The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3776: Both lose and not fear

Chapter 3776, both lose and not fear

"Wind brother, I don't think there is anyone who will rank you in the standings and squeeze it out."

Followed by the wind, a young man, his eyes were sullen, cold and cold.

The wind smelled and the face became extraoriously ugly. He thought, stabilizing in the fourth place in the standings.

At that time, he only needs to go further and be able to enter the top three without too much urgency.

"Who is this evil knife? Is it so strong, but not willing to reveal his real name?"

The face of the wind is gloomy, and the appearance of the eyebrows is a cold kill.

He would like to see who this evil knife is.

"Dare to **** my rankings, I want to go to the bad knife."

Among the sounds of the wind, the meaning is full of confidence.

He is the third disciple of Qing Leizong.

The strength is naturally strong.

Therefore, I know that the evil knife is rising.

He really wants to step on the bad knife.

It is best to use the sick knife as a stepping stone.

"You said that before Mu Tianqing, a big fan, now is the second in the standings. If I step on the bad knife, I will take the score of the evil knife for myself. When I am afraid of Dai Hongyan, I will step on it." ?"

The depths of the wind and the depths of the eyes are filled with arrogance and arrogance.

"Wind brother, but this evil knife is also very simple. According to the inference, Shi Hai, who disappeared, should be killed by him."

"Shi Hai is not a nameless person in the absence of a sect, and can kill Shi Hai. The strength of this evil knife is not easy."

The young man next to him whispered.

The wind smiled and said: "Hey, you don't know, the soul is nine times heavy fighting power, the gap is also very big."

"I am very clear about the strength of Shihai. He is definitely not my opponent. If I shoot, he can kill Shihai."

The wind is in the chest, talking and talking, as if he can really kill Shihai.

"If I can find a bad knife, I will definitely ask him to pay the price." The wind gnashed his teeth and said.


Time passes by one minute.

The points in the standings are increasing.

However, the top ten rankings have hardly changed.

However, people seem to be getting more and more concentrated.

After all, the projections of those warriors are similar.

Dai Hongyan is also very powerful.

His points have reached 192 points.

There are fewer and fewer people.

The area is getting narrower and narrower.

Almost, anyone who meets is possible.

A somewhat flat place.

There are some flowers and plants around, which is also a rare and elegant place.

With the arrival of Xu Feng and Cai Wei.

The atmosphere at the scene has become dignified.

Dai Hongyan held his hand and stood up. When he saw Xu Feng's moment, his mouth was raised and his face was cold and killing.

"I am really curious, who is the courage to give you, and dare to come here to compete for inheritance, are you tired of living?"

Before Dai Hongyan had no sect, he wanted to kill Xu Feng, but was stopped by Shang Qi Luo Yuanming and others.

Now, he wants to see, he wants to kill Xu Feng, who else can stop it.

He was thinking before, in the end, in the Aoki Sanctuary, will you meet Xu Feng?

After all, Xu Feng had no thoughts before, and his impression was too deep. He wanted to forget that Xu Feng would not do it.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng actually took the initiative to send it to the door.

Not far from Mu Tianqing.

See the moment of Xu Feng.

There is also a cold killing in the eyes.

"The relationship between this son and Ling Hong is very good. If I kill him, will Ling Hong be very painful?

"After all, Wu Ting Shimei, it seems to be a deadly heart, want to follow Ling Hong, only to kill this son, so Ling Hong painful."

Mu Tianqing immediately said aloud.

Dai Hongyan’s cold road: "He left me to kill, I advise you not to grab me."

Dai Hongyan's eyes swept through Mu Tianqing, and the momentum on his body was looming.

Mu Tianqing did not expect that Xu Feng offended people, there are more points.

Standing not far away.

A young man, dressed in rags, is also plain.

Xu Feng has had a side to this person.

Peng Xuan is also one of the top ten disciples without a sect.

Dai Hongyan looked at Peng Xuan not far away and said: "Peng Shidi, I want to kill him, you have no opinion?"

Peng Xuan looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Shidi, I am innocent and innocent, and will not do it for you."

"However, I can't offend my brother for you. So, please don't be surprised."

Xu Feng heard the words, haha ​​smiled.

"I really love myself. When will I ask for your help?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Peng Xuan smiled coldly and felt that Xu Feng was dying and struggling.

It didn't help at all. He still didn't believe that Xu Feng could live for the second time under Dai Hongyan's hand.

There are also many other people around. When I look at Xu Feng, I have pity in my eyes.

"Hey! It seems that this Xu Feng is still dying."

"In the absence of the sect, the lord and the elders are really good to him."

"It's a pity that he didn't know how to be good. He chose to enter the Aomu Sanctuary. It was a dead end."

"Dai Hongyan's strength is so strong, even if it is a Dan Yuan Yuan, a heavy weapon, he does not dare to offend Dai Hongyan."

Dai Hongyan cracked his mouth and smiled. "Peng Shidi, it seems that people do not lead you."

Peng Xuan and Xu Feng are not relatives, and naturally will not rescue Xu Feng.

As for Xu Feng’s tongue.

Ming knows that Xu Feng is about to die.

He is too lazy to care about Xu Feng.

As the saying goes, people will die and their words will be good.

Dai Hongyan’s spiritual power surges, and the strong momentum, like the wave, begins to roll.

Looking at Xu Feng with both eyes, said: "I will die if I offend my end. You will die today."

"I don't want to say that the wind is flashing my tongue, I don't know where you come from, can you kill me?"

Xu Feng grasped the Aurora Magic Knife, and the life of the soul was double-repaired, and the double life soul appeared on the top of the head.

He is very clear that Dai Hongyan's strength is not simple, he can't take it lightly.

Feeling that Xu Feng broke through to the life of the soul, Dai Hongyan taunted: "I don't think you can break through the life of the soul, you can arrogant in front of me? It is really self-effacing!"

Dai Hongyan thinks that the reason why Xu Feng dares to speak like this is the reason for breaking through the two souls of life.

Immediately, the moment when the arm extended, a strong wind, suddenly condensed, rushing toward Xu Feng.

In the void, the explosion is the sound of the wind blowing.

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife.

Seeing the wind hit.

Suddenly slammed out, the knife became horrible.

Two violent waves, smashing together.

Knife Mang did not fall into the wind.

However, Dai Hongyan’s attack has shattered.

Xu Feng is holding the Aurora Magic Knife, and his eyes are full of violent war.

The second-order peak of the body kills the righteousness, along with the second-order gravity, and the second-order knife.

At the same time, the three second-order esoteric moments emerged, and there was a momentum in the body.

"You have to fight and fight, even if you lose both hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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