The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3777: Let's fight!

Chapter 3777 is going to war!

"You have to fight and fight, even if you lose both hands!"

The Aurora Magic Knife is in the hands of Xu Feng, emitting a cold light.

Xu Feng stood there, and he appeared to be overbearing.

The **** red killing of the righteousness makes many people feel chilling.

Feel the three second-order esoteric meanings of Xu Feng, and the horrible momentum that exudes.

The people on the scene were all dumbfounded, looked up one by one and stared at the name of the standings.

"Bad knife?"

In their minds, the words of the evil knife emerged in unison, just like the thunder.

Those who can kill Shihai, that is one of the ten disciples without a sect, how powerful the strength.

Now, it is no wonder that Xu Feng is holding the Aurora Magic Knife and staring at the opposite Dai Hongyan. He is so emboldened and speaks such words.

"Does both lose?"

Dai Hongyan is preparing to tell Xu Feng that Xu Feng is not qualified to lose both of his losses, but he did not expect that the breath of Xu Feng became extremely horrible, and his eyes were slightly stunned.

In the heart, it is like turning over the river, and I realize that there are three kinds of second-order esoteric. This is not an ordinary genius, I can feel it.

Even if he wears Hongyan, until now, he only realized a second-order ambiguity.

However, this second-order ambiguity is also a long distance from the second-order peak.

For the righteousness of Ouyi, there is such a terrible sentimental ability that it is not shocked to wear Hongyan.

"This Xu Feng is a bad knife? How is this possible? He clearly believes that the soul is twice repaired."

Peng Xuan’s heart was amazed, and the heart was full of roaring sounds. It was unbelievable.

"It turns out that Xu Feng is a bad knife. It seems that the elders and the lords are really unique."

Some people who have no chanting, watching Xu Feng, are shocked.

They completely understand it.

Why is there no time to read?

The elders and sovereigns will choose to maintain Xu Feng.

It turns out that Xu Feng’s talent is terrible.

Mu Tianqing is also a gloomy face. Although his strength is stronger than Shi Hai, he can't be too strong.

This shows that Xu Feng can kill Shi Hai, and may not be able to kill him.

Thinking of myself, even plain no reason, provoke such a strong presence.

Mu Tianqing’s heart is bursting with chills.

"I am really curious, what do you want to kill me?"

Xu Feng looked up and stared directly at Dai Hongyan.

The Aurora Magic Knife lifted up.

The slashing of the knives, the formation of the arrogance.

The second-order peak killing the momentum of the righteousness is simply horrible.

The blood red light shrouded Xu Feng.

The horrible waves, like the heavens and the earth, are shaking.

"Do not talk nonsense, fight!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng is stirring.

Before at the time of no reading.

The crackdown on Dai Hongyan led him to go to the flames.

Originally, he was about to break through to the soul of life.

However, it was directly interrupted by the appearance of Dai Hongyan.

The strength of Xu Feng at that time was very different from that of Dai Hongyan.

However, this is a moment.

Xu Feng believes that even if he can't kill Dai Hongyan, he has the ability to protect himself.

Just in time, fighting with Dai Hongyan, I can test and test my ultimate strength, in the end.

"Xu Feng actually dared to fight with Dai Hongyan, and the courage is commendable. It is really admirable."

Seeing that Xu Feng directly challenged Dai Hongyan, many people could not help but exclaim.

"Don't you know that Xu Feng is a daring guy. In the absence of his thoughts, he hasn't broken through to the soul of his life, and he has dared to speak and humiliate Dai Hongyan, not to mention the present."

A person without a chanting said to the person next to him.

"Ha ha ha..."

"I don't think it is very lively here!"

At this time, the scenery also came from a place not far away, followed by a person.

When the wind saw Dai Hongyan and others, his face was smiling, and his final eyes fixed on Xu Feng, almost not scared.

Staring at the Aurora Magic Knife in Xu Feng's hand, I felt Xu Feng's body, which made people feel the chilling momentum, and the heart was full of horror.

"The strength of this kid is so terrible, is that evil knife, is he?"

Dai Hongyan and others did not pay attention to the style, and their attention was on Xu Feng.

Dai Hongyan did not expect that Xu Feng was so powerful, his heart was secretly annoyed, and some raised tigers.

Otherwise, when Xu Feng was still at the peak of his life, he wanted to kill Xu Feng, which was a breeze.

Now, Xu Feng's cultivation is a breakthrough in the life of the soul, but also able to kill Shi Hai, the strength can not be underestimated.

Even Dai Hongyan himself is very clear, even if he goes all out and wants to kill Shihai, it will take some effort.

After all, everyone's cultivation is almost the same, unless it is the gap between the realm and the Holy Spirit, you can kill the opponent.

"Xu Feng, you can't easily break through to the life of the soul. If you are willing to give me a bow and admit your mistakes now, maybe I can't care about you. After all, everyone comes from no thoughts, and there is no need to lose both. What do you think?" ”

Dai Hongyan does not want to kill with Xu Feng.

His aim is to gain the inheritance of Luo Ze.

Today, no inheritance has been found.

Instead, Xu Feng lost both sides, and next to Mu Tianqing, Peng Xuan, the wind and other people, are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"It’s ridiculous, aren’t you afraid?”

Xu Feng’s Aurora Magic Knife made a humming sound.

"Don't dare fight?"

Xu Feng said with a smile.

Everyone can see it.

Dai Hongyan’s words are already giving each other a step.

I want to come, Dai Hongyan does not want to lose both to Xu Feng.

However, everyone did not expect.

Xu Feng also dared to be so arrogant.

Dai Hongyan's face became gloomy, and the smoldering glow came out of the eyes.

"It seems that you are really impatient. I originally thought that everyone is the same door. Now it seems that you don't know what it is, then don't blame me for being polite and give you a lesson."

The power of Dai Hongyan’s body is surging, and the violent impermanence is pervasive. His cultivation has reached the peak of the life and soul, and the breath of cultivation alone is horrible.

Around the body of Dai Hongyan, a circle of purple energy fluctuations began to accumulate, and it was terrible.

"Second-order purple water?"

Many people's breathing has become rushed. Dai Hongyan's second-order purple water is synonymous with the meaning of water. It is more profound than the water.

When the purple halo flows, the violent turbulence is tumbling, and the body is surrounded by intense momentum.

Dai Hongyan stood there like this. The momentum on his body seemed to be not angry. He stared at Xu Feng and said: "Since you want a battle, I will fulfill you. Just, you are afraid it will be very miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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