Chapter 3775, Chapter 4

"Tear the knife!"

The Aurora killing knife method is the sixth-order best holy spirit technique, and the second-order peak of Xu Feng kills the righteousness, and the Aurora Magic Knife is also the best spiritual soldier who cultivates the Aurora and kills the knife.

Then, a knife fell wildly, and the void seemed to remain, a long knife.

The Aurora Magic Knife is the sixth-order superb spirit, the Aurora Smashing and the Aurora Magic Knife, almost perfect match.

As a result, Xu Feng's display of the power of the Aurora killing knife method is really a perfect fit.


Shi Hai’s madness resisted, the spiritual flow of his body, the place of the shoulder, but a huge wound appeared, and the blood continued to flow.

The injury he is now suffering is not too light. In contrast, Xu Feng has nothing to do.

However, the last move of the Aurora killing knife method seems to be a wave of turmoil. Once it is displayed, the opponent must die.


The Aurora Magic Knife suddenly fell down, and the Knife Mangard cut through the void, leaving traces of horrible waves.

Shi Hai’s pupil suddenly contracted, and his heart was full of panic and sorrow, even if Xu Feng could kill the soul.

However, his history is not an ordinary life, and it is not Xu Feng’s opponent.


A blood spurt out, and Shi Hai was once again attacked by Xu Feng's knife, directly to the chest.

A wound was torn, and blood gushed from the wound. He was stunned.

"Xu Feng, you dare to... kill me..."

Shi Haiyan had big eyes and stared at Xu Feng.

I was afraid that Xu Feng would kill him.

He still has to wait for revenge?

Xu Feng’s mouth raised a sinister smile: “I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed, why don’t I dare to kill you?”

After that, the Aurora Magic Knife suddenly went out.

The second-order peak of the body kills the mystery, along with the second-order gravity, and condenses on the Aurora Magic Knife.

From the beginning to the present, Xu Feng is fighting against Shihai, all in a state of complete suppression.

In front of Xu Feng, Shi Hai did not have any power to fight back. He was injured by Xu Feng’s Aurora Magic Knife.

At the moment, in the face of Xu Feng Aurora killing knife method, the most powerful moves.

Even more makes Shi Hai, there is no power.

"Do not!"

Shi Hai exclaimed, but the Aurora Magic Knife has fallen.

He wants to escape from escape, but finds his second-order wind.

Under Xu Feng's second-order gravity, there is simply no room for manoeuvre and struggle.

Suddenly, the Aurora Magic Knife came with a strong wind, and he only tried his best to wave his palm against it.


Shi Hai’s arm was brushed from the shoulders and brushed by the Aurora Magic Knife.

Shi Hai stepped back a few steps, and the other hand’s shoulder was pale, and his face was full of fear.

"Xu Feng, on the basis that everyone is on the same door, you will spare me a life!"

Shi Hai stared at Xu Feng. Even if Xu Feng broke his arm, he did not dare to have any complaints. Instead, he pleaded with Xu Feng.

"I am really sorry, I have always done things, I like to pay back my teeth and pay back my eyes."

"Since you can kill the same door and want to kill me, do you think I will raise a tiger?"

As soon as the voice fell, the Aurora Magic Knife once again gathered spiritually and went out to Shi Haiyan.


Shi Hai wants to blame Xu Feng, but finds that he has opened his mouth and does not know how to insult Xu Feng.


The knife of the Aurora Magic Knife is going out to Shi Haiyan.

The squeaky voice of the knives, there is no meaning of any mercy.

It is completely rushing to kill Shihai.

Shi Hai is pale and low.

With the spiritual power running, the second-order wind is on the rise, his clothes are agitated, and he wants to escape from the eyes of Xu Feng with the help of the second-order wind and the repair of the mid-term peak of the soul.

"Do not do nothing in vain, your second-order wind is almost completely suppressed in the face of my gravity."

Xu Feng seems to look at it, and he sees the thoughts of Shi Hai’s heart.

The Aurora Magic Knife pulled out again.

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife."

The knives continue to impact.

Shi Hai is not a top ten disciple without a sect.

There is still no death.

The body was slashed and slashed directly.

Blood spouted from the mouth.

"Since you are not dead, I will let you notice."

Xu Feng's spiritual flow, the knives and continual criss-crossing, followed by silver-white lightning, surrounded by the Aurora magic knife.

"What is this knife?"

In the depths of Shi Hai’s eyes, there was a horror.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Have you already guessed it?"

"Three thousand Thunderknife?"

Shi Hai said before listening to Yu Cheng.

Xu Feng was in the Lingji Pavilion and even picked three thousand knives.

Also being guarded by the elders, I learned a lesson.

Where can Shi Hai think?

Xu Feng actually practiced three thousand thunder knives.

"You can die under three thousand knives, and it is your honor."

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife, and the silver-white lightning knife on his body began to gather on the blade.

As the knives continue to float, the bring is a strong and horrible momentum, the silver is the silver lightning knife, tearing the sound of vibration.


Shi Hai made a scream.

A dense silver-white knife.

It is like an endless silver thunder.

Thunder and lightning accompanied by the knife, from the body of Shi Hai, all shuttled.

Some lightning knives, did not pierce the body of Shihai.

Some lightning knives pierce the body of Shi Hai.

Shi Hai’s eyes are round and round, and the eyes turn from time to time.

The blood on the body is flowing.

"I can not be reconciled……"

Shi Hai spit out four words and fell to the ground.

With the death of Shi Hai.

Above the standings, Shi Hai’s name suddenly disappeared.

However, the score of the bad knife suddenly increased.

From the previous ranking to the ninth, soaring to the fourth.

Second only to Dai Hongyan and Mu Tianqing.

Mu Tianqing’s points have already been broken through to 102.

The ranking of the bad knife has been raised to the fourth.

The original fourth place was the style of Qing Leizong.

After Xu Feng killed Shi Hai, the points also increased to 98.



Seeing that Shi Hai disappeared, the name of the evil knife appeared in the fourth place in the standings.

Anyone who can see the standings is stunned.

Their faces are all wrong expressions.

What is the sacredness of this evil knife? He was able to kill Shi Hai, the strength of that guy, it is not simple!

Dai Hongyan stared at the standings, and there was a killing in the eyes: "A bad knife? Very good, success caught my attention. However, for the time being, I am not qualified, let me shoot for him."

Mu Tianqing stared at the word of the evil knife, and his heart was secretly lining. Who is this evil knife?

The face of the wind was gloomy, and he did not expect that someone would occupy his name.

You know, the fourth in the previous standings is the style.

Now, the ranking of the standings.

Was topped by Xu Feng.

The wind and the eyes are twinkling, and the flash is killing.

(End of this chapter)

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