The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3791: The choice between life and death

Chapter 3791, the choice between life and death

“It only takes three days and the seal will break!”

Yi Xuan runs the whole body magic.

I saw his hand, and there was a strange seal.

This mark is the secret of breaking the seal of Luo Ze.

"The Lord is assured that during these three days, even if we die, we will protect you safely!"

The strong of the two Emei people, with a firm look in their eyes.



Ling Hong fisted the opposite side of the E-devil strong, gave a direct shock to fly out.

The strongest of the E Mozu, his face is blue.

He did not expect that he was not Ling Hong’s opponent.

However, he looked at Lianhui not far away.

The heart is completely desperate.

Lian Hui was completely crushed by Xu Feng, like a dead pig.

At this moment, one arm has disappeared.

The breath is disordered.

It will be a mortal person.

"Don't kill me... Please, don't kill me... Xu Feng, I know it's wrong..."

"I won't find you anymore in the future, I..."

Lian Hui looked at Xu Feng and became incoherent.

He is really afraid of death.

If he is not afraid of death, he will not become the servant of the Emei.

In Lian Hui, I feel that it is better to live a good life.

Why do you have to find a way out?

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and his face was sneer, saying: “I’m really sorry, if I don’t kill you, I’m also very relieved!”


The Aurora Magic Knife has no mercy.

Lian Hui’s head rolled directly to the side.

The eyes are still spinning, and the look is unwilling.


The E-Men, who fought with Ling Hong, spewed out a blood.

Heavy fell to the ground.

All faces are unwilling!

Just at this time.

The entire center of the Aoki Sanctuary suddenly became turbulent.


I saw it, not far away.

A burst of nine days of thunder, constant roar.

Xu Feng only felt that the earth under his feet was shaking.

"what happened?"

Xu Feng’s heart is full of doubts and worry.

"If the seal is broken, you must leave the Aoki Sanctuary immediately to save more people."

Xu Feng knows that if the seal is broken, the cultivation of these people is to hit the stone with eggs.

You must leave the Aoki Sanctuary, and then seek the power of the Purple Pavilion to come to support.

"Ha ha ha..."

The E Mozu, who fell to the ground, looked at this scene.

Suddenly burst into laughter.

"You kill me! You all have to die, our Lord, is about to break the seal of the Aomu Sanctuary, and when we are the strongest of the Devils, you will be ruined!"

The strongest of the E Mozu is constantly violent.


The moment when Xu Feng was on the body, the Aurora Magic Knife pierced from the chest of the E-Men.

"Since there is so much nonsense, then don't live, look bored." Xu Feng said coldly.

After killing two Emei people, and after Lianhui, Xu Feng’s value of good and evil increased to 35,500.

"Ling brother, you have to put away their storage rings, we have to move forward, the situation is at stake."

Xu Feng had no thoughts and time to sort out the storage rings of the three people. Instead, he stepped forward and moved quickly toward the thunderous roar.

The wings of the body of Peng Peng, the constant tremors, bring a strong momentum.

Ling Hong did not hesitate to chase after Xu Feng.

However, the speed of Xu Feng is really too fast.

As a result, Ling Hongdu and Xu Feng, opened a long distance.

The cold palace is standing in front of you.

Xu Feng stared at the cold palace.

As if there was a voice, he was calling to him.

He did not hesitate to move toward the palace and walked away.

Step by step towards the palace.

It seems that the whole person is like, through a hundred years, so long.

In the heart, it is an inexplicable heart and panic.

However, he has no hesitation.


As Xu Feng just entered the palace, several Emei people immediately ushered in, one by one, the eyes were not good.

"Where are you coming to know what you can do, here is where you can come? Roll right away!"

A few Emeralds are very clear, and now is the key moment to break the seal, absolutely no sloppy sloppy.

Drinking at Xu Feng.


Xu Feng did not hesitate, the Aurora Magic Knife appeared in his hand, and the momentum of the whole body broke out completely.

The three second-order ambiguities, all surging, and the spiritual power of the whole body, are violently swaying, as if the heavens and the earth are shaking.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

Every knife is very powerful, and it is going out to a few E Mozus.

In a short period of time, there are six bodies lying on the ground, all of which are the Emeralds.

However, Xu Feng’s value of good and evil has increased again, reaching 38,000.

Xu Feng continued to deep into the dark palace.

The cold breath seems to be invading the bone marrow.

Even Xu Feng, I feel very uncomfortable.

Inside the body, the world is full of fire, and it naturally runs.


"The Lord, it seems to have a breath, approaching here!"

A sorcerer with a peak of life and soul, his eyes are condensed, and he reports to B Xuanyuan.

The seals in the hands of Yi Xuan became even more magnificent, and they went crazy toward the seal.

"In any case, block him, absolutely can't, let him break my plan!"

Among the eyes of Yi Xuan, they are all hot.

Two strong demons, go out at the same time.

Xu Feng also felt that he relied on a strong breath.

Immediately, the face changes slightly.

"I really don't care for myself. I have a life-threatening soul and dare to die. What do I think is the strong?"

A strong strong man of the Emei family, his eyes flashed and said with a smile.

"Slow? Life is threefold?"

In addition, the strong demon family, but their eyes are condensed.

"Don't be a kid, if I guessed it well, I am afraid that the kid in the Lord's mouth is him."

He had heard of Xu Xuan before.

A warrior with a low-order soul can fight with him.

Can also realize several kinds of second-order ambiguity.

"What? The one that the Lord eats in his hands?"

Just now, Xiao Yan Xu Feng’s E-Devil is a shock.

"At the same time, let's kill this kid first, so as not to have a long night dream."

The two E-King strong, after knowing Xu Feng, do not want to continue to delay time.

In case of long nights and long dreams, let Xu Feng escape and destroy the plan of Yi Xuan. Even if they are a hundred deaths, they will be blamed.

The two Emei people are strong and powerful, and they are moving toward Xu Feng.

If it was before Xu Feng, it has not broken through to the three souls of life.

The soul of the soul has not yet condensed success.

For the two to join hands to deal with him.

He is really a little jealous.

However, now Xu Feng is full of momentum, two souls above, two different talents, constantly pervasive, the formation is a strong momentum.

The Aurora Magic Knife did not have any delay, and the Emeis who were facing the opposite side had begun to smash out.

(End of this chapter)

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