The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3837: I challenge you? Can you dare to fight?

Chapter 3837 I challenge you? Can you dare to fight?

On top of the double soul of life, there are two distinct atmospheres.

At the same time, the fifth halo is gradually emerging.

On the thirty-six-hole sky, it seems that thirty-six rays of light broke out.

Rushing into the sky, straight into the sky.

Xu Feng felt that he had cultivated and broke through to the five souls of his life.

There is also a hint of excitement in the heart.

Qiu Mansha and others also agree.

Get a lot of improvement.


Meng Yu and other six people came to the outside of Qingzhou Ancient City.

"It’s finally arrived!"

Meng Yu took a deep breath.

"Hey! What happened, how can people in Qingzhou Ancient City be so little?"

Meng Yu found that the people above the streets of Qingzhou Ancient City seemed to be a lot less than before.

Seeing that Meng Yu was coming back with five young people, the breath of everyone was unfathomable.

Someone suddenly rushed toward Mengyu and said: "Master Mengda, you can go to the 36-hole day to see."

"Your father was injured in 36 days, and your second brother and third brother were killed."

"You have been killed and injured in your home!"

A man rushed up and sent a letter to Mengyu.

He won't miss such a good opportunity.

In this way, it will be a blessing, and in the future, Mengyu will destroy Qiu.

He will certainly get great benefits.

"What are you talking about? Say it again!"

Among Meng Yu’s eyes, they are crazy killings.

That man is scared.

"Master, I will send you a letter, I hope that when you destroy Qiu Jia, you can give me some benefits..."

The man’s voice trembled.


Meng Yu throws the man directly out and kills his face.

"You brothers, please follow me to the 36-hole day, I want to see, who dares to kill my second brother and three brothers."

Meng Yu said to Zhan Yu and others.

"Well! Lead the way!"

Zhan Hao nodded.

With his cultivation and strength, he came to a place like Qingzhou Ancient City without fear.

After all, his cultivation is the five elements of Dan Yuanjing, not to mention that he can fight more and more, but is a genius.

In the top six-order forces such as the Knife Gate, the genius is named after the absolute.

It’s a genius to a genius.

Among the rumors, a higher level of power.

There will be ten geniuses.

However, that is rumor.

On the entire north coast, I don’t know ten talents.

Even the seven geniuses can be called the pride of the sky.

The so-called genius, that is to say.

Zhan Yi is able to cross a level and fight against the six strong players in the Danyuan.

Before Zhan Yu heard Meng Yu said very clearly.

The most powerful of the entire Qingzhou ancient city is his father.

It is also only the five-level peak of Dan Yuanjing.

He naturally did not put the people of the ancient city of Qingzhou in his eyes.


Qiu Chengshuang took a cold and murderous intention.

His eyes fell on the opposite side of Meng Gang, saying: "Meng Gang, do you do it yourself, or do you want me to do it yourself?"

Meng Gang heard the words and his face was gloomy. He said to Qiu Cheng: "You have to think clearly. My son Meng Yu is now an inner disciple of the Knife Gate, and he is a teacher of the elders."

"If you dare to kill me, I don't think it will take long. When my son Mengyu returns, it is your Qiu family, the day of demise."

Meng Gang stood there, looking very emboldened, the tone of speech, all righteous words.

It seems that Qiu Cheng was approved and did not dare to do anything to him.

"I am sorry, you really are not qualified to threaten me!"

Among Qiu Cheng’s eyes, the killing is in vain.

Meng Gang’s actions in these years.

Really it is killing!

"I don't know if your son is just a disciple of the knife door. Even if the elders of the sword are coming, I am not afraid."

During the period of Qiu Chengyu, but the existence of the main heir of the Humen Gate, how could he fear the elders of the area, it is a joke.

"Qiu Cheng, you have to think clearly!"

Meng Gang was low in voice, staring at Qiu Cheng.

Qiu Cheng can easily kill Yan Qi.

If it is really hands-on, he will die.

"I think it's very clear that it should be that year, killing you."

Among Qiu Cheng’s eyes, the killing is silent.

It is necessary to start.

"Who dares to move my father?"

Just then, a loud voice sounded.

I saw that Meng Yu and other six people came to the 36-hole sky.

This is what happened from Mengyukou.

Meng Gang heard the words and his body was shocked.

The face appeared, full of smiles.

"I am coming back!"

Meng just excited.

Meng Yu quickly came to Meng Gang and said: "Father, the baby is late, and the father is also redeemed."

In Meng Gang’s eyes, they are all excited and look at Meng Yu: “It’s good to return, just return!”

"This group of people killed your third brother, the second brother, and wanted to kill my father, Yuyou, you have to take revenge!"

Meng Gang said with exhaustion.

Meng Yu looked at Qiu Cheng and others and said: "I am really courageous to know that I am now a disciple inside the knife."

"My master is the elder of the sword, Zhou Zhiyu, this is the chief disciple of my master, Zhan Yu, and the rest are my brothers."

"Since I know that my brothers and I are coming, don't hurry and apologize, beg for mercy?"

Among the voices of Meng Yu, they are all arrogant.

When he comes to the ancient city of Qingzhou, he will have a sense of superiority.

"I don't know what the elders know, but the disciples who collect your waste like this are also jokes."

Qiu Cheng looked at Meng Yu, who was arrogant, and couldn’t help but vomit.


Meng Yu was angry.

"I don't think of a small place like Qingzhou Ancient City. There is still a strong person, but it makes me feel surprised."

Zhan Yu looked at Qiu Cheng and said: "I advise you to be better off, and my master is on the way."

Xu Feng walked down from the 36-hole day and came to Qiu Cheng’s side: "If you are so threatened, then kill it together!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Qiu Cheng’s words were more savage.

Zhan Hao’s face suddenly became very ugly.

The opposite Qiu Cheng’s breath made Zhan Yi feel dangerous.

"Where are you who don't know how to live and die, the life of the district is fivefold. Is there a part of your speech?"

Zhan Yu angered Xu Feng.

Meng Gang said: "Yu, it is his momentum to mobilize thirty-six holes, killing your second brother. Your third brother is also killed by him, you have to kill him and avenge your second brother and three brothers. ”

Meng Gang looked at Xu Feng, it really can be described as hateful, I can't wait to give Xu Feng a big unloading.

In the eyes of Meng Yu, filled with crazy killing, staring at Xu Feng: "Since you killed my second brother, the third brother. Still dare to be so arrogant, I challenge you, dare to fight?"

Meng Yu directly speaks to challenge Xu Feng.

He felt that Xu Feng was only a five-repair of his life.

Not at all fearful.

As long as the other party dares to fight.

At that time, he can easily kill Xu Feng.

Qiu Cheng wants to intervene, there is no chance.

"meaning, you want to be like your second brother and three brothers!"

Xu Feng said directly.

The meaning of the words is obvious, that is, I feel that Mengyu wants to die.

"Look, do you have that ability?"

Meng Yu deliberately angered Xu Feng.

I want Xu Feng to accept my own challenges.

(End of this chapter)

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