand knives, but also cultivated into the realm of Dacheng.

"What is this knife method, why is it so horrible?" Gu Heng's eyes widened and his face was astonished.

Feel the horror of the Thousand Thunder Thunder, and it is clearly the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit, why is it empty?

"Three thousand Thunderknife."

Xu Feng said to Gu Heng.

Gu Heng heard the words, his face changed greatly.

"No...Impossible...How can you cultivate a successful Thousand Thunder Thunder knife? This Holy Spirit has not been able to practice for many years without a sacred rite."

Gu Heng actually knows three thousand Thunderknife.

However, it is normal to think about it.

Three thousand Thunder knives are not only in no sect, but also have a great reputation.

Throughout the Luo Ze collar, they are famous.

It is rumored that the three thousand knives were the same as those of Luo Ze’s hand, the strongest person, and the knives of cultivation.

This person is good at thunder and lightning, and he is very strong in cultivating three thousand Thunder knives. Later, when Luo Ze was rescued by Luo Ze, this person played a very important role and eventually died.

However, the three thousand knives he left behind were terrible.

In the beginning, many people practiced three thousand thunder knives.

However, no one can succeed in cultivation and there will be death.

Later, I don't know how to change.

Three thousand Thunder knives fell into the hands of no sect.

At this time, the three thousand thunder knives are not the seven-step best of the past, but the grade of the sixth-order supernatural spirit.

Just because the three thousand Thunder knife seems to be missing a part.

Many people also summed up the summary.

I think the biggest reason why the three thousand Thunder knife can't be cultivated.

It is because there is a missing part.


The thunder and lightning condensed into a knife, the knife and the impact, the dense thunder knife, so rushed out.

Gu Heng's eyes are splitting, and his spiritual power is surging wildly, trying to withstand the Thunder attack from Xu Feng.

But I did not expect that the power of the Thousand Thunder Thunderblade is really terrible, it is simply overbearing.

It can be said that the three thousand knives cultivated by Xu Feng are even stronger than the aurora knives that he cultivated.

Of course, the three thousand Thunder knife is overbearing, but it is a real big killing trick, and there is no Aurora killing knife lasting.


The endless silver-white knives, so hard to live from Gu Heng's body, shuttled.

Gu Heng’s eyes are unwilling and unbelievable.

All of them are traces of blood red.

Knife Mang will completely smash his internal organs.


Gu Heng fell to the ground and died.

Han Haijun looked at this scene with fear on his face.

"Stop, I admit defeat!"

Han Haijun and Jiang Yingying opened a distance and had fear on their faces: "I will leave now. As for the fruit, I will not talk about it, how?"

"Which is such a cheap thing, if you can't beat it, you will surrender. If you play too much, you want to **** it."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and the Aurora Magic Knife had already smashed out.

"Hu Mingchen, you can give me a quick quest!"

Han Haijun was rushed to the hospital and felt that Xu Feng and others did not kill Hu Mingchen. It must be a friendship with Hu Mingchen.

Hu Mingchen slowly shook his head and said: "Han elder, if you listened to me before, how can there be a disaster now?"


Xu Feng will not be merciless, strong knife, and not only attacked.

Jiang Yingying also shot, no mercy, how can Han Haijun be the opponent of the two.

Not long after, Han Haijun fell to the ground and died completely.

"Do not leave one!"

Xu Feng looked at the few people who were still fighting with Nie Hong, and the voices were cold.

Those people are shocked and roared: "You kid, you are too arrogant, right?"

"We are not your opponents, why bother to kill us?"

"There is so much nonsense!"

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and rushed out one after another. The bodies of the road fell to the ground.

Finally, Xu Feng glanced at Hu Mingchen and said: "I will leave you a life, you should know, how to do it!"

Hu Mingchen naturally knows the meaning of Xu Feng, and immediately nodded: "Xu Gongzi rest assured, I will never reveal half a word."

"Clean up the spoils!"

Xu Feng collected the deaths of Qing Leizong and Hao Yuanmen, and their esoteric fragments.

The various spiritual materials in the storage ring, as well as the spirit crystal, and many treasures, are piled up like mountains.

"We all have it!"

Xu Feng will collect all the spirits, and he has not much interest in other things.

Nie Hong and others are full of excitement, these people who are strangled, each person is a tens of millions of Lingjing.

They are so excited that they have access to so many resources.

Finally, Xu Feng still gave Hu Mingchen some good treasures.

"These are for you!"

Before Hu Mingchen’s remarks, it can be seen that this person’s character is not bad.

"Thank you!"

Hu Mingchen wants to refuse, but sees that Xu Feng has handed over a storage ring and can only accept it.

"We are out of the green forest, everyone should be careful!"

Xu Feng and others, the original way back.

Still encountering the attack of the towering tree.

However, there is no danger to come out.

It’s not too far before they just came out.

Not far from a few people, I am coming towards this side.

The man headed by him was the Songhu who showed his hand in front of the tea party.

When Song Hu looked at Xu Feng's moment, his eyes suddenly burst out of killing, and his face was cold.

"Hey, good boy, kill my brother, you dare to walk so brightly, it seems that you are tired!"

Songhu blows his beard and blinks, screaming at Xu Feng.

Several people around him have also followed.

Only Jiang Yingying and others are tacit.

At this moment, Xu Feng is not Xu Feng in the autumn water altar.

Strength is not the same.

"This tiger is coming to die?"

They can't help but secretly.

Even Gu Heng and others are not opponents of Xu Feng.

Not to mention Song Hu.

(End of this chapter)

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