The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3811: The boundary of Qingzhou Ancient City

Chapter 3811 The boundaries of the ancient city of Qingzhou

Whenever Xu Feng stepped on the road alone, he would think of a kitten in his mind.

He used to be with the kittens.

It won't be boring.

"Kit, you must not have any accidents. If you have an accident, I am afraid that in my life, I will be embarrassed."

The kitten is in order to save Xu Feng, and there will be a crisis.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng's heart is depressed.

Xu Feng shook his head and took back his heart.

Going to the capital of the Northern Territory, Xiangyang City.

For Fuyang City.

Xu Feng is really looking forward to it.

After all, the entire Northern Territory, seven seventy-four forty-nine.

All belong to the site of the North King.

However, Xiangyang City has seven major forces.

They are also the sixth-order top forces.

At such a scale, Xu Feng is naturally looking forward to it.


Flying crane collar!

I saw a monster that was huge and covered with scars.

It was dying and locked in a huge iron cage.

The huge monster is like a tiger.

However, it is not like a tiger.

However, the look is somewhat similar.

If Xu Feng is here, he must know.

This tiger-like monster is a kitten.

However, kittens are usually in a reduced form.

Only when fighting, will it become bigger.

I saw the kitten like this. In the iron cage, the huge head, pulled down, deep in the eyes, are spiritual, and all contain the anger of killing.

"How? Is that a beast, or is it unwilling to surrender to me?"

Fei Hehong walked in from the outside.

Asked about several subordinates.

Feihehong is the young master of the flying crane.

Talented and powerful.

Ever since Fei Hehong saw the kitten, he knew that the monster was very unusual.

Also, please ask the ancestors to take the horse and bring this little animal to this place.

He is the young master of the flying crane, but the kitten, but not willing to surrender him.

He is not willing to sign a contract with him.

"Small beasts, you better not to force me, this little patience, but also limited. If you toasting do not eat and want to eat fine wine, this little do not mind, let you suffer a bit, when you die I am afraid I don’t know."

Fei Hehong’s status is honorable, and he is very angry and annoyed at the situation that the kitten is unwilling to surrender.

You must know that the Feihe collar is one of the seven most powerful forces in the Northern Territory.

They are all six-level top forces. The ancestors of the Feihe family are the top powerhouses in the Northern Kings.

The fierce light broke out in the kitten's eyes, and the flying crane slammed the crane: "If you have the ability, you will kill Ben, you will see, your grandfather, will you give in?"

The kitten's voice is firm.

No one is qualified to be his master.

In addition to his brother Xu Feng.


The flying crane was full of faces, and fierce light broke out in his eyes.

I saw him reaching out.

Next to the middle-aged man, he immediately handed a whip.

The whip is a sixth-order monster, the beef tendon of red yak, made and tough.

Most importantly, above the beef ribs of this red yak, they are all sharp and upside down.

Once the whip falls on the flesh, it must be succulent and painful.

"You can rest assured that I will not let you die very easily."

Fei Hehong grabbed the whip and greeted the kitten.

Also carrying the spiritual power of his body.


The kitten was so dead in the cage, letting the whip of the flying crane flood, fell on him madly.

The skin is fleshy, the blood is completely red and his golden yellow and holy fur, but from the beginning to the end, the kitten does not scream, let alone beg for mercy.

Fei Hehong looked at the kitten's eyes and burned even more in anger.

"You are a small beast, this young master is the sixth-order top force, the future heir, you are not willing to follow me, you really **** it!"

The sound of Feihehong is stunned, and the whip is not merciless.

Several middle-aged men next to me felt numb.

They are very aware of the pain that the whip falls on.

However, the kitten turned out to be so strong that it did not scream.

Such perseverance and strength are simply horrific.

"This kitten is not a strange animal, it is terrible!"

In their hearts, they even gave an admirable heart to a cat.

"You can rest assured that if you have been like this, I will let you live all the time. I will see if you can hold on for a long time."

Fei Hehong threw the whip aside.

The face is cruel.

"Don't forget, don't let him die. If he is dead, the younger master will let you open the flesh and let me continue to fight until he has only one breath, then give him the remedy, so that he can Continued."

In the sound of Fei Hehong, they are all cold.


A few middle-aged men naturally did not dare to violate the orders of Fei Hehong.

Continue to torture the kitten.

"Don't tell me, this kitten is also very powerful. It has been tortured for so long, and there is no death."

A young middle-aged man couldn’t help but say after Fei Hehong left.

Every time I looked at the kitten's skin, I thought he would die.

Yes, there is no death.


I saw a sixth-order Chinese alchemy teacher, came to the place where the kitten was locked, and took the medicinal medicine to the kitten.

"Little guy, why are you so stubborn? Fei Hehong's identity is very expensive, you give him a pet, there is nothing, why should you eat such a pain?"

There is a trace of the old man's look.

After all, he has given the kitten a cure for almost a month.

The requirements of Feihehong are very simple.

Don't let the kitten die, don't let him recover.

"He will die... everyone will die... they will pay the price in the future..."

The kitten's voice is weak, but it is very firm, so he said to the old man.

After all, the old man is good for the kitten.

At least let him eat less.

The kitten is firmly determined.

He believes.

One day, my brother will come to save him.

At that time, it is the death of this group of people.

Especially the old thing, you must die.


In a twinkling of an eye, half a month, passed away.

Xu Feng's eyes blinked.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance.

All the way up, for the area of ​​the Northern Territory.

He is also very familiar with it.

Wherever you look, it is a bustling city.

It is really well-connected everywhere, and there are wide and clean roads everywhere.

The crowd is even more endless.

Qingzhou Ancient City.

Xu Feng did not expect that he actually went to the boundary of Qingzhou Ancient City.

For this ancient city of Qingzhou, Xu Feng is really interested.

"Since I came to the ancient city of Qingzhou, I went to see it. This is the holy place of the so-called 16-neck."

Qingzhou Ancient City is a long-established ancient city within the territory of the Northern Kings.

It can be said that it is in all directions, but it is the intersection of sixteen collars.

The ancient city of Qingzhou is very prosperous.

However, such a prosperous ancient city of Qingzhou seems to be orderly.

It is said that once the ancient city of Qingzhou.

It was born in Qingzhou Wang.

However, all this brilliance comes from the Qingzhou King.

(End of this chapter)

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