The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3873: The six metamorphosis of the soul

Chapter 3873, The Eighth Psychology of the Soul


Zheng Junzhi was full of faces, and his eyes were twinkling with the anger of Sen Han.

He did not expect that Xin Tianyin voluntarily rushed into the Tibetan **** pagoda, not only did not kill Xu Feng.

On the contrary, the Yin is wrong, so that Xu Feng is also recognized by the Tibetan **** pagoda, and successfully collects the spiritual treasures such as the Tibetan **** pagoda.

Make Xu Feng famous in the Purple Pavilion.

Moreover, the East Flow took Xu Feng to Qingshan.

In the future, if you want to kill Xu Feng, the difficulty will become bigger and bigger.

Xin Tianyin’s old face is also helpless.

Dao: "I really didn't think that Yu Zhonghai and others were so wasteful that even a young man with five souls could not kill."

Xin Tianyin thinks that Zheng Junzhi is talking about Yu Zhonghai.

It is just right, and the responsibility is also shirked to Yu Zhonghai and others.

I know, Zheng Junzhi pointed to Xin Tianyin.

The face is full of sorrow: "I mean you are a waste, and you are a strong man. You personally deal with a life-threatening five-fold. You also let him survive, and help the other side to get the Tibetan **** pagoda."

Zheng Junzhi’s words rang, Xin Tianyin’s old face was ashamed, and his heart was extremely angry, but he did not dare to talk back.

Not only, it’s not a wise choice to provoke Zheng Junzhi.

"President, as long as that Xu Feng is still in the Purple Pavilion, there is an opportunity to kill the kid."

Zheng Junzhi heard the words and shook his head: "You feel very relaxed. You can think that he is now the eighth disciple of Castle Peak. It is really easy to kill him."

"Don't think about the old things in the cloud, you have to think about it. On the top of the green hills, it's hard to get rid of the east, but the real thing is the master brother." The guy is cold and overbearing, if we really dare Boldly killing Xu Feng, do you believe it or not, he really dared to kill outside the Purple House?"

Zheng Junzhi is very clear about the character of Scorpio. He was almost joined with Scorpio in the same year.

The talent of Scorpio is so horrible, and the realm of his swordsmanship is stronger than that of the East.

Xin Tianyin knew that Zheng Junzhi was at the moment and was afraid to continue to talk, but to remain silent.


"The owner, the Tibetan **** pagoda was successfully collected by a young man named Xu Feng, and is now included in the bag."

There is a quiet environment in Zige.

I saw a little depressing figure.

He stood up like this and stood there.

"Not bad! Is it a few talents?"

He is the most mysterious owner of the Purple Pavilion.

For so many years, they are all Ziyanyuan, Lifengyuan, Xuanyinyuan, Wangtianyuan, and Qingshan, dealing with their own affairs.

He has never appeared in this cabinet. Many people even think that he is dead.

"Preliminaryly, it should be the top five geniuses, and the mind is determined, all aspects are the pride of the sky."

The person who reported to the owner said that the voice was low.


The owner nodded and still stood shoulder-to-hand.

Unexpectedly, there is such a genius, but also able to join the Purple Pavilion.

"This youth, who is the disciple of the hospital now?"

The owner asked the person who reported the news.

The person who reported the news was hesitant, and he said: "The owner, the young man seems to be recruited from the east of Qingshan. This time it is also to participate in the assessment, but also to join the Castle Peak."

In the depths of the eyes of the owner, there is a deep radiance, whispering: "The younger brother’s vision is very unique. It is not easy to cultivate and look at the young people."

"The owner, if it was the same thing that year, the master of Qingshan Mountain knew the truth, maybe..."

After the words of the person who had not waited for the news were finished, the owner directly reached out and waved his hand and interrupted the other party’s words: "Without this matter, there is no need to repeat it later. If it was not a younger brother, I was already dead, how can I live? today."

"Although he has misunderstood me, can I have no mistakes?"

In the voice of the owner, there is endless helplessness.

The person who reported the news could only help but sigh.

Finally, I didn't talk anymore.

" Pay more attention to the situation of the young man. From time to time, you can come and report to me."

After the cabinet owner finished speaking, obviously he did not want to say more.

"The owner, the subordinates retire."

The person reporting the news turned and disappeared.

I saw it.

The owner slowly turned around, and on the face, there was a scar of scars.

It is like being branded by life, it is extremely ugly and embarrassing.


Castle Peak.

Once belonged to the Purple Pavilion, it was Qingshanyuan.

Today's green hills are a bit desolate.

A mountain far away, so straight into the sky.

In this way, the ladder of the bluestone board.

Extend to the top of the mountain.

"Little brother, the rules of Castle Peak, then you have to climb the top of the Castle Peak. If you can't get on the road, you can't find the right path. If you die, that's what you deserve."

"Next, start your mountaineering trip."

After the eastward flow to Xu Feng, with the child demon and Qu Yuming, toward the top of the green hill, quickly walked.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly and stared at the green hill road in front of him. It seemed that there was nothing strange about it.

Immediately, strolling toward the front of the green hill road, his speed is not very fast.

After nearly half an hour, I have not encountered any difficulties, just the stairs of the mountain, some steep.

"Three brothers, Master seems to give the younger brother an assessment, more difficult than the seven divisions, you said that the younger brother can really pass the assessment?"

Qu Yuming was worried about watching Xu Feng.

"If you can pass, you can see his own creation."

The road to the east is slow.

The breeze blew through.

Xu Feng’s clothes showed a squeaky voice.

The eyes suddenly condensed.

He suddenly found that his legs became heavy.

There was a horror in the eyes.

The bones of the whole body seem to be squeezed.

"Where is this, is it so strange?"

Xu Feng himself realized the second-order gravity.

However, at this moment he suddenly found out.

The spiritual power of the whole body seems to be frozen.

There are some distortions in the meridians.


Xu Feng is very clear, can not continue to stay, and can not back.

Otherwise, it is really possible to shed a thousand miles.


The strong pressure exerted Xu Feng's body, squeaking sound, skin and bones, as if they were all squeezed and deformed.

He now fully understands why the East and the Children and the Demon tell him that it is difficult to climb the Qingshan Mountain.

At this moment, the pressure to resist, as if carrying a mountain, is simply impossible.

Xu Feng's speed has become slow, the whole body's spiritual power, but the crazy flow, the speed of operation, is more than ten times faster than ordinary practice.

In the past, one minute and one second, Xu Feng never stepped back, but the body was gradually wrapped in spiritual power.

"Small younger brother, is this going to break through the six souls of life?"

The enchantress has big eyes.


Qu Yuming couldn't help but spit out two words.

(End of this chapter)

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