The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3810: Say goodbye

Chapter 3810 Two Goodbyes

Xu Feng smiled and came to the front of B.

The Aurora Magic Knife in the hand appears.

Killing twenty-eight, you can have 10,000 good and evil values.

This is a big temptation for Xu Feng.

His current value of good and evil has reached 45,000.

If you get another 10,000 good and bad value.

It increases to 55,000 good and evil values.

He went further from Xuan Ling.

The authority in the altar of heaven and earth will also increase.

"Kid, you will die very badly, we will not let you go."

B.28 million did not expect.

He would have been planted under a young man's hand.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and smiled and said: “Don’t I kill you, will your Evils let me go?”

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, B is a mistake.

This is true.

The Emei is a demon.

However, Xu Feng is a human race.

Certainly, I don't want to be a servant. When I am, I will not let him go.

Said, the aurora magic knife in Xu Feng’s hand, heading for B, 28, and smashing out.

After Xu Feng killed B, he increased his value of good and evil by 10,000 and directly reached 55,000.

Watching Xu Feng killing B, he chased the dragon and screamed and said: "Little guy, I have already done the work for you. Can you go to the knife door and succeed the knife doorkeeper? ?"

Now, the chasing dragon knives are really confident about Xu Feng, he believes that as long as there is the assistance of Shi Tong.

Xu Feng became the master of the knives, and it was almost a matter of ironclad. When it was not ten years, Xu Feng must be a good gatekeeper.


Xu Feng nodded, and since he promised to chase the dragon, he would naturally not say anything.

However, he still looked at the chasing dragon knife.

"Predecessors, I once again stressed that if the knife door finds the right heir to the door, I will immediately step down. I don't care about the predecessors, I am not interested in any door owners. I am only interested in pursuing the martial arts peak."

"As long as the strength is strong, any force will have no use in the face of absolute strength."

Xu Feng’s words are very simple and straightforward, but they tell the cruel reality of the spiritual gods.

The chasing dragon knives did not expect that Xu Feng was a young age, and there was such a sentiment that it was really commendable.

In this way, he gave the knife door to Xu Feng management, which is naturally a good choice.


This time, Chalong Longbao did not refuse Xu Feng’s request.

He has already seen that Xu Feng’s eyes are the kind of urgency.

That is a quest for the peak of martial arts.

"This is the spirit wine I used to drink. I came out this time and didn't bring much. I will give you the gourd. You seem to drink my wine, you can use it to quench the flesh, it's not easy!"

Chasing the dragon tyrant is the top powerhouse of the Northern Kings territory. Even with Xu Feng’s absorption of the refining spirit, the secret of Xu Feng’s soul is discovered.

Xu Feng took the tripod wine and smiled inside the income storage ring: "Thank you for your predecessors."

"The younger generation did cultivate the body, and my body has reached the realm of the soul of the soul."

As said, the body of the soul of Xu Feng’s body broke out, and the power of terror made people feel shocked.

Chasing the dragon tyrants and the old eyes of the scorpions are all horror, I did not expect Xu Feng talent, really strong.

"Very good, your body is solid. Just don't know, what is the practice of tempering your body?"

Chasing the dragon tyrant asked Xu Feng.

What Xu Feng cultivated was the Kowloon Refining Body.

Otherwise, the demands of the soul of the soul will not be so terrible.

"The younger generation is lucky to say that the Kowloon refinery is awkward."

Xu Feng said to the chasing dragon.

"What? Kowloon refinery?"

Chasing the dragon tyrant almost did not spurt blood, no wonder Xu Feng's body, the eruption of the momentum is so terrible.

He couldn't help but look at Xu Feng. It was shocking inside. The air traffic of this kid is too much against the sky.

The Kowloon Refining Body is one of the four major refining methods in ancient times. It is precious.

It is said that the entire north coast seems to have only one fifth-order force, and it has the Kowloon refinery.

However, it seems that it is only the cultivation method of the body of Dan Yuan. As for the body of several realms in the back, it seems that there is no such thing.

However, Xu Feng’s practice of practicing the refining of the Kowloon refinery is simply shocking.

However, the chasing dragon knives also know that it is said that the nine-story refining body is the most difficult one in the ancient relics.

It is rumored that the Kowloon Refining Body is the ancient dragon, which was specially used to provide the dragons with the laws of the body.

Later, the ancient dragons and the human races merged with the blood and gave birth to a powerful power.

This person, talented, and even the birth of the Kowloon refining body, this must be the dragon, a strong body, in order to temper the body of the law, direct cultivation success, but also made many changes.

Later, this power, known throughout the ancient times, is called the body.

Because, his body, no one can rival.

"Predecessors, is there a sword in the sword, is there a Kowloon refinery?"

Xu Feng is a surprise inside.

He only got the body of the Kowloon refining body, the soul of the soul.

The next Dan Yuan's body, where did he get it, he still doesn't know?

It seems that he has searched from the Holy Order, the altar of heaven and earth, and has not found a way to practice the body of Dan Yuan.


Chasing the dragon knives directly shaking his head.

The six-order power like Shendaomen, if there is a martial art in Kowloon, fears that it will survive for three days, and it will be directly robbed and destroyed by the big forces.

"I heard that there is a North Coast. It is said that there is a fifth-order force. It seems to be the drug Wang Gu, and it is only the cultivation method that reaches the body of Dan Yuan. After the body of the body, the law of tempering, I have not heard of it. Over."

Xu Feng was shocked inside, and he couldn’t think of Yao Wang.

For Wang Wang, Xu Feng is also aware of it.

It is one of the fifth-order forces of the North Coast, the oldest and most inherited.


Xu Feng nodded and secretly made up his mind.

After leaving the Northern Territory, you can go to Yaowang Valley.

Of course, during this period, he can continue to search for the method of quenching the body of Dan Yuan.

Chasing the dragon tyrant with Xu Feng, out of the jungle.

Looking at the road in the distance.

"Little guy, let's just stop here. I hope that when I return to the Knife Gate, you are already the door of the gods and the master of the land."

Chasing the dragon tyrant looked at Xu Feng, with an expectation in his eyes.

Chasing the dragon knives feels that Xu Feng’s future is really limitless.

Xu Feng said: "Predecessors, there will be a period!"

Xu Feng does not know what to do with the chasing dragon.

Since chasing the dragon does not say, he is not good to ask.

After all, everyone has something for everyone.

"See me later, you will call me too elder, and I will call you, the doorkeeper!"

Although the chasing dragon knives are in a high position in the knives, it is necessary to call the lord of the door.

This is the rule!

(End of this chapter)

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