The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3790: Seal crisis

Chapter 3790 Seal Crisis

"Ling brother, is it okay?"

Xu Feng looked at Ling Hong and asked.

For Ling Hong, Xu Feng is still very respectful.

Ling Hong was surprised and said: "Xu Shidi, it’s really a three-day singer, I’m looking at it, I didn’t expect your promotion to be so big! Since you came to support, we killed the two demons together.”

Ling Hong is quite confident about the strength of Xu Feng.

In particular, I feel that Xu Feng has broken through to the triple of life.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I have this intention."

The two strongest people of the E-Men did not expect that Xu Feng was only a life-threatening trio, and dared to say so much.

Immediately, the eyebrows exuded a horrible killing, saying: "I don't know the dead boy, I will catch you when I am, you must be born to die."

The two E-Men are the nine-fold existence of the soul of the soul, but they are tripled by the soul of Xu Feng, so pointing at it, the heart is naturally extremely angry.

However, the anger of the strong devils.

Xu Feng is too lazy to pay attention.

Staring at the opposite side of the Emageon strong, the Aurora magic knife in the hand emerged.

The horrible knife, which is distributed from the Aurora Magic Knife, brings a strong momentum.

The second-order peak of the body kills the mystery and directly spreads it out.

Xu Feng is not prepared to waste time here.

He is very clear.

If it is the seal inside the Aoki Sanctuary, it is really opened by the Emerald.

By then, the consequences are unimaginable.

He has seen the cruelty and horror of the Yi Mozu.

Deep in the desert of the Great Wilderness.

Almost all of the Terran has become the nourishment of the E Mozu.

Once the seal is destroyed.

The strongest of the E-Men will flock to it.

By then, the whole Luo Ze collar.

Even the Northern Territory is likely to suffer a terrible disaster.

Second-order gravity is righteous!

Xu Feng said: "Do you have a bad life in the demon domain? Why do you have to rob us of the Terran territory?"

"It's still cruel and killing, so if I do, I will send you to die today!"

Xu Feng’s voice was very cold, and the Aurora Magic Knife in his hand continued to flash with knives.

The second-order gravity and the second-order peaks kill the mystery, bringing a strong momentum.

Knife Mang continued to overflow from the Aurora Magic Knife, Xu Feng body moved, Aurora Magic Knife has already pulled out.

Every knife and knives brought a strong momentum, as if the whole world was torn by the knife.

"The Promise!"

An endless knife and mans, it seems to tear the void, bringing a violent wave.

The ray is constantly criss-crossing, and the knives are stretched for dozens of feet in a moment, and they are going to the strong side of the E-Men.

The Aurora Magic Knife is invincible, and the strong momentum erupts from the Aurora Magic Knife.

The strongest of the Devils, the constant flow of the whole body, is a strong wave.

After a wave of waves, constantly rolling out, the entire void is full of airflow fluctuations.


The strongest of the E-Men did not expect that Xu Feng’s knives were so fierce, with the second-order gravity and the second-order peaks killing the righteousness, they all made him unable to stand up.

There is anger in the heart, and the heart says: "The **** Terran, almost everyone can understand the world, why do we have no such advantage?"

The strongest of the Emo is very clear. In the whole demon domain or the Mozu, it is possible to realize that the Mozu of the righteousness is a top existence.

"Tear the knife!"

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife!"

Throughout the void, they were pulled by the knife.

The strong pupil of the strong demon of the demon is constantly shrinking.

Continued backwards.

There are horror in the eyes.


Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife, but no delay.

The knives are invincible and form a strong shock wave.


Ling Hong’s strength is also very strong, he fights with another Yimo.

He has the upper hand.

The strong face of the E-Men is angry.

Towards Lianhui, not far away, burst into a burst and said: "What are you still doing? Don't hurry to shoot, do you want to watch us die together?"

Lian Hui heard the violent scream of the strong demon of the Devil, and his eyes were suddenly condensed, and his face was full of horror.

He stared at Xu Feng's figure and suddenly had some fear inside.

In particular, watching Xu Feng is simply crushing the soul of the soul of the mid-eighth middle of the E-devil.

His heart is even more shocked.


Lian Hui is still moving towards Ling Hong.

"If that's the case, then stop fighting!"

Xu Feng’s words are really arrogant.

Go out with a knife.

The void is torn.

"Three thousand Thunderknife!"

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng exhibited three thousand knives.

The silver-white lightning is constantly condensing, bringing about a powerful momentum.

The dense silver-white knives swayed toward the opposite E-magic strongman.

"Do not!"

The strong demon of the demon screams, and is smothered by the dense silver thunderbolt, from the body.


Lian Hui fighting Ling Hong, and another E-devil.

Looking at Xu Feng, I really killed my companion.

The inner moment gives birth to fear.

Just want to escape.

"Want to run?"

The second-order gravity of Xu Feng’s body emerged, and the wings of Kun Peng appeared behind him, which appeared on the opposite side of Lianhui.

"Since you are willing to become a running dog of the E-Men, you still want to leave alive, you are really whimsical."

Xu Feng stared at Lian Hui, and both of them were killing.

If it was before, Lian Hui repeatedly targeted Xu Feng five times.

Xu Feng can always be awkward.

However, since it is a servant.

Then you must die!

"Xu Feng, do you really want to kill them? We are the same door!"

Lian Hui stared at Xu Feng, and his eyes were taboo.

Xu Feng sneered: "When you wanted to kill me, why didn't you think that we were still at the same door?"

Lian Hui heard the words and his face became more gloomy.

"You give me to die!"

Lian Hui did not hesitate, and the whole body spirit instantly condensed. Obviously, he wanted Xu Feng to be unprepared and killed Xu Feng.

"Hey, the dog can't change it!"

The Aurora Magic Knife is ready for a long time.

Lian Hui’s heart is unwilling.

His attack was directly resolved by Xu Feng’s knife.


Among the eyes of Yi Xuan, there is a dark glow.

The faces are all excited smiles.

"Hey! What about the seal, just give me time, you can break it!"

Yi Xuan’s face was full of excitement.

Just break the seal.

His position in the Emerald will be more stable.

Later became the patriarch of the Emo.

That is really a high weight.

"The Lord is really amazing!"

Not far from Yi Xuan, the two strong men of the E-Devils, the black eyes are awe.

The momentum of these two people is the peak of life and soul, and it is much stronger than the Yi Mozu who is killed by Xu Feng.

The two of them gave Yixuan the law, and they wanted to guard the Yixuan and broke the seal directly.

The barrier in front of you is the seal left by Luo Ze.

Today, on the seal, it is faintly visible.

It is like a tiny crack in a spider web.

(End of this chapter)

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