The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3874: The meeting of the cloud

Chapter 3874, Cloud Meetup

It’s also awkward to see the difference between the east and the east.

Who can think that Xu Feng can break through at this time.

You know, climbing Aoyama is for many people.

This test is very difficult.

Many people's hearts are unable to pass the test.

However, Xu Feng was actually in the process of climbing the green hills.

I chose to practice.

This is simply unbelievable.


Xu Feng also took a surprise.

He was seriously injured by Xin Tianyin in the Tibetan Buddhist pagoda.

Caused almost death.

Finally, in the process of refining the Tibetan **** pagoda.

It absorbs a lot of spiritual power from the Tibetan gods.

His injury has not only recovered, but also has been further improved.

Reach the five peaks of the soul.

Today, climbing the green hills, feeling the huge pressure.

Make his meridians more smooth.

Coupled with his cultivation as the foundation, this is very solid.

In this way, the water will be able to break through.

Above the double soul, the halo emerges.

Six strong halos, constantly spreading.

Xu Feng only felt that the whole body was magnificent.

Among the eyes, it is shining.

Immediately, look up and look at the top of Castle Peak.

The pace has become more determined.

With a strong pressure, oppression comes.

He can still do it and take it easy.

The speed is not urgent or slow.

However, on the way to climbing Qingshan, there are still illusions.

However, Xu Feng's mood is extremely firm.

Those illusions have no effect on him at all.

that's it.

Xu Feng did not meet too many difficulties.

Just went to climb the green hills.

Come to the top of Castle Peak.

Among his eyes, there is a strong glow.

Looking around, it just overlooks the entire Purple Pavilion.

It is extremely shocking and spectacular.

"Little brother, congratulations, repair to a higher level."

The singer came forward and smiled.

There is a mixture of looks, all of them are charming.

Qu Yuming also smiled on his face and said: "Little teacher, your talent is really abnormal."


Xu Feng is very calm and has no pride.

For Xu Feng, the road to go is still very long.

Going east, he walked up and smiled. "Little brother, take you to see the mountain owner. He has been waiting for you for a long time."

The mountain owner of Qingshan is the Yunzizi. He used to be the dean of Qingshanyuan. Later, in a rage, he disbanded Qingshanyuan.

Qingshan is independent of the Purple Pavilion.

Then, Yun Yunzi recruited disciples, very casual.

Over the past few decades, above the green hills.

Together with Xu Feng, there are only nine people.

However, the disciples above Qingshan are called by the brothers and sisters.

Of course, the cloud does not seem to want to recruit them as disciples.

Above the green hills, everything depends on oneself.

Clouds will hardly interfere, you go to do anything.

Therefore, the disciples of the entire Qingshan Mountain, called the Yunzizi, are all called by the mountain master.

Xu Feng followed the east, about ten minutes, came to a secluded yard.

I saw, in front of the yard, sitting on a small, gray-haired old man, with a deep gaze in his eyes.

Looking at Xu Feng's arrival, he looked up and looked at Xu Feng and nodded slightly.

"The disciple meets the mountain owner!"

Three people, such as the East River, were brushed and greeted by the clouds.

The cloud waved his hand and looked calm. He looked at Xu Feng: "Going out before the East Stream, I came back and told me that it seems that your talents and abilities seem to be more powerful than those described by Dongliu."

"The mountain master praises!"

Xu Feng said to the cloud.

"You don't have to be humble!"

What a vision of the cloud, naturally can be seen, Xu Feng is not simple, talent is also unusual.

"Any top five geniuses, future achievements are limitless, and you have confidence in capital."

The cloud did not say that Xu Feng was proud.

Naturally, Xu Feng does not have any pride.

Some are self-confident.

"After you are a disciple of Castle Peak, you can rest assured that the Qingshan disciples are not so much rules."

"I don't like this kind of thing very much. On the green hill, what do you want to do, it is your business."

"If you want to cultivate resources, all the places where Zige is open to other disciples are open to the disciples of Castle Peak. No one dares to stop you."

The words of the cloud are ringing, and the words are full of confidence.

If you are not strong enough, you can't say such words.

It is completely ignoring the entire Purple Pavilion.

"As for the rest, you slowly ask your brothers and sisters, I don't have to tell you more."

Clouds don't want to say more.

"Thank you for the mountain!"

Xu Feng actually likes the situation like Qingshan, free and comfortable, not so many constraints.

The cloud took out a piece of quaint bamboo slip and handed it to Xu Feng. "This bamboo slip is what I once searched for a monument. I haven't researched too many things for many years. I only know that it is a very Awesome knife."

"I told you before Dongliu, saying that your knife is very strong. This bamboo slip was given to him before, and he did not study anything. However, with my intuition, I can judge it. This bamboo slip is definitely not a common treasure. ""

Xu Feng looked at the bamboo slips that Yun Yunzi handed over, and took the bamboo slips with both hands: "Thank you for the mountain!"

"Just be a meeting for you. If you study it, you don't have to give it back to me. If you can't study it, you can give it to me in the future, and it is wasteful to put it on you anyway."

The words of the cloud are incomparably direct.

Xu Feng is calm inside.

People like Yunzizi will never have any bad thoughts.

Zheng Junzhi is not the same.

The surface is bright and bright, like a gentleman.

However, what is in the back.

I am afraid no one knows.

"If there is nothing, go on!"

Yun Zhenzi said to Xu Feng and others.

"Disciples and others retire."

After the eastward flow to the cloud, he left the yard.

The cloud looked at Xu Feng's back.

The eyes blinked slightly.

"A very strong talent, not three years, must be the territory of the North King."

The clouds snarled.

If you let the senior staff of Zige know.

The super strong man who once was named the Northern Territory of the Earth.

Actually, I spoke with a five-fold youth.

I don't know if I will be shocked.

Xu Feng and Dong Dongliu, three people, walked out of the yard.

"Little teacher, what kind of courtyard do you want, you can pick it at the top of Castle Peak."

The east of the stream is with Xu Feng, and the area is quite vast.

The courtyard above the entire green hills is quiet and full of spiritual power.

Under the green hills, I am afraid that there are no less than three spirits, otherwise it is impossible to have such a strong spiritual power.

"Three brothers, I will pick the courtyard in front."

Xu Feng walked and saw a place of bamboo forest.

The number of courtyards is not very large.

Sparse and sparse.

"Are you sure you want to choose this yard?"

The depths of the east flow are deep, with a touch of shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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