The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3836: Five souls

Chapter 3836 Chapter Five of the Soul

"Hey, we are listening to your arrangement."

Another young man, the two eyes are like a gap, and the eyes are invisible.

His voice was very sullen, and the whole person stood there, like a poisonous snake, which made people feel cold.

"Of course, if there is something difficult for the younger brother, we need to take the shot and open it."

The young man in the haze said immediately.

Mengyu heard the words and looked at each other and said: "Thank you for your brother, when the younger brother arrives, he will naturally not be polite with you."

At this time, Meng Yu looked at Zhan Yu and asked: "Master Zhan, I don't know how long it takes for Master to handle things. Will it take time to come to Qingzhou Ancient City?"

Meng Yu’s words rang, and Zhan Rong frowned. “Isn’t you a teacher, I think we can’t solve the problem for you?”

Speaking of this, Zhan said: "Meng Shidi does not want to destroy the other two families of Qingzhou Ancient City. After you have been married, will you become the boss of Qingzhou Ancient City?"

Zhan Yu directly opened the door and said the purpose of Meng Yu, making Meng Yu have some mistakes.

He did not expect that Zhan Jun actually guessed so accurately.

After all, he is on the way.

From time to time, they told Zhan Jun that the situation in Qingzhou Ancient City.

It can be considered as a side knock.

"Zhan brothers don't want to be angry. The younger brother doesn't mean this. It's natural for Master Zhan to go out."

Meng Yu did not dare to provoke Zhan Yu.

Zhan Yu’s character is violent and cruel.

But everyone knows it.

"You can rest assured that we will go to Qingzhou Ancient City and simply kill Qiu and Yan Jia first, then you will treat us well, how?"

Zhan said directly.

"Yes, there are two small families that don't flow into the area. What kind of power can be strong, and our brothers and sisters are enough to destroy each other."

The other youth next to him said more confidently.

"Thank you for your kindness, the younger brother is grateful."

"At that time, the two families that have been destroyed, all resources and wealth, belong to the brothers."

Meng Yu said respectfully to the five people around him.


With Qiu Chengyu killing Yan Qi.

Everyone in the Yan family is like a bird of surprise.

Qiu Cheng did not have much interest in killing other Yan family.

However, Qiu Cheng is very clear.

Never leave a scourge.

In his eyes, the killing of Sen Han, said: "All the Yan family listen, I am too lazy to kill you!"

"When it was time, the ancestors of your strict family were also disciples of our ancestors of Qiu."

"Now, it is a matter of course that Yan Qi wants to destroy my Qiu family and be killed by me."

"If you are willing to surrender to the Qiu family, immediately kneel down and wait for the homeowner's handling."

"Otherwise, the rest of the people, kill innocent!"

Qiu Cheng is very clear.

If you continue to be kind and soft.

Ren Yan’s development in Qingzhou Ancient City.

Sooner or later, there will be such a presence as Yan Qi.

After all, who doesn't want to be the hegemon of the ancient city of Qingzhou?

Everyone wants to unify the ancient city of Qingzhou.


With everyone, they rushed down.

Almost all of Yan’s family are kneeling down.

They are very clear that the death of Yan Qi indicates that Yan Jia’s complete failure.

If they are recalcitrant, they don’t know how to die, what is necessary?

There is no point in sending death in vain.

The people who watched the Yan family rushed to surrender.

Meng Gang’s face became extraordinarily ugly.

The depths of both eyes are cold.

"Homeowners, if the Yanjia people surrender to Qiu, our situation is not good."

A man from Mengjia said to Meng Gang.

"Hey! Look at it and change it. As long as Yu's return, all the difficulties will be solved."

Meng Gang pinned all hopes on Meng Yu’s body and waited for the return of the King of Mongolia.


Xu Feng sat on the thirty-six-hole day.

When you open your eyes, the thirty-six holes are shining.

It is magnificent and terrifying.

However, Xu Feng said: "Qiu Mansha, Qiu Yi, Qiu Dui and others, you can now feel the thirty-six-day heaven, how much you can feel, just look at your own creation."

The voice of Xu Feng sounded, and Qiu Mansha and other youths of Qiu’s family were stunned.

In an instant, thirty-six days above the sky, thirty-six statues, at the same time filled with light.

Covering them with them, they are all stunned and full of surprises.

Immediately afterwards, one by one began to sit down and feel the breath of the thirty-six-day sky.

"God! What is the metamorphosis of this kid? He can do this casually, manipulating the 36-hole day, how is it done?"

"A rumor, in the thirty-sixth century, you can feel the meaning of the righteousness, can feel the power, and can also realize the realm. What a mystery?"

"The group of rabbits of Qiu's family, if they can get the baptism of the 36-hole day, will be afraid that they will take it to the next level."

"Qiu's family is really a dog, this time the young genius of this metamorphosis, the benefits have been occupied by Qiu."

Many people have looked at this scene and have talked about it. ,

All the words are envious and hateful.

Qiu Mansha only felt that the whole body was bathed in golden light.

As she began to experiment, communicate thirty-six days.

The face suddenly appeared a smile.

Because, my mind seems to become ethereal in an instant.

It is easy to understand the 36-hole day.

The breath of Qiu Mansha changed.

Make Qiu Chengdu with shock.

"Big Brother, your daughter, after the baptism of the 36-hole day, will be completely transformed. Maybe it is time for her to go to Fuyang City, so that she can practice and have a future."

Qiu Cheng said to Qiu Housheng.

"Three brothers, we Qiu's ancestors said right, as long as the Qiu family is always kind, do not do evil, do not kill innocent, do not bully, unite, then Qiu will never fall."

Qiu Housheng couldn't help feeling.

For so many years, everyone in Qiu’s family.

They are constantly advancing and surviving in the spirit of ancestral inheritance.

"The third brother, the Xu Gongzi, is exactly what is sacred. He seems to be using the thirty-six-hole day to break through."

Qiu Houwen asked Qiu Cheng, some shocked questions.

Qiu Cheng shook his head and stared at the figure. He said: "I can't guess, such a genius, I am afraid that in the future, it will shock the entire North Shore."

The martial arts talent, the alchemy talent, the state of mind, all kinds of existence are unseen by Qiu Cheng.

Such a genius will surely travel for nine days.


Inside Xu Feng's body, the pulse veins criss-cross and form a huge network.

Heaven and earth spiritual power, toward his body, crazy gathering.

Above the double soul, the four halos became radiant.

"The five souls of life, give me a punch!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng's whole body is moving toward the soul of both lives, while flowing away, bringing a strong momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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