The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3838: Ignore Zhan's warning

Chapter 3838 ignores Zhan's warning

"Don't be influenced by his radical approach, he obviously wants to provoke you to accept his challenge."

Qiu Houwen opened his mouth to Xu Feng. Anyone can see that Meng Yu wants to use the radical method to let Xu Feng agree to his challenge. The other party is obviously unwilling and wants to kill Xu Feng.

"Yes, we obviously have the upper hand now, even if he is a disciple of the knife, what can he do?"

"As long as he dares to shoot, I will kill him." Qiu Cheng's eyes, with cold and killing.

Zhan Yi heard that his face became extraordinarily ugly: "Don't be too arrogant, my master is on the way to the ancient city of Qingzhou. It is easy to kill the killer by my master's strength."

Qiu Cheng said coldly: "I am afraid that you have not waited for your Master to come, you are already a dead person."

Qiu Chengzhen admire the young people now, are they so brainless?

If you do it yourself, you really kill each other.

At that time, even his master really came.

He is already a dead man.

Meng Yu’s eyes stared at Xu Feng with a provocative look: “How? Even my challenge, can’t I accept it?”

Meng Gang sneered: "Yu, this kid left the 36-hole, it is a waste. He accepts your challenge, isn't he looking for a dead end?"

Meng Gang is next to him, and he is also using the radical method.

Xu Feng walked a few steps and his eyes fell on Meng Yu.

A faint saying: "Since you want to challenge me, what reason do I have, do not agree with your challenge?"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, everyone was wrong.

They don't understand, where Xu Feng came from.

I accepted the challenge of Mengyu.

You must know that Meng Yu is now a Dan Yuanjing.

It is also an inner disciple from the Knife Gate. The cultivation of the Holy Spirit is inevitably unusual.

Meng Yu heard Xu Feng agree to his own challenge, with a sarcasm: "You don't want to talk big words, if you are now repenting, maybe still have time. After all, when a coward is always better than death."

"You have a lot of nonsense!"

Among the eyes of Xu Feng, there is a cold killing.

His cultivation is a breakthrough to the five souls of life.

Never before, really fighting with Dan Yuanjing.

Nowadays, just breaking through to the five souls of life, we must face the duality of Dan Yuanjing, but let Xu Feng have some wars.

With the fighting power before Xu Feng, the existence of the peak of the soul is not his opponent.

He also wants to teach and teach, in the end, the cultivation of Dan Yuanjing, how strong the strength.

"It seems that you are ready, really want to fight with me. Then I will fulfill you, I hope you will not let me down."

The spiritual power of Meng Yu’s body, the dual momentum of Dan Yuanjing, is indeed very scary.

When the whole body is flowing, the light flashes in both eyes, bringing a powerful momentum.

"Come on, let me see your courage, and whether it matches your strength?"

Meng Yu reached out and hooked his finger at Xu Feng, his mouth slightly raised, with some disdain.


The Aurora Magic Knife appeared in the hands of Xu Feng, the blood-red knives, the constant overflow, the knife light burst.

Many people stared at the Aurora Magic Knife in the hands of Xu Feng. They all sucked a cold breath and it was indeed a good knife.

"This knife is very good, but unfortunately in the hands of a life-heavy five-handed boy, I am afraid that it will not be able to exert its power."

A strong duality of Dan Yuanjing, his eyes slightly picked up, with a greedy color in his eyes.

Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife is a sixth-order elite spirit. It is very powerful and precious.

Naturally, there are many people who are very embarrassed.

"Meng Shidi, you give me a hand to kill this kid, I need a knife master."

The young man with a sullen look is like a pair of viper snakes, staring at the Aurora Magic Knife in the hands of Xu Feng.

He is also a cultivating knife. For the Aurora Magic Knife, he is naturally very greedy, and he is eager to take the Aurora Magic Knife as his own.

"I wish the brothers peace of mind, this knife will be sent to the younger brother, hand-delivered!"

Meng Yu never put Xu Feng in his eyes.

"Get started!"

Living on it, I saw his hands above, and the spiritual power gathered to form a horrible wave of waves.

The moment when the hands floated, it brought a strong momentum, as if the void was shaking.

The spiritual power above the hands, instantly turned into claws, toward Xu Feng's chest, smashing out.

"Meng Shidi's talent is good. The sixth-order Chinese spirit of the master taught by the Master has actually cultivated into the realm of Dacheng."

“It’s hard to cultivate the ghosts and claws. It’s no wonder that Master’s ability to cultivate is successful. It’s no wonder that Master’s eyes are different.”

"That kid is only a life-threatening five-five, afraid that even a teacher's claw can't bear it, and he will die if he can die."

Following the five martial arts disciples who came to Mengyu, they looked at Mengyu and directly displayed their devastating claws.

I can't help but vomit. After all, Mengyu can successfully cultivate and destroy the ghosts, and it is really not easy.

"Aurora kills the knife!"

Xu Feng body, morality filled, followed by the moment.

The second-order knife is righteous!

Accompanied by the second-order knife.

Xu Feng's knife method has become more fierce.

Many people are shocked and staring at Xu Feng.

"I didn't read it wrong! The life of the soul is fivefold, and I realize the truth of the second-order knife. How is this possible?"

Generally, I can understand the existence of the second-order esoteric, and all of them are high-order souls.

Now, Xu Feng is only five times the life of the soul, and I realize that the second-order knife is really amazing.

"There is no end."

"Tear the knife."

With the implementation of the Aurora killing knife method, along with the second-order knife, the smashing of the knife.

The momentum above the knife, the horror, makes the whole void become a little distorted.

Knife mansions and Mongolian claws, constantly colliding, give a general sound of metal collision.

Xu Feng's double life soul in the body, the faint continually erupted, his knife method became more fierce.

"It turns out that your strength is just that!"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and his voice was disdainful.

I thought that the double glory of Dan Yuanjing would be so powerful.

Unexpectedly, it is no different.

Xu Feng’s aurora killing knife method completely suppresses Mengyu.

Meng Yu’s face became gloomy.

Where can he think that the life of the soul is so strong.

Not far from Zhan Hao and others.

I can't look down on Xu Feng from the beginning.

Until then, watching Xu Feng, suppressing Meng Yu.

Everyone is stunned.

Crossing seven realms can suppress Mongolian.

This means that Xu Feng is at least seven geniuses.

Within the entire Northern Territory.

It seems that seven geniuses are just a few.


Knife Mang’s strokes, Meng Yu’s whole person was slashed and flew straight out, with blood on his chest.

Xu Feng stepped out step by step, one foot toward Mengyu's body, stepping on it, the Aurora Magic Knife is even more, no mercy.

"Sir brother, save me..."

Meng Yu's face was stunned, and he looked at the knife-knife that was close at hand, and made a miserable cry for help.

Zhan Yu came back to God and suddenly screamed: "Boy, you don't hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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